Who really won WWII? I hear a lot of Europeans claim America wasn't really important and that it was 99% the USSR

Who really won WWII? I hear a lot of Europeans claim America wasn't really important and that it was 99% the USSR.

let's face it we won ww2 singlehandedly

It's a meme claim. USSR and other allies wouldn't be able to fight without American resources.


How many Europeans did you kill?

It's a meme claim. USSR despite doing 90% of the job recieved from USA less resources than UK. Which made up around 5% out of total soviet military production.

>Who really won WWII?

Did we really win WW2 though?
As far as I know Germany is still alive and well, controlling most of Poland and steadily expanding in the south.

Before WWII the USA had no power in Europe. After WWII half of Europe was the USA's bitch. If that doesn't count as winning I don't know what does. But in terms of effort put into the victory it was mostly the USSR in Europe.

Depends on your definition of "won". The USSR did the overwhelming majority of the legwork and was the biggest contributor by far in the victory for the allies but lost had catastrophic loses. The US had small loses, entered late and were able to build a huge industry and profit from the war so they won in the sense that the war made them able to gain and grow a lot more.

intelligent post

Eh. Depends on who you ask.
My maternal grandmother would probably say USA because she worked as a housemaid for a german family in West Germany during the war and she (and many others) were liberated by the american troops who stumbled on the area.

My paternal grandfather would tell a different story since he was with the 1st Polish and Soviet troops besieging Berlin.

And you really have to consider the different conditions of USA and USSR were during the war.
USSR was fighting an offensive war and trying to defeat the 3rd reich because they were invaded.
USA experienced nothing like that so US troops were more or less mercenaries sent to aid other government.

the soviets did, we are just butthurt
fuck this backwards shithole and its ppl with stuck in 19th century


In Europe it's the USSR (mosty russians). Fun fact, after the battle of Stalingrad Franco made german no longer a compulsory subject in secondary education

fucking lol at france thinking they did shit


>be russian
>dont like evil german man
>literally spend all you countrys resources that had accumulated over hundreds of years on one war and a space program
What was the purpose of this?

I'm sure Soviet Union would have lost if it wasn't for that 5% war material that arrived after they already had won decisive battles against Germany.

the fucking audacity

why is eastern europe so blinded by hollywood propaganda?

they should know better

It's obviously fake retards

you are right, but their help arrived at a critial point

>It's a meme claim. USSR and other allies wouldn't be able to fight without American resources.

THIS is a meme claim. American resources arrived after the USSR fought the crucial battles against Germany and were already driving them back. The resources only sped up the inevitable

>A total of $50.1 billion worth of supplies was shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S. In all, $31.4 billion went to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies.

This was less than 1.3% of USSR's entire war budget.

Note the term "won".

America definitively "won" WWII because they became a superpower while losing like 30 people in combat.

As for "who defeated the whermacht" it was obviously the Soviet Union. They didn't exactly "win" because that land came at an extremely steep cost and got them saddled with Stalin for a few more decades.

scandinavians sucking anglo dick as usual



an island full of delusional inbreds

It's 4D chess, they want Stalin to look like the good guy.

The only people still arguing this are yanks and other assorted amoebas stuck in the Cold War

You should totally conquer them. Oh wait, you can't.

Without American supplies, Soviets would fail.

S-P-A-C-E and tigers


Blame American movies for lying to people.

Russia sacrificed more soldiers and killed more Germans than anyone to save Jews in WWII.

Don't forget the Italians

Nobody fought to save jews lmao

99% is bullshit, but they did throw an awful lot of bodies into the grinder. Their contribution in defeating nazis is formidable.

Of course that does not absolve soviet union from being pretty much just as monstrous as nazi germany.


You won the war. We won the peace.




Daily reminder that turkey was a fucking Nazi state and should be nuked.

the us started the war, germany fuelled the war and russia ended the war.

US won the pacific theater.

US didn't do shit in Europe. The Ruskies would have pushed the NAZIs into the English channel, if the US didn't do shit.

You need to consider that for the past five decades the USSR was the enemy and propaganda was used to make them look as such.

Get back in the oven gayreek

The USSR won and it was clear back then, and it has nothing to do with how Russia is now. You can easily point to the date when Russia immediately stopped being relevant to the world between the end of WW2 and the present.

Sad but true