Japan needs immigrants

>IMF says Japanese economy will collapse without immigrants
>World bank says Japanese economy and welfare system will collapse without immigrants
>United nations says Japan need to accept 17000000 immigrants to maintain its works
>Japanese economists say Japan need immigrants to maintain competitive power

Okay, Sup Forums I am pro-immigrant now

wtf i hate japan now

> World banks
You're being Jewed Japan.

you posted the same thread less than 4h ago, fuck off you damn cuck, I hope your gf gets raped by some roach refugee, they're fleeing en masse after the coup.

This is great. My brother wants to move to Japan. He's black. Last time he visited he said people kept touching his hair and his butt for some reason.


epic joke

your mother, sister or aunts, I hope they get gangbanged by arab cock.

>17 gorillion
Nice one man

who cares

I hate this land and people

also I will gain economical profit that is more important than my family

>IMF are actually a bunch of weebs that want to move to Japan

>replying to a notorious proxy shitposter
You're being trolled newfag.
Stop responding to this faggots threads then you idiot. He's an American with a proxy.

you need immigrants because you're not having enough babbies
you're not having enough babbies because you're godless savages

FACT: if you'd adopt a real religion like Christianity, you'd have more babbies. there is a universal correlation between religiosity and birthrates.

parents who worship once a week produce on average 2.5 children.
whereas parents who do not worship at all produce 1.7 children.
for a population to remain stable every family is expected to produce 2 children on average, one to replace the mother, one to replace the father.


proxy has Japanese passport.

Please explain this.

You're just delaying the inevitable. Let your economy crash and lose a few million people, your capital was a depressing ditch last time I visited.

IMF offers some of the same purple Koolaid to Japan that Killed the EU. Instead, it is better and cheaper to incentivise Native population growth (Yeah, fucking). Stay homogeneous japbros, and stop fucking your pillows!

Korean scum detected


if I were "korean", I would not have Japan's passport.

You are an idiot.

Kek. After over a year of shitposting you finally manage to get a hold of a picture of a Jap passport? Too bad you've never been able to produce even a simple picture of the street where you live or anything that would actually prove you're in Japan.

wtf I'm a #SandniggerMissile now

okay. Is that your excuse?

If you want immigrants, you might as well say good bye to the majority of culture or tradition.
It is true that not many Japanese children are being born, right?
Immigrants will naturally use their native language, and probably teach their children that language.
Teach them their previous nation's culture. Might not even learn yours. Some people might take the effort to assimilate, but it is likely most will try to stay separate, and grow larger their selective exclusive communities.
So much could derail your nation with outside influences filling the inside. You might consider this radical thinking, that it is wrong and immoral, but when people are out breeding, or inter-breeding with the old inhabitants, what do you think will happen to the nation's culture?

>Implying I miss Japanese culture and tradition
>implying I do not intend to destroy it


I am creator of new era. fuck outdated culture and tradition.

It's all because of the declining birth rate. Have more kids and you won't need to import people to do the work for you.

>japs need immigrants
I just want a reason to post this pic

>I hate this land and people
Why is that?

Let in only white gaijinz

> Falling for Jew lies

You need to lurk more Japan.

why not?

Also you ain't going to get many immigrants since the majority of the world thinks Japan hates all things foreign.

I'll immigrate if you let me have a cute gf and some anime BDs.

It's fine if all of them will be citizens of EU.
But i think they want you to be tolerant and feed you mudslim shit like they are doing it to us .
I would have gladly immigrated there if i would earn there like 2000$+ monthly

Japan should just let in some fellow Asians who will assimilate well into the Japanese culture.

I'm talking about Chinese and Korean people.

Make them learn the language before they get citizenship.

sorry. life in Japan is better than africa and most of middle east.

I am pretty sure that these people will come to this land


That dude is a troll, why do you feed him?

Why would you want niggers and muslims to swarm your country? We have this in Europe and it's destroying us.

they already do. most of the immigrants here are Chinese or Koreans and have integrated pretty well

we need various culture and Japanese people will realize that their "culture", "tradition" and "custom" are outdated.

We have this Jew who works for our State media

Sometime during the last 6 months he was in Japan interviewing the local population, asking them how they feel about Japan only accepting a total of 27 immigrants from Syria.

All of his questions were suggestive and made the Beta Japanese feel ashamed.
It was basically peer pressure to make them feel guilty on our national TV.

>I feel bad about this
>I think Japan should accept more immigrants
>I didn't know that, only 27? wow

senpai, prease ret me come to your beautifur country. your women are rovery and i want to find me a qt3.14 nippon girfriend

> Okay, Sup Forums I am pro-immigrant now
I hope you enjoy your murder and rape stats fucking skyrocketing

>Your brother
that means you are black

let me in, let me wife a qt jap girl

>niggers and muslims

stop being racist

every people have its culture

No, you're a fucking faggot who needs to kill himself already.

After years of fantasising rape by ugly, dysmorphic evil creatures, it seems Japanese women are finally getting their wish.

Soros will be pleased, he can throw the niggers in your direction now aswell

> Sweden

That is the stupidest thing anyone has ever said :D

Animal also have its culture
Plants also have its culture
Will you kill yourself in order to preserve their culture?

Fuck off shill.


He is god-tier bussiness manl

I wish I were smart like glorious soros.

You might not need to be proud of the nation you live in, but you cannot ignore a nation's achievements, and struggles in which brought it to where it is today.
Everyone has unique culture, and although some cultures might be more attractive to other peoples' views, it is hard to reject the ideals you were born under.

Culture is an identity that connects people together, allows them to share experiences, to continue the lives that have led to yours.
It may not matter to most, but deep down there is an awesome story to tell, and a story that most would be proud to be a part of.

You might not want the Japanese way of life to continue, but others will. People will share their way of life, some might even reject others, even if the way they life currently might not be "progressive enough."
Of course, most likely Weeaboos will keep it alive if you want immigrants so bad. Enjoy their stay.



American culture is #1 and We lose WW2.

Japanese should understand that Japanese culture is shit. then We can make it better.

This country, history, culture society, and etc everything is shit.

I will impose my opinion on them because I can gain profit from multiculturalism

Why am I a newfag for saying what I've just said, swecuck?
And why does it even matter if I am?
came here this january
I'm probably pretty new, but why does it matter?
Everybody comes with "NEWFAG GTFO" I mean man you're retarded

>this thread again

Post pic of yourself, proxyfag.


>why not?
Because hatred doesn't exist without some kind of catalyst. What's wrong with Japan or its people?

Weird how my brother has wanted to live there since his adolescence and almost attempted to find employment there during his last visit, but a native hates it? What's to hate?

The only reason I can see myself not liking it is you guys don't seem to have a stoner culture do you guys even smoke pot or eat the acids?


*puff puff*

This is why we are building robots. We don't need more immigrants that won't assimilate and bring barbaric ideas.

Your working ethnics are top tier but your office culture is fucking cancer.

what the fuck i hate english teacheru now

>Japanese economy and welfare system

If you know how the "welfare" system in Japan works, you know they have non

You get only welfare for about 1 year after you are unemployed and then you are fucked. And if you want to work, I hope you have a degree of the Todai, otherwise you are fucked as well.

>It's a "buttblasted Korean shitposts about Japan because his people are soulless pieces of shit" episode
Ok then, """Japanese""" user, I'll bite.


Because you're responding to a notorious shitposter who's been posting this exact same shit for over a year, more or less daily. Do you normally respond to copy pasta as well?

nah, American frontier spirit is much more superior to Japanese "ethnics"

Only accept white immigrants fleeing their countries to escape muzzies. They're all cowardly enough that they won't fight their new Japanese overlords and chances are they've all been neutered too so you don't have to worry about being out bred.

Japan should accept immigrants that will contribute to their society and assimilate into their culture.

They should not accept leeches and rapefugees.

>world bank
Here's your (((you))).


Now I want Japans opinion on this but what if all the white people from Canada, America and Europe beat the brown tide to the punch and immigrant in mass instead?

Would you rather have a bunch of blacks, Muslim rapefugees and shit or productive white people?

Honestly we don't have much to do at times anyways, may as well see how far the posting goes.



I fuckin love this guy. Up top, my yellow friend!

>less citizens

White pig go home

>Abandoning the land your ancestors fought and died to protect
I'll die for this country before I ever entertain the thought of fleeing from it. America is my home. It was my father's home, and his father's before him. If youre such a coward you can't handle a little adversity, then run away. The real Americans will do what we've done for the last 200 years and fight for what we believe in.

>Globalist jew IMF only cares about furthering their economic agenda by destroying entire countries

Whoa color me surprised

I just want to live in a country without blacks and Muslims and I don't want to see Japan flooded with rapefugees. Is that so wrong?

brown pig stay home


Nice bait.

Japans birth rate is rising again and their "birth rate crisis" will be solved by the year 2020 at the current rate.

are you fucking sure these "new born babies" need years to be productive member of society?

Reply to
or fuck off.

You stupid Korean piece of shit.

THIS. Fuck the bankers, do not listen to them, they do not have any country's best interest at heart. In order to set the stage for global gov't, all sovereign nations must be destroyed. It's happening globally. Now.

Jesus, some level-headed high skilled immigration is fine. Jap gov can issue 6 month / 1 year working visas to indians to fill the need for combini workers. There is a low-skilled labour shortage, but it doesn't need a bunch of fucking weeaboos coming in and fucking the whole place up.

Don't worry, i'll be there next year, especially if Clinton wins..

You just need to fuck bitches and make a new and growing generation. Ok Sup Forums im pro fucking japs now.

>western media's been saying Japan is collapsing for 30 years now
>US and Europe go through a major recession
>Nothing changes in Japan
>UK leaves the EU
>gbp collapses
>value of the yen goes up
>americans can't even afford houses
>millennials can't get jobs
>over 97% employment rate in Japan

Man I can't get a job to save my life here in the states. I'd come over and work in a heartbeat.

You don't want Indians, trust me. Singapore has lots of Indian workers and they are filthy, get drunk in the streets, piss in the streets and molest girls all the fucking time. I know cuz I used to live there. Little India was the dirtiest part of the leanest city I have ever lived in.

Please don't come. We're full.

I think it might have to do with the fact that the regular Japanese person has never seen a vagina ,and all the vagians in porn are censored ,so it's plausible that they don't actaully know how to procreate . Did you ever consider that ?

>low IQs breed like rabbits

Tell us something we don't know.

Do you like anime? If so, don't come.

And seriously, you're going to come here and work in a fucking awful part-time job for less than minimum wage, be treated like a fucking shit-tier pleb because you can't even teach English?

The only people who can fill the gaps in the job market are from cuck-tier countries full of poor scrubs trying to find a better standard of living.

It's not a skills shortage, it's a labour shortage. Most of the country holds at least a degree and the major companies that hold the economy up don't need more people. We need more people to be shop and restaurant workers.

Your small towns look kinda empty. I wanna move to the country and farm rice.

Naw man, I want to move to the country and farm rice or open a restaurant or something.

>Do you like anime? If so, don't come.
I love anime, and I'm moving there in 2 months. Except unlike you, I'm not an English """teacher""" so I'm not worried having a shitty life there.

Stop pretending Japan is a horrible place that isn't like anime at all and that living there is horrible, I've spent plenty of time in the country and it's only reaffirmed my decision to live there.