You'll get your rent went you fix this damn door, you fucking worthless slav piece of shit!

>you'll get your rent went you fix this damn door, you fucking worthless slav piece of shit!

The Extended Edition really showed Raimi's true vision, Im glad I was able to get a copy off eBay.

>Man of Spiders, I...
Damn, can't even bring myself to post his full response. I get what Raimi was trying to accomplish, but to this day I find it somewhat problematic.

>gets a black suit
>instantly becomes aggressive and violent
Was it intentional?

The 20-minute flashback to Ditkovich's time in the army where he burned villages, raped women, and beheaded children dragged on a bit too much, but I understand Raimi had a clear vision in mind when he made this film.


Dead memes gen

I like how young Norman Osborn is in the background egging Ditkovich on. Really gave me subtle insight into the Green Goblin.

The whole scène where Parker reminded Ditkovitch of the screbrenica massacre was just outright disgusting... I swear I saw some chunks of brain hitting the camera. Worst part is he used REAL yugoslav war footage.
That scene dragged on for way too long

>Sam Raimi is a nasty and vile bigot. He is the Adolf Hitler of cinema.
-Roger Ebert


wtf? i love spics now

Seems like he didn't figure out his vision of the film until they were already making it, there are a few deleted scenes that leaked on youtube that don't really fit the end product or any of the extended cuts. For example the scene where MJ gets drunk and passes out, only for Peter to force himself into her uncontious ass while whispering about Jewish tricks.

>insulting Slavs
Nah m8, you don't want to do that.
Bad things will happen to when you are sleeping.

>that scene where Peter comes home to find Ditkovich sitting on his bed, not saying anything
>he left behind a week's worth of surreptitiously taken polaroids of May and MJ with "Rent?" written on each of them

Goddamn he was unsettling

>He is the Adolf Hitler of cinema.
Wouldn't that be Goebbels?



>Now it's six million and one

Who was better?

>Have a redhead character
>hire a redhead actress
>give her a blonde wig

>few deleted scenes that leaked on youtube

you got a link? ;^^)))

>shit vs crap

>hair color is casting
Complete nonsense, this meme needs to die.

>he still uses eBay.

the non-frog

That's not even what I was implying. Why make a redhead character blond if your actress is a redhead?

why does Sup Forums hate kirsten? She's pretty

It's tough to find this film these days. Most places like Amazon refuse to carry it.

Stone looks like a fucking cat holy shit

Yeah, pretty UGLY

>Why make a redhead character blond
Gwen Stacy isn't Mary Jane, are you saying you thought they were?


Best Emma, duh.