So what is his plan to save the world?

So what is his plan to save the world?

Other urls found in this thread:

Triggering conservatives

>Trigger Sup Forums and cause mass aneurysms in all the shitposters
>Next day the Internet and the world is a better place

triggering altright kids so they're too distracted to vote trump in again

>brainwash redditors into believing everything on tv is the truth
>be on tv
>eventually eradicate humanity, the scourge of the world

just kidding lmao xd he isn't even smart enough to funpost let alone do what I described

wrong reddit screencap

I wasn't aware Netflix was doing PR work here.

I'm assuming it's Netflix PR at least, because no actual consumer could watch the abortion Nye just shat-out onto Netflix and think "This is quality and informative entertainment that is also factually correct".

Calling it now: This man is a pedophile. I don't have any evidence, he just has that skin-crawling "something is wrong here" vibe about him. Like Jimmy Savile

Everyone have gay orgies.




>no actual consumer could watch the abortion Nye just shat-out onto Netflix and think "This is quality and informative entertainment that is also factually correct".

You really overestimate the collective intelligence of Netflix.

People will think it's quality infotainment because they believe that, since Bill Nye is saying it -- though he's not a scientist by any stretch -- it must be worthwhile information AND because he's saying it, it's therefore true.

Killing white people

All this non-stop right wing whining actually made me watch the show. Nice work, Sup Forums, would have never otherwise bothered since I never grew up with Bill Nye

You're certainly not proving him wrong.

Why is it the yuppie metros on reddit are always ragging on people "never learning a skill" when most of the time the "skills" they think set them so far apart are typically within already top-heavy STEM fields? People like them are a dime a dozen, and they'll be fighting tooth and nail for a job/job security for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile not everyone is trying to be a cop.

>liberal contrarian
>"since I never grew up with Bill Nye"
We have one of a few options here:

1. grew up in a third-world country
2. underaged
3. deprived american education
4. One or More of the Above
which one do you identify™ as?

by killing every climate dogma denier via second hand embarrasment

Is this you?


It probably is.

>Why is it the yuppie metros on reddit are always ragging on people "never learning a skill" when most of the time the "skills" they think set them so far apart are typically within already top-heavy STEM fields?

A smug sense of superiority.

Also they are STEM-cucks on a best-case-basis.
Many of them have completely worthless degrees like "History" or "Anthropology", or even worse have less-than-worthless degrees like "Combatting Sexism Through Interpretive Dance".

The irony about yuppie libcucks is that they are the ones constantly voting against their self-interests, not the "rednecks" they claim to hate.
When they vote to allow more mass-immigration and H1B abuse, it's their jobs the Pajeets take. When they vote for higher taxes, they end up paying the most while not receiving any real benefits due to not being poor enough. When they promote BLM shit, they're the ones that get their faces or their property smashed with hammers when the chimp-out happens.

There's a reason we call them "cucks".

>have some american curryboy make fun of american white people
>ice cream analogy for sexuality
>shitty vagina song
He's certainly not saving quality TV, thats for sure.

Can't wait for the next episode that says we should play video games all day and let robots do all the work.

>Bill Nye pozzes the world

>deprived american education
Not him, but is that the american education at work right there?

Not him, but I didn't grow up with Bill Nye either.
I didn't give a fuck about some science guy who was a shitty knockoff of Mr. Wizard.

>have some american curryboy make fun of american white people
That guy was Apu Apustaja to Asiz Ansari's Pepe

The amount of asspain this man has caused for /poltv/ today is astounding.

Given how much Sup Forums seems to hate Netflix, people sure do obsess and rage over its original programming.

I shrugged when people cancelled netflix because of Dear White People, but in hindsight they knew the score. It doesn't feel right knowing that each month these fuckers get $10 from me to make total shit like Bill Nye, 13 Reasons, Stranger Things, Amy Schumer's Brapppfest, Louis CK., etc.

is Bill Nye a tranny?

That's not the right word for how it feels to be proven totally right about (((Bill Nye))), (((Science))), and the (((Entertainment Industry))).

Imagine how you'd feel if a tape of Putin and Trump making nigger jokes and discussing how to rig the election were released. ITwouldn't be asspain, it would be "aha, I was right and now it's even more clear to everyone how right I am"

idk but seeing leftists use "triggered" and "lol u need a safespace altright snowflakes??" is just painfully ironic and cringeworthy