Ashkenazi jews aren't whit-

>Ashkenazi jews aren't whit-

Who started this meme? I'm clearly European and not middle eastern. Deal with it stormfags.

you have an incredibly punchable face you insufferable kike mutt

racist cunt

t. juan martinez guerrero

Anti-semitism is most prominent among the brown and dark races.

whiter than you, schlomo

I'll have you know that our mexican (south-west caucasoid) brothers are undeniably white, and will be granted fellow amnesty and patronage after the day of the rope concludes

You are not white.

kikes probably have the purist blood line of any human species


not in america

>Ashkenazi Jews are just European LARPers and have no claim to the land of Israel! They are uprooting the real native palestinians and are the new nazis!

5 minutes later on Sup Forums

>Jews are middle eastern immigrants and have no place in Europe and need to go back to where they came from, I hate Jews in the west so god damn much.

Which is it Muhammed?

there aren't even 100% ashkenazis and that ethnic group is comprised of mutts to begin with

Intriguing how ashkenazi have middle eastern features yet very light skin.

If you have to say you're white you're not white

fuck, there goes that

ashkenazi must go back to khazaria


It's true. According to genetic studies all ashkenazi are at least 3-5 cousins.

do a 23andme and tell me if your genetics isn't closer with sandniggers than any ethnicity in the world

You aren't white nor would I even call you sicillian, Georgian maybe.

You can clearly see the racial difference between a European and an asian.

This illustrates what is very common sense, you can never confuse a European for an Asian.

Asians look like rats.

imagine actually thinking nazi propaganda was the truth lmao

You look like an Arab, 0% European.

>brown eyes
gets me every time
the absolute state of yanks

So then you are a Zionist then, right friend? Since the Jews are originally a middle eastern people are are from Judea.


No one has a right to anything.

You have the ability to go to Israel, if you can.

So whites don't have the right to a homeland? When are you going back to Europe?

The state of Israel which you support, as you said, it is the home to the Jewish people who are from the middle east. That makes you a Zionist.

I have a right to what I am and can.

Ashkenazi Jews are closest to Italians so if Italians aren't white, how can a mix of Italians and Jews be white?

I do not believe in any intrinsic right of ownership of land to anyone based on self granted writings, native americans didn't have an intrinsic right to this land, if israel exists then you have the ability to go there.

So if niggers take your mom by force and you defend her they weren't in the wrong because its might that makes right?

Israelis took Israel, so therefore its belongs to Jews. Glad to see so many zionists among the altright community :)

They have no right to her and so I do what I can to rescue her.

Israel exists so you have the ability to go there, yes.

You also have no right to protect her though, right? You're moral equals to the nigger rapists.

Shalom my Zionist brother. We need more supporters of the Jewish state like yourself.

Americans aren't white sweetie. You aren't white

I have what I can to do what I want.

If Ashkenazis are European then you should be campaigning for your brothers to leave Israel and give it back to the Semites.