Do you think vikings got ptsd?

Do you think vikings got ptsd?

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There was a war during Roman times where many of the Roman soldiers dug holes and stuck their heads in them because they were so afraid of what was going to happen to them.

I don't remember the specifics, but I think they were surrounded.

Everyone got PTSD


But then again, dying in combat is the only way to get into valhall. Otherwise you went to hel

Back than it was normal to have ptsd

No, they were heavy psychedelic mushroom users.

How is this relevant to PTSD? Google MDMA PTSD therapies and enjoy the read.

No, because they lived in a harsh society from birth. They weren't sheltered from reality until reaching adulthood like people are now

Those were ostriches, m8.

MDMA is not in psychedelic mushrooms, you're thinking of psilocybin

Probably, but most researchers believe that PTSD is actually caused by exposure to explosives now.

Apparently the concussive blasts cause a specific kind of brain damage over time.

They've done research on big city SWAT team guys who repeatedly breach doors on houses and these guys have insanely high rates of PTSD and depression, even more than soldiers


i remember reading that they found trace of ptsd in old medieval manuscript describing that knights who had survived huge battles would wake up screaming of terror , their hand shaking ect

They were said to be 'cursed'

I was referring to the principle used in MDMA therapy that can also be done with psilocybin mushrooms. MDMA and psylocybin are chemically almost identical if I can remember correctly.

Also fuck storefronts, fuck you captcha

That's is largely exaggerated.


ptsd comes from constant stress like a soldier on a front would have.

In medivel times you would march a long as time, camp on a hill where you see the enemy base from but know they can't reach you til tomorrow, and then fight to either die or life but retreats were way more foten then all out we grind every last men into the other army.
That was not a constant fear to be blown into pieces without even seeing it comming

No, you are forgetting about sieges, wich were the most common military movement in medieval times (alongside raiding parties).

Sieges were incredibly tiresome and mentally exhausting.

>That was not a constant fear to be blown into pieces without even seeing it comming

This is true

>heavy psychedelic mushroom users

germanics tradition

So why infantry has the biggest number of PTSD cases instead of artillery?

Army doctor here. PTSD has been shown to be unique to firearm combat.

When fighting with swords or hand to hand, your body knows when combat is coming and prepares by rushing your system with adrenaline. This is balanced out during diwntime with very little adrenaline in your system.

In modern combat with firearms and IEDs, the risk of dying uis always present. A bullet could come wizzing over the horizon, or that trash can next to the road could explode. Under these conditions your body is pumped full of adrenaline 24/7 and there is no downtime.

When you are hyped up on adrenaline 24/7, your brain connectoins arepermanently altered and that is when PTSD occurs

Probably not. PTSD usually happens when you return to a normal life. Vikings were constantly busy fighting or trying not to freeze while hearing goats

>what is post-traumatic growth

Presumably because of exposure to IEDs and grenades, but there's obviously something to be said for the constant stress of infantry combat as well.

The SWAT guys probably have a similar profile to infantry if you think about. They're storming a house and they have no idea if they're going to get shot and killed. It must be really fucking stressful to do that over and over, and combined with the brain damage from the breaching weaponry, you get increased PTSD

Battle of Cannae, the surrounded legions, buried themselves and suffocated (according to accounts of the event but sounds a bit far fetched) rather than be slaughtered by Carthaginians.

>harsh society
You are aware Scandinavian society was semi-civilized, they had law, they had some order.
>Army doctor here
Someone should really revoke your license for the bullshit you just spewed.
PTSD existed in ancient warfare too.

here's a good video about ptsd back in the day

>, they had law, they had some order.

No, not really in viking times. They had blood feuds and other such things

Soldiers during those eras would usually get drunk before combat. There's something to be said about marching towards another line of men - your fate.

Hand to hand combat in that era is much more horrific than getting shot by a gun.

You're totally wrong. Scandinavians of that age weren't some hunter-gatherers, they were as I said semi-civilized, roughly on level of pre-republic Romans.
>they had blood feuds
That doesn't mean anything.

>ptsd existed in ancient warfare too
[Citation required]

Very interesting question.
I think that they never had a normal life to begin with, and so they didn t have the opportunity to develop mental issues like modern western people do.

they were not alienated from society, actually they were the center of it.

>Symptoms of trauma-related mental disorders have been documented since at least the time of the ancient Greeks.[11]

>You're totally wrong

They didn't have anything like Roman law. They didn't even have written law. They just had tradition

>That doesn't mean anything.

It actually does because it means they didn't have a formal procedure of law and trials, instead people were able to settle their disputes outside of the law

Yes, it's been around as long as war has. We only took note of it after world war one because of the horrifying number of men suffering.

I read that the soldiers managing the drone combat from back home got the highest ptsd rate of all soldiers. Can you explain that?

I am (dynamic ip)

Send me a direct link to source and ill pass it along to my CO. our understanding of ptsd is always evolving

>firearm combat
Id say its the modern artillery that fucks them over

Id like to add Lindybeige has an informative video on the matter

Basically what Lindy said.

It's not about huur muh brave vikings and shit. It's about the nature of modern warfare and the fact that vikings were never forced to lie in the trenches, get deafened by exploding shells and risk being hit by a stray bullet that could come out of anywhere. They would also spend months simply traveling from point A to point B whereas modern soldiers can get deployed to the hotspots in the matter of days.

There is a difference between feeling guilty or depressed about taking a life, and legit PTSD.

Legit PTSD is literally your brain making new neural connections that did not exist before. As a result you associate harmless things (fireworks, loud noises) with the notion of extreme bodily harm

Its entirely possible that drone operators experience this neural remodeling, but we do not know any mechanism thay does it.

Adrenaline is proven to do this

>They didn't have anything like Roman law. They didn't even have written law. They just had tradition
Nordics did have specific laws though, with just punishments for whatever crimes one committed. There's simply no true need for written law in a societies the size of viking age Nordics.

>instead people were able to settle their disputes outside of the law
>In the pre-Christian clan-culture of Scandinavia the members of a clan were obliged to avenge injuries against their dead and mutilated relatives. A balancing structure was necessary to reduce tribal feuds and avoid social disorder. It is known from North-Germanic cultures that the balancing institution was the thing, although similar assemblies are reported also from other Germanic peoples and others.
>The thing was the assembly of the free men and women of a country, province or a hundred (hundare/härad/herred). There were consequently hierarchies of things, so that the local things were represented at the higher-level thing, for a province or land.
>The thing met at regular intervals, legislated, elected chieftains and kings, and judged according to the law, which was memorized and recited by the "law speaker" (the judge). The thing's negotiations were presided over by the law speaker and the chieftain or the king. In reality the thing was dominated by the most influential members of the community, the heads of clans and wealthy families, but in theory one-man one-vote was the rule. At the thing, disputes were solved and political decisions were made. The place for the thing was often also the place for public religious rites and for commerce.

>vikings are seen as fearsome warriors
>their descendents are all cucks

Scandinavia has been too peaceful. Fighting wars to the last Finn.

Great Grandfather and all his veteran friends from WW1 had a normal life/career/family. None of them ever went on disability or went bezerk. They were deployed back then far, far longer than any modern day soldier is. He once said they buried 500+ soldiers in one day after a gas attack, and it was common to be shelled for weeks, with artillery going off near or in your trench constantly. WEEKS. Trying to sleep with artillery blasts killing people every second.

So by all accounts, him and all his vet friends should have returned broken drunks who couldn't work and needed long term psychiatric care yet they all had normal lives.

I think the difference was there wasn't any psych drugs around, now they're pumped full of brain altering chemicals when they return and go fruityloops like buddy shooting that guy who took him to the range.

Not saying PTSD isn't real just saying why did WW1 vets return and prosper while now our soldiers are borderline insane when they return

Romans were similar to Japanese in that they were known to commit suicide out of shame or rather tHan face shame (hence "fall on your sword")

Finns are not Nordic though. I'm talking about Nordcucks (Cuckmark, Cuckway and New Somalia).

>at the thing

You mean, like a m-moot?

your great grandfather and friends where just Lucky ones thats all , not all ww1 soldiers suffered from ptsd but a big part of them

Their bravest warriors raided all over Europe, getting killed and putting their babies in our women.

Meanwhile their most faggy beta males stayed home, impregnating the wives of the (dead) warriors.


Ever heard of shellshock? WW1 has pretty much the worst cases of it.

Finland is a part of the Nordics, but not Scandinavian.

Who is Moot?

Yes, the just didn't call it that. Lyndibeige did a video about it, citing antique records of what would be diagnosed as hysterical blindness or Conversion Disorder today.

>tfw anglo education taught me wrong

Interesting thread tbw, I now know more about muh ptsd

>Who is Moot?

Are you kidding me ? Moot is the greatest luggage lad there ever was.

I don't understand.

Even tribal cultures had laws. They we just very libertarian. Personal freedom was important but so were bonds and oaths. Society was much more fluid. Where most people may have been serfs Vikings usually consisted of free men. Most raiders were Carl's who had no lands to work, thanes and others who were warriors by profession.

They had laws and an effective culture. They are some of the greatest traders, warriors, artists, poets, shipwrights, blacksmiths, raiders, sailors, hunters and in their prime just as influential as Rome.

Rome won out in the end though. The Vikings were too unorganized and didn't have the capability or ease of living. Still the foundation of all Northern Europe is and always will be barbarian.

They invented soap.

>I think the difference was there wasn't any psych drugs around
Crystal meth methamphetamine and cocaine was popular among the troops in ww2, id wager other opiums aswell.

IED's, same shit that fucked up the Vietnam guys

Yeah. Berzerkers are atleast bipolar. Manic frenzies can be very addictive and I know I could keep going even through intense pain with a solid psychotic episode.

Psychedelics help but can trigger it as well.

Can confirm.

Near where I live in Amsterdam was once the biggest cocaine factory in the world.
The British army was their biggest client.

Drugging your soldiers is nothing new.

>Not saying PTSD isn't real just saying why did WW1 vets return and prosper while now our soldiers are borderline insane when they return

The media is different now, there is more focus on veterans especially in the wake of the poor treatment of Vietnam vets after the war.

WW1 had tons of traumatized veterans, they had to invent new terms for the conditions they witnessed like "battlefield neurosis" it's just that they were shuttled off to some place not featured on a global media network.

>we wuz civilized an shieeet

Don't forget that Irish are red haired cause vikings.

They were mostly used as stimulants though. Stories from the Winter and Continuation War tell that with them a sentry could remain completely focused throughout the entire night, just staring off into the dark forest and sissi long range recon/commandos who would operate for days in a row with them. There's even a guy who accidentally overdosed on Pervitin, out-skid his patrol and gained clear consciousness over a 100 kilometres away, dehydrated, without half his gear.
There's still some amphetamines in the military. The FDF for example had a drug called Stimulan until some years back, but now they refuse to comment on the matter.

I think ptsd comes from knowing on some level that you're a zog puppet and fighting an unrighteous war. I wonder if crusaders got ptsd from removing kebab

fuck off cuck. the roman emprire was hedonistic and terrible, and hitler was right.

>who is moot

this day finally came

DO YOU THINK ISIS HAS PTSD? well if they don't then vikings didn't either

It's bait, user. I've been here too long and I'll be here forever.

I doubt ISIS fighters live long enough to get PTSD.

Civilians only care about PTSD when it causes the veterans to shoot people at home.

Here in the Netherlands it's a non-issue.
Not because our soldiers don't get PTSD, but because we simply don't give a fuck - it's not our problem.

i think the worst pstd would come from making a bad command decision and getting your men killed.

the gore and death of your enemies is nothing. but knowing you fucked up and got your guys killed = brutal.

A person's personality is preloaded and largely molded before the age of ten. After that is mostly a cultural imprint that's imposed. This cultural imprint is malleable at any time in a person's life. But their personality is solid, and will remain an undercurrent to any cultural imprint one might achieve over time.

PTSD is a singular event that breaks a person's personality. It's not unique to combat, although it is unique to high stress situations. It's mostly attributed as a far reaching effect of short term stress. Something like rape, car accidents, major injuries, committing murder. Things of that nature. The common thread being a singular high stress event that it can be traced back too. Hence the common theme of reliving the event, or flashbacks. This is a psychological condition. Physical symptoms are caused by a standard nervous system response

Now PTSD is not to be confused with shell shock, of Traumatic Brain Injuries. TBIs can manifest in many different ways. Anything from PTSD, depression, mania, bi-polar, lack of control, etc. This occurs most often in patients the suffer from serious concussions or other cranial trauma. The common theme here being direct physical trauma to the central nervous system. When people think of shell shock, it's usually TBIs that cause the problem. The physical forced exerted on the body usually cause a separation between neurons in the nervous system. Despite what people think, the nervous system is not entirely electrical. The electrical pulse most people think of actually simulates the release of neruochemicals that govern typical neurological responses. This separation causes the neurochemicals to misbehave during neuron communication. Resulting in not only chemical imbalance based psychological diseases, as described above, but also physical symptoms such as loss of motor control, shaking limbs, and even an a loss of speech.

Retard, I know people who've seen traffic accidents and got ptsd

Yes we wuz

Christians stole the ull tides and made it about Jesus but he wasn't even born in the Christmas holidays he was like a March baby or may.

We has magic powers until they can an chops down our magic whitey lightning god tree where we hung degenerate thralls then sang about how awesome it was.

We would bring in a tree to ward the house against the cold not cause Jesus is like a tree or he's the star on the wood I for got the point but yeah we had them magic runes and we could curse a man blind and impotent. We was warriors and wizards also there was elves too and then them jewtalians took it away.

This was already proven to be an internet hoax.

Soldiers returning from WW2 Eastern fronts, also with some years of POW in the soviet gulags, who knew all the ways a human can die in agony, coped pretty well.

I guess most born after 1950 in Europe and America, we are not trench material.

Very much this. The weight of leadership is heavy and the one thing I dread most in case Finland ever ends up in a war is doing exactly that. In combat, for whatever reason, giving a bad order and due to my own actions having my privates die. Fuck it if I die, but the guilt would break me.

this shit amazing wtf are they doing

>that one nigga rolling away from the apc
top kek

Long sea journeys were probably therapeutic

Men get depressed a lot. They carried genes from their ancestors who had PTSD.

No they didnt.

My grandfather was a paratrooper in WW2 (5. Fallschirmjäger-Division); he killed multiple times and has no PTSD whatsoever.

He saw people die and horrible stuff at a field hospital and saw people die.

He is still around, 91 years old, smokes and eats unhealthy shit and talks openly about the war and every detail and shows photos he took.

I guess it has something to do with if the whole society is in war or only a small part of soldiers who are also not conscripts but volunteers/professionals.

Thats why there is so much PTSD caused by Afghanistan and Iraq because when they return they come back into a society that has no homefront, that does not need to suffer and continues to live that unencumbered hedonistic life.

>random pic


vikings took mushrooms before battles and they say silicibon help ptsd so they were probably fine with t he rape and pillaging

I hear goats often.
Does that mean I have PTSD?

No, you just live in a paki infested neighborhood. The noise will subside by Eid.

The reason the Vikings "lost" was that Europe became unified to a greater degree under larger kingdoms, and that trade with western europe was more benificial the raiding, and to ease trading with the christian world they became christians themselves.
And even then scandinavian christianity retained many pagan influences because people really liked the old ways, and its documented that in the first 1-200 years people tended to semi-revert to paganism when shit got really bad. You pray to christ normally but you keep thor in the backpocket for when shit gets really bad.

>Finland is a part of the Nordics, but not Scandinavian.

They're talking about Viking you filthy pleb; not the midget half-turks, half-slavs that the Vikings owned and used as human cattle.

What's wrong Sven? Did the multicultist politicians say or do something enragingly stupid again?

Split the difference between Turkey and Russia, Jarno.

You dick doesn't matter because no Swedish woman wants to fuck you, they're too busy fucking Muhammad Abdullah Muhammad.

De e Jarmo, inte Jarno. Not like I care about national dicksize, just makes mine bigger compared to the average man.

>Rome won out in the end though.

- American education.

One of his best points I think is how back in the ancient world killing was seen as a great heroic thing. A lot of children's heroes back then would be soldiers or the like.
Nowadays killing is seen as the ultimate taboo, like the worst thing you could ever do in your entire life. When everyone around you is telling you "Remember, killing is bad." then suddenly you are out int combat expected to kill someone, its gonna be hard and really psychologically damaging.

So I know Sup Forums probably isn't interested in doing any actual reading on this beyond the inane remarks of Sup Forums users, but Sebastian Junger recently wrote a book about a striking correlation between group hardships and a lack of PTSD and depression. There's a lot more to it than that and I couldn't really summarize it here, but if anyone is interested, this is it.

LOL.. how idiot can one be to post that fake map over and over and over again.

Made by our mongols friends who always claim asiatic ancestry - > smallest dicks overall

Sweden -> all native women fuck kneegrows, Swedes have to take Filipinos as wives. They do not comment, they are in for the money.

