/pol btfo

yo /pol, can you please stop posting degeneracy?
I'm tired of this board being flooded by trap waifus and fucking ponies.
Praising kek is one thing but bashing libshit degenerates while pushing degenerate agendas is a whole new level of hypocrisy.

>much culture is important
>Fuck Sup Forums culture
Are you retarded ? This site was anime forum, waifus belong here.

is posting women with dicks that arent animated a part of your culture?
wew slovakia...

Sup Forums is degenerate

It's time to grow up

OP trying to purify Sup Forums is a fools game. Instead it's you who should reject it entirely and move on to better places.

Leave the Internet as much as possible and take action in your community

Even if people were banned from posting that shit you now realize even the ''moral'' posters here are probably still doing it in private. And you will think of tbis when you read every post and start to distrust the authenticity of any of it.

Thus you should realize internet anonymity and Sup Forums is inherently degenerate and promotes this kind of deviant behavior.

The Internet should never have been anonymous. Real identity is natural. Hiding is for degenerates

>Instead it's you who should reject it entirely and move on to better places

Who are you to say such things ? Burger.
Lurk more, you will find out why we post traps

Are you shill from kaspersky ?

Do you EVER just take a step back and realize why normal healthy people find Sup Forums disgusting? That maybe ''normies'' are happier and healthier and less degenerate than you and you're actuallt far worse in every way thus to try to justify it with your super secret special chan culture?

That's literally a Jewish attitude. Hating the norm and always seeking to subvert it because you take pride in being the outsider. Sup Forums are the bad guys. Even worse than the bluepilled normies.

I know this hurts but it's the hard truth that Sup Forums will never understand.

No I just grew an ounce of self awareness after getting a job and a week or two away from this shithole

>normal healthy people
I stopped reading right there.
You mean these emotionally weak fucks ? like pic related ?
You can go back to roddot or jewbook if you hate it here so much, we wont miss you.
> getting a job
In kasperskyy ?

Bet you secretly jerk off to traps yourself op

I'm sure you do it openly and are proud of it.

>Doesn't understand the Tao
>Doesn't understand contrast
for winners there must be losers
for good there must be bad

The freedom to post degeneracy is what allows posts of true insight
shitposting is a filtration or vetting system for the community
without it we become grey tastless paste

That's literally how kaballistic kikes think.

They think they can usher in the Jewish messiah by doing enough evil thst the good counteracts it.

Moral relativity is the ultimate degeneracy and Sup Forums wallows in it. Even those who claim to be moral still hide their shameful behaviors.

If they were that moral they'd leave.

>If they were that moral they'd leave.
Then leave

theres nothing actually wrong with degeneracy as long as its for white males

Being traditional and moral is boring. Its bland. It will always be uncool. The real good guys don't need to be cool.

Sup Forums never seems to get this.

They want to pretend to be righteous but also enjoy the same hedonistic 'excitement' as libtards.

The Amish are doing more to fight degeneracy than anyone who has touched this website

>arguing against censorship
>kabbalistic kike
pick one
protip: only faggots use the term kabbalistic
protip2: spell correctly when insulting somone

JIDF please go.

(((moot))) was one of you.

Jews fought to destroy obscenity laws so they could spread porn everywhere. Sup Forums is just part of the same agenda.

Theu HATE censorship and actually thrive on giving you the ''freedom'' to be enslaved to products and vices.

The biggest shills on Sup Forums are those who shill FOR Sup Forums. They're like crabs trying to drag you back into the bucket.

you can leave any time

Says kaspersky shill

Indicative of low testosterone.

I bet that blacked's biggest demographic is a white male.

I already blocked it on my PC.

Now i just come in now
and then to try and get the message out to anyone who might question Sup Forums. But it tends to fall on deaf ears because the brainwash is particularly insidious

The most effective shill technique bar none is to call others shills.

Yep. Sup Forums is a place for the weakest most pathetic scum. It's spiritually damaging

who else would be interested in that?

so Jews do argue against censorship?
obscenity laws are not the same as censorship

>what is considered porn

I am as anti-disney as you can be
I do see how degeneracy is leaking into our mainstream media
the difference when degeneracy is presented in the media it isnt called degenerate
but porn is explicitly labelled as pornographic, in all other cases

>so jews hate censorship but censor any "anti-semites" on jewbook
you're really winning me over oliver

aren't you calling me a shill?

>the most effective shill technique is to call others shill

you aren't a shill

pic related

Jews normalized porn via the Internet.

They dismantled censorship to ensure every child would have it on tap snd be able to easily avoid parental control.

Jews only censor when it benefits them. But these days it's more effect to control people with their own desires.

In fact the whole ''internet freedom'' mocement is literally led by Jews. See Stallman. He supports gay rights and even pedos. It ks a cold fact that in the 60s sexual revolution Jews were AGAINST censorship.

It also provides convenient blackmail for political opposition. Not lile the government can't track you here or on TOR anyway

OP have you read any of my posts?

You won't be able to change Sup Forums. It is inherently degenerate and founded by a Jew. Consider outgrowing it and moving on.

I have and I guess you are right, at one point I'll move on to something more productive.

Glad one person got the message.

Sup Forums is a really deep brainwashing tool and people don't realize they're being progeammed by it.

You are NOT here forever.

fetishes reflect social taboos, the jew wants dysgenic racemixing to be normal not porn. the people you have to look out for are the ones who say niggers are equals

>what is free choice

dude I know what you are saying
but if you look at porn and ruin your life thats your choice/fault

and if censorship was more widespread,
wouldn't the jews move to censor the sources of information you are using as anti-jew rhetoric?

so hasn't a lack of censorship allowed you to argue for more censorship?

>did you go to public school by chance?

>>its your fault for being hooked on crack at age 8 and it was considered healthy by your parents and teachers and every authority figure

Lolbertarian pls go

You just need to sharpen your mental sword
Sup Forums is dungeon level grinding

>eventually you understand love is a wavelength
>eventually you go outside, and are truly grateful for the pure love that is raw nature and the extensiveness of our universe

I came on /pol to ask if kek was a creation of the true god Suzumiya Haruhi.

If censorship was still used like it was in the earlt 20th century the Jews would have no power in the first place.

Censorship is a tool. The kikes use it for evil and convinxed us we cannot use it for good.

>what is strawman?

its not libertarian rhetoric
its responsibility
its karma

Except Sup Forums is a dungeon that keeps spawning fake treasure to lure you back in and make you hate the outside world.

Praise her
>Stop calling me shill
Proceed to post kaspersky shilling.
If you arent shill why are you even here ?
As I already said
>Much culture
>Fuck your culture
You can go to roddot if you dont like it here
This so called "degeneracy" belong here newfrined.

>I already blocked it
Why are you here? This is the gayest fucking thread I've ever seen on this board, and I've seen actual bear-on-bear porn here.

The western world is burning, user, what do you want us to do?

One day you'll grow up and realize some common sense.

Maybe it will be when or if you have children and they start talking about cuckolding and hentai to you

It does belong here. Sup Forums is a degenerate website.

Im saying that exactly. People should outgrow this place and leave or else they have no right to complain about degeneracy

gas the kikes race war now?

its still your fault for not recognizing the illusion,
especially after you have been tricked
>what is experience
>what is wisdom
Sorry I keep responding to this guy
but I can't lose an agrument with the consensus of higher state censorship

>You mean these emotionally weak fucks ? like pic related ?
>there is no middle ground between sjw and Sup Forumstards
Fucking slovakian retards

Trump image proves you're a subtle shill.

>This place is degeneracy
>Only degenerates are here
>You have to leave
>Like I did
>But I am still shitposting here
>even tho I am not degenerate anymore
>Yet I am still on degenerate website
>And I am not kaspersky shill at all.
We live in world of extremes user.

>if you kill the enemy the win

uh oh what do we do?

Higher state censorship is a must if we actuallt had a conservative traditional state.

It's only a bad thing because of how it's used now.

If it was genuinely used to keep filth away from children and enforce standards of decency (keep in mind this was done less than 100 years ago to curtail Hollywood with the hays code) it would be good .

I don't know why you are so steadfast in this accusation.
I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of listening

we have failed as a western civilization to our own inherent vices

> rome
> "The Fate of Empires"
> Yuri

The kikes own our fucking country. Hell, they own the EU, politically. Women want to get gangraped by refugees and are high on their feminist/bad bitch/empowerment crack. Unless far right extremists are packing something incredible, it's already game over, I think.

>hurr make children
Your children will get raped anyway. It's irresponsible to bring innocent souls in this nightmarish world.

You are litteraly kaspersky shill, fuck off with your internet passports, all the terms you use are subjective, they have no value at all.


Freedom of speech is a very recent thing and not a cornerstone of western civilization. Arguably the West was already dying by 1789 With the french revolution.

Honestly I'd much rather the Internet just cease to exist entirely than any sort of ID system .

Then why are you using it ?
Are you fishing or shilling ?

I want to know about happenings

I want to know about Trump OC

I want to answer anons who are asking legit questions

The problem with flooding this board with degeneracy is that ultimately, degeneracy is bad for you.

to paraphrase Nietzche: "he who looks long into degeneracy, degeneracy looks long into him"

I like that this board isn't an SJW censorship party like the rest of the internet. It's disappointing, however, that there is so much blacked content and other garbage.

he comes on here a lot saying the same things, hes admitted he just has no self control and wants someone to keep him away from the internet.

absolute worst kind of person imo, ruins everything for everyone because of a personal fault

You're the guy who said BLACKED porn is fine as long as white males consume it.

Are you one of them?

I know, Ive seen him many times, He is real shill or just really dedicated fisher

ban eastern europeans from going west. This will solve our own demographic crisis and stop the spread of degeneracy. Send your young ones here to help us rebuild after communism before we get overrun by libshits.
Eurogibs will do fine too, sad but true.

You are the one who want internet to be gone yet you proceed to using it, jokes one you.

its really not a problem until people try to politicize and normalize it like jews are doing with faggotry and tranny shit

*Yet you proceed to use it, jokes on you.
I cant even speak English anymore.

freedom of speech is recent because it is the apex of western progress in government and society.

>watch this guy switch to talking about automatic weapons bans

dude I hope you're new at your job or something,
cause you're obviously not able to make a convincing argument.
I never had to counter any of your facts, you should be winning

I'd say 8cchon pol because its a SFW board but recently they've become JIDF with their moderation and they're even more obsessed with Milo Fagfopolis than here.

And Sup Forums hasnt served to normalize Cuckoldry by pushing the cuck meme all over and making millions of people find out avout it when they wouldn't have even known before?

>>Destroying the monarchy was the apex of western civilization

Get a load of this freemason

i really doubt it

I am going to ask again, why are you still here

So we have been going down hill since destroying the monarchy?

I will agree that it was a turning moment for the best
but you are incorrect
western culture didn't stop there

I don't understand how you connect freedom of expression with the fall of western society

I do not see the trends as correlating on a macro scale, there are too many variables to put a direct link between freedom of speech and western decline
>inb4 jews

No need to fight Ahmed and Sergei, bulgarian trap here, ama

Freedom of expression alone wasn't the end of the West. Because people still had Christianity and strict morals. Even up to the 50s though porn was banned and not considered freedom of speech so please shut up if you believe it is .

1-9 god doesn't exist.

Post pic and timestamp or gtfo.
How did you get into it BTW?

Again everyone knows that porn is bad for you and made by the jews.

What you are saying conflicts with the law of free will
>what is good without the choice of evil?

>pornography does not conflict with my free will
>protecting individual free will is the social extent of government
>government has no role in the above situation

thats fucking it, I don't know what you do not understand
if you are a child and you need mommy to slap your wrist when you are about to do something bad then live with your parents, or England

I guess he doesn't
Christcucks btfo
>OP doesn't know Jesus is a meme

People in the ''prosperous'' ers in america who knew porn was bad had no problem with Banning it while still supporting freedom of speech.

The Jews convinced you that porn is free speech

You sound like a triggered libertarian .

free speech is everything
The argument you're getting around to is, "is porn art"
and technically it is/ unless you really want to have that argument to which you will lose

then is art covered under free speech?
should we ban hate speech?
should we ban things seen as offensive?
should we ban things seen as degenerate?

these things need to be conversed on an individual basis due to individuals morals

if there is a problem in the US it is obviously education
with that fixed, all your petty arguments are invalid

maybe just like a regular libertarian
I do not really know how I sound triggered

you are just dense