I just want to move to America, why can Spics live there and I can't?

I just want to move to America, why can Spics live there and I can't?

It's easy, just be so poor, dumb, and pathetic that when you show up you get a free-pass. It works for them.

america is for third worlders only

impossible for europeans to get a visa.

Marry a fat American citizen aka green card marriage and you're set. If you knock her up they can almost never send you back.

If you make ir across the mexican border, you can literally fabricate your entire life, claim to be whatever ethnicity you want, and the omama admin will let you live here. I encourage you to take advantage of this, come here, become a citizen and pay taxes. We need hard workers, not freeloaders

no european wants to marry a fucking landwhale though. why dont u fix ur immigration policy?

every black or brown person can come to ur country but for europeans its impossible. its a shitty system

But I will have to have sex with her, we'll probab;y have 3 kids and it will totallydestroy my life, kek.

you cant handle our nigs senpai. it takes a lifetime of exposure just to bum one a cigarette without dying

>why dont u fix ur immigration policy?

Liberals want Mexicans in because they will vote Democrat, Business owners want Mexicans because they will below minimum wage and Republicans view any immigration reform as a sign that 45 million Mexicans are going to come in. This is hard as shit to fix and sadly will lead to the Aztlan.

>every black or brown person can come to ur country but for europeans its impossible. its a shitty system

That's because Europeans try and do it legally. Mexicans and other types of brown people just get tourist visas and overstay them and then some cities and states just ignore them. It is, the only legal immigrants that the country wants are High Skilled immigrants and relatives, but they want muds to come in and work for less than minimum wage.

Shit sucks but unless you're a doctor/engineer, an athlete, or have a relative here there's almost no way you can become legal.

If you're a woman you can come live with me. Just gotta swallow my load a few times per week and we're good.

But you will my slavic friend once we kick out all the filthy beaner you can immigrate legally

That is why we want fucking Trump so our immigration policy is fixed

US is only 60% white and whites will be in a minority in 2 decades.

It's becoming brazil tier, overrun with niggers and spics.

seriously though, in America you can't even walk down the street smoking a cig without nigs asking for gibs

So when you say 'woman'... I'll do a fair bit to get some handguns again.

Poor little UK boy :(

Murican Sup Forumsacks should start homo marying Sup Forumsacks from other countries for the citizenship.
Win win situation.

>why can Spics live there and I can't?

Proximity. Spics are obsessed with the idea that they own any land that's near their country.

3rd world govenremnts and embassies don't care about their own people so when the USA tries to deport them back to their respective countries, their consulates look away because those people are mostly trash.
USA doesn't want to be in this beurocratic mess so they just let them stay because they woldn't know where to send them back anyway.

Europe regulates their own citizens, spics don't.

Sure, but you'll have to live with me for a bit so they won't think it's a sham marriage and give you that sweet green card.

Could've been good idea in 1980s when it was predominantly white country with working economy.

Had to end a 3 year relationship with German girlfriend because she can't even get a visa.

>Graduated from college while playing division 1 basketball

>Interned as a fucking Kindergarten teacher for a year

But she's being deported.

Meanwhile any fucking beaner just walks across the border and gets to stay. This makes my fucking blood boil.

np man, I'll pay you rent for like a year and then we'll divorce

>not telling her to pretend to be apart of the religion of peace

Can't kick her out then or it'll be racist.

Nice try, but we are not spics and you are the ones obsessed with proximity.

>You are now aware that Britain's Antarctic Claim is only based on proximity to the Falklands

Its legal for us to marry now I think. I'll give you a green card if you can cook.

Why won't you emigrate to some decent place like, lets say, Switzerland or Singapore?

We want to man. Our whole hope for our immigration was keeping out spics and to let in working Europeans, but it obviously didnt work. Especially now with our government trying to turn a soft side toward our illegals.

Because Obama prioritized brown immigration

>but that's about to change

you can move here, russkiefriend.

you just have to go through the proper legal channels.

if youre that serious about it, do the research.

You immigration is so fucking picky though. I looked into it, minor things like a 10 year old dui are enough to get you knocked back. Meanwhile Syrians are strolling over the border to suckle on the gibs teat.

It really is completely fucked. I hope Trump actually plans to do something about it.

Liberals want Mexicans in because they will vote Democrat, Business owners want Mexicans because they will below minimum wage and Republicans view any immigration reform as a sign that 45 million Mexicans are going to come in. This is hard as shit to fix and sadly will lead to the Aztlan.