The Poppy issue

Let me give you a quick rundown of the Poppy and the English.

>18th century
>China is getting rich in gold because all the trade of their precious goods
>Its Government does a fierce control of the trade according to their traditional customs of Confuncianism, only open Port to foreigners and international trade is Canton
>The English don't like it
>Adam Smith says Confuncianism is bullshit, Capitalism is what rocks now
>Start liberalizing trade companies, like the East India Company, allowing freelance merchants
>Start smuggling the poppy seeds into China, making the country proggresively more addicted, and recovering the precious gold and commercial balance
>Not enough, start bombing a peaceful nation

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sign a treaty, 5 open ports, England is most favoured nation, Englishmen can settle in China
>Apparently not enough, 20 years later bomb them again
>New treaty opens China's butthole's wide for everyone who wants to abuse a defeated people
>Poppy seeds became the new black market currency, most males in China addicted to that drug
>Qing China gets into an even greater crisis, every middlemen is corrupt, peasants only plant poppies not food
>Until the arrival of Mao Zedong, China was absolutely overriden by opium addicts, almost 200 years of this scourge thanks to Adam Smith dislike for "Confucianism"
>WWI happens in the middle of all this
>Lots of people dead
>Somewhat later, following the greedy capitalist ideas of Adam Smith, the Brittish Army try to profit from guilible peasants all over the empire
>almost a 100 years later the idea is so engrained in the people's minds that they don't even see it as anything political, is just to remember WWI poor deceased soldiers :_(
>All the benefits of it goes to the Brittish army, a branch of the brittish armed forces, the same that bombed a Peaceful nation just because "muh capitalism" and started smuggling opium instead of trading fair and square like good Christians

>Now they ban Peps yellow ribbon, it's politcal, just like an Isis flag, or an swastika
>It just shows solidarity for political prisoners, no money gets sent to anybody, most are donated freely

The fucking English, they are the vilest and meanest people ever existed, cause of every disease of the modern society. Even the power of the Jews is thanks to them.

patriotism =/= politics

the poppies that grow in flanders are low in opium, you can make a weak tea if you really wanted to

go stab a bull you jerk

BASED spain putting down truthbombs on the eternal anglo

BASED spain dropping fire on the treacherous and wicked anglo. never forget gibraltar, justice for king felipe II.!

chat shit get bombed

which worked """better""":

>"Open Trade" nations smuggling opium and getting an billion person entire country fucked high to the point of collapse

>The CIA inventing and giving crack cocaine to Rick Ross rip

also drugs are an invention of the white capitalist devil to keep us down, stay clean DYI power to the people

The Eternal Anglo Propaganda will defend this
Also don't forget that the HSBC Bank was invented so the very heretic British could put there all the money they stole from China

The eternal anglo.

Yes so evil and awful what perfidious Albion did, conquistadors were good boys, natives loved mining silver for Spain!

Yellow ribbon confirmed ok

yes yes it's true and I'd do it all again

It gets political it gets more or less mandatory and the moment there is a polemic if you don't were one

Spanish are the worst colonisers. Try creating U.S., Canada, Aus, New Zealand, Singapore, and HK.

holy shit again this topic... you literally wiped out the natives while Spain recognized them as citizens, you are not so good as you think and Spain was not so bad as you think ffs

Yeah, the Aztecs and Incas just disappeared magically. In fact the British didn't wipe out anybody, everything west of the Appalachian mountains was considered Indian territory and it was only until after the American revolution the Indians got the shit kicked out of them.

you both sucked ass and i personally wish to see both your monarchs beheaded and hope you stay impoverished and isolated as reparations for fucking things up

Look up David Sassom a jew iraqui kicked out for stealing that became the boss of the opium trade and married a rothchilds

>mfw spain is on its way to becoming worse than its ex colonies
>mfw great britain is already worse

Many Aztecs and Incas supported the Spanish because they were not barbarians who ate each other or who made human sacrifices so they could have good weather. Hernán Cortés managed to conquer what today is Mexico because he had the support of the natives and he married the daughter of their king, for example

>American education

It also helps to destroy the biggest city in the land and kill 200,000 people in a single siege to force the natives into submission.

yeah he should have realized that happened a long time ago

>what is the bengal famine

you guys were gigantic pieces of shit to contend with anyone

Yeah and Belgium would go around chopping off the arms of anyone who refused to farm rubber in the Congo. Every European power did nasty shit.


which siege? well of course not everything what the Spanish did in America when they were discovering the continent was good, but not everything was bad. While for you British all what you did according to you was good and all what the rest did was bad, which ofc is not true

I'm not saying we didn't do lots of nasty things too but for whatever reason everyone conveniently forgets the bad stuff other empires did too, I don't see many people crying foul over what the Japanese did in China in the 20th century.

this is what happens when the content of Sup Forums becomes one's conception of the world

Gott strafe England und das treulose Italien.

checked, excellent post

most people wont even know what britain did to china while japanese crimes are still "fresh"

Everyone knows about Britain's empire, yes there's a legion of weebs out there that will deny any bad doings Japan has done.

well the ones who deny the crimes of Japan in China are just retarded, same as everyone who denies obvious things