This is the actual state of Sup Forums

This is the actual state of Sup Forums

notice me swaglord


Sup Forums is managed by CIA


>44th street

Dr Pavel

what is happening

>le actual state

A mod admitted he's trying to turn Sup Forums into his own little political play pen on a tabloid operated by Trump's son in law.


A mod is getting a lot of advertiser shekels today

Reddit newshits are finding out that the mod that made it possible for them to come here by turning Sup Forums into Sup Forums 3.0 is also a pro Sup Forumsfag

Go read any of the other threads. The amount of people who don't know who he is should be very worrying about how many new people are actually here

prepare for a new influx of redditors and normies

wtf >we need to do something about this

how many hotpockets can he buy?

remember when trying to turn your moderator status into epeen meant losing your moderator status?

change is scary baby, but it wasn't much better four years earlier

Newfags our are strength

Reddit is a website of peace

I see nothing wrong with this.

ppl think Sup Forums is their secret club

>Sup Forums mod openly admits to leaving up Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums
>hiro does nothing

>defending Jay by playing the oldfag card

Wow, that is almost as embarrassing as actually being Jay Irwin

like i give a fuck. they're doing a shit job of shilling tho like damn every time disney releases anything it's a fucking filterFest to avoid the degeneracy

It used to until you faggots came, why can't you just stay where you belong?

Does this mean that when people are banned they can just send their objections directly to this cuck?

It still amazes me that Sup Forums has such a huge impact on shit, to the point that there are REAL shills here.

I mean, this board is mostly known for shitposting and baneposting, how does this board have power?

The difference between my complaining and yours is that mine are all because he did things to make it possible for cancer like you from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /twitter/ and reddit come here to shit up the board for the last 4 years
You're complaints are because he's pro Sup Forums only

>he's actually jealous of swaglord


"Please contact me about your ban and the latest news"- Jay Irwin

>dat hairline

as a Sup Forumsfag, I see no problem with this

So what if some mods actually are being swayed by some companies to allow mass shilling and advertisement here?


>implying you arent new too

Look at advertising. Have you ever seen a commercial for a product that was so retarded you got irritated or thought, "who would buy that?"

And then you end up buying the stupid chocolate bar a few days later when you get a craving?

Advertising and marketing acts enormously on the subliminal and the subconscious.

>I see no problem with a Jew owning my board
nu-Sup Forums detected

2012 newfags get out

Gotta get them advertising shekels

>I-i am n-not actually a r/theDonald poster, I just don't like mean Sup Forumsartans bullying me

Yeah, I'm sure your opinions on cinematography are insightful and deep, you fucking smooth brained lard

there is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish

It's not that bizzare to think people pay to spread good word about their films and TV shows online.

... it was kinda obvious the site was allowing shilling (for a fee) the moment they removed the ability to report for commerical/advertising/spam

the fuck is gingermod doing?


so the cia wanted trump to be elected even though he's a russian puppet?

Just what I thought. You post bane cancers true nature is always transparent
Even better is you have the gall to pretend you're still Sup Forumsartans when a janitor managed to change your board completely without the help of any mods

Pure authentic Sup Forumseddit sensibilities

things like this...really put the mayo on the fries if you know what i mean...really put the mustard on my hotdog.

what did he mean by this?
why is this happening? what can we do about it? i thought this was a genuine board. i thought i was in charge. what went wrong?

Every fucking time.
Sup Forumsfags are mouth-breathing retards.

What we need is:

1: A total crackdown on all political bullshit, regardless of where it falls on the political spectrum
2. A massive wave of pedo spam (to return the board to its roots)
3. The return of abatap

This will save Sup Forums


what better way to make themselves relevant again?

Sup Forums is doomed. Buried in pedophiles and Sup Forums (who are one in the same) and unfunny memes.

Go to /r/movies if you want film discussion

>invisibro is a drumpfkin

heh figured as much

sometimes i think this board is just shills vs shills at a certain point. i mean i stay here just because of habit I cant imagine anyone new sticking around

you're not wrong

What if Abatap was Chris-chan?

you see putin is actually an american agent who backed trump because the american government is being run by communists

Most newshits here are too new to remember but in the past you could actually report things for advertising and shilling.

post some brap threads xDDDD

I'm probably going to now, honestly. I don't go to reddit at all but f this board is just a place for people to advertise then what's the point of coming here anymore

I can do a mean fizzbuzz
You have my info

I get that, but its like trying to advertise on a pile of shit.

This board and even the website is not something companies would want to pander to, for fucks sake we cant discuss one movie without mentioning bane or cucking.

I get that this site isnt sekret club, but it just baffles me.

TIL I learned Jared Kushner runs Sup Forums

This board has no shills, nobody gives two shits about Sup Forums outside of our circlejerk.

How times have changed.

>discussing the contents of a TV show
>You are butthurt!
>discussing TV show predictions

mod =/= janitor


>twin peaks discussion

fuck you buddy


They got rid of that because literally every report was someone crying about a topic they didn't like, claiming it was a shill thread.

>those comments

our president agrees

Why would swaglord betray the site like this?

Sure thing Jay.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are always interlinked

>it's a redditor becomes a mod and writes a thinkpiece about his favorite sekrit club episode

You guys will never win this culture war because your ideologies are inherently anti-human. Not even Trump is subscribing to that shit, he's a globalist pawn.

Also I like the hypocrisy, let's forget Sam Hyde wasn't pushing alt-right bullshit under the guise of "entertainment", unfunny entertainment at that.

Fucking plebs.

Funny, ONLY when it comes to shilling you say it's a circlejerk, the other times it's "Sup Forums is not your secretclub"

This has been common knowledge for decades.

someone explain to me what this means

>0.05 shekels deposited

Shekels. It's always shekels. This place is beyond fucked, Hiro is a notorious turbojew.
I'm only here out of habit.

his girlfriend is a jewish that does massages for a living

moot had been doing the same thing since day one

Never enough


hes a jew



All part of his plan to crack down on this board again
Just look at the state of it right now. He can't falseflag like picture related again because it'll be too obvious


Kushner is head of the CIA. The implication is Sup Forums is a CIA honeypot and full of paid shills.

I don't get it, why would he do that
what does kushner have to do with it though

>they unfroze /qa/
Can the mods do anything right?

best two boards desu





Since when do mods get to publicly say they're mods? I don't remember that being fucking approved.

George Orwell was right

>I don't get it, why would he do that
Because there are still bits of pre2012 Sup Forums left he doesn't like

W. 81st Street, not 44th...pleb