Lena Dunham a cute

Be real, Sup Forums, you would.

I'd lukewarm ravioli at this point.

still fucking disgusting, yes yes I would

Seriously one of the most repulsive looking women I have seen my entire life. Her behaviour does not do her any favours either

waiting on the webms lads

as long as nobody finds out, yes

traps >>>> black girls >>>>> guys >>>> dogs >>>> dunham

3D women are not important

>lose a load of weight
>still look like a pig

fat lena returning soon

she is a very strong aura of mental illness

She can lose weight but she'll always have those builder's shoulders.


HPV, Genital Warts and Herpes

She's also infertile and therefore useless as a women


she is absolutely fucking monstrous. a beast. a creature sprung from men's nightmares.
repulsively fat. But AT THE SAME TIME no tits or ass. face like a man. An UGLY man. She has the look of an ugly weak man you know you couldn't count on when the chips were down. even as a man, repellent. pallid skin like that of a corpse. body appears misshapen, like those retarded kids in the special class at school that would sit all hunched with their malformed frames bent in some strange posture. a gingerbread man that was taken out of the oven too soon. hair like a mouldy rag thrown atop a gargoyle. tattoos that look like a diseased skin disorder. looks like she smells bad too. awful personality, by all accounts. grating voice.
child molester.

A 0/10 nightmare. Completely repugnant across the board. Not a single redeeming feature.

I love her awkward and quirky personality

Say something nice!



What is her tattoo? It looks like an untreated skin condition

I like her hair, teeth and cute tummy

I bet she still knows how to make delicious sandwiches

>I look like a thick Tina Fey! - Lena Dunham in her mind

She's proof that sleeping with dero 2/10 guys in college for self confidence and catching STI's from them, isn't a career ruining move if you know the right people

i used to fap to lena dunham when she was ugly, she was just my 'ugly fap'.
doesn't make any sense fapping to a cute lena dunham so i switched to amy schumer now.