'I caught the coon'

>'I caught the coon'

What did he mean by this?

I laughed quite hard.


This thread isn't about Bane, get out!

>"You're a big thieving subhuman shitskin nigger"

Wow Hardy, bit much eh?

For you.


He said cunt.
Ask your mother what it means.

jesus christ raimi

Hello hothead

was getting caught part of his plan ?

>That scene where it flashed back to the Landlord during WW2

Still scares me.

>be bisexual performance artist
>believe you're an actual super fucking hero

Sit down, Tom

>*grabs thief by the moped*
>I have a use for you

>it's a Baneposting meets Raimiposting episode



Now is not the time to go mobile...that comes later.

I thought he said cunt instead.

>moot's ancestor on the left


mhmmmm......company man....or crown?

>be very careful now...
>I have a use for you
>*tips karambit knife*

How bout YOU get out, hothead.

>getting caught by the big guy in charge after crashing the moped

Was getting caught part of his plan?

Is this guy still relevant? He was in every movie but now he's gone

I would steal a moped and let myself get caught if it meant being grabbed by big guy

he meant coont

>Nice run faggot, did your fudge packing husband teach you how to mince

Jesus Tom just catching him would have been enough. No need to give a detailed denial of the holocaust to the police as well.

>tfw one of the only Oldfags left who remembers when Moot bragged about his Grandfather being in the Ustaše
>tfw Chris Poole is actually Chris Poolenovica if we go by old names.

>mmmhmmm I caught the cracker
>*african ritual dance*

heyy i live near here wtf

He had the powder

*grabs your liquor*

This. Is. Mine.

*pours half of liquor on floor*

HmmmHmHmmmMmmm Yours.

*covers face in powder and rambles in swahili*

MmhMmhmhMhmhmmmMmmm Nootka.

*fucks sister via spiritual animal nonsense*

*cuts mans throat open seven ways from sunday and in seven different ways*


jebo mu sve, nemoze ovako da nastavi desu

How many coons have you caught, hot head?

Uskoro sve Sup Forums će znati istinu

Osveta za Jasenovac

srbija je slaba meme da budem desu
>vucic pobjedio
sta su oni mislili?

>tfw not even from the Balkans and American

Ono što nije u redu sa Vučićem? Također odakle si? Bosanski?

>tfw not even from the Balkans and American
Don't know what you mean.

Sto nije u redu? Ono da ako se nije glasalo za njegovu partiju onda izgubis posao, a oni cuvaju pedeset posto od posla ili tako nesto. Zajebano jel ne?
>Također odakle si? Bosanski?
Roditelji su. Ja sam u Skandinaviju.

>Don't know what you mean.

I mean I literally do not speak your language, nor am descended from Balkans. I've been google translating the entire time. Patches are real tho.

Oh really? I couldn't tell, mine is just because I speak the language, never actually learned how to spell and read, just know some. Do it on gefühl as they say here.

Also are the patches genuine or just some serbia-boo copies from some American-Serbs?

Sounds like something Bronson would do.

Genuine, used. I also have a Garda Panteri one. Which looks like pic related (not my picture)

Ew wanna fack wit the lightnin ew will get ta thunder ew cumskinned fagtag

From like a yard sale or did you know the people selling it? Or just off ebay?

Know the people selling it.

I smell a nigger

So he's a mysogynist.

Are they part of the Serbian mafia in the US?

>Chris Poolenovica

The name of a queer

No, but I'm sure he knows someone in the Serbian Mafia.


>Can't take a joke
>Can't link to other boards
>/threading yourself
Either masterful bait or you're the dumbest R*dditor going.

Stand up, Tom
>I am stood up
oh... uh

Why do they censor the word coon, americans?

slang for nigger

>You've had a fall. You probably don't remember who you are, so let me remind you. You've been following me, haven't you? Are you King, or are you Company? It doesn't matter. Now there is nothing up that road apart from death, and anybody like you. So you run along and tell your friends how you almost lost your heart.

But why do they CENSOR it?

zagreb nam je daleko

Beograd do Zagreb


sarajevo još dalje