Is this legal?

Is this legal?

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How racist

hey, rabbi... watcha doin'?

Political views and activism are protected under labour laws. That being said I'd just hang pics of trump, the Bush dynasty, harper, pinochet and just make them not want the job.

That seems to be all the 00 kids who are just now joining the work force. I had to work with a few of these kids once, and they are just the worst, inefficient, phone checking every 5 minutes, pieces of shit I have ever had to work with. I'd rather work with blacks or boomers than them.

It's illegal to descriminate based on mental disability, so no.

yes in "right to work states."

Last I checked, "liberal" isn't a protected group.

it is illegal.

why noone is safing this meme?


they would just try and get the job anyway, slack off all the time and justify it by calling their boss a fascist.

No it isn't.

... right?

Just wait until I contact my attorneys at Goldberg, Shwartz, and Rothstein. Their jewish cocks will be in your ass before you can scream Mazel Tov

Where is this and what is this? I need a job at this place.

Cant discriminate against anybkindnof disability.
Obviously has its limits though.

Is private property like Twitter said


It's actually the other way, most conservatives base their views on emotions. Most Republican voters are angry for the sake of being angry.

more like '95 kids as they're all turning 21 this year

Pretty sure you're allowed to deny service to anyone you want if you own the business

If it's a publicly traded company, then no. If it's a private business sector, then yes.

can we just range ban canada already?

>Political views and activism are protected under labour laws.
not here, dude

>We have found that they make descisions based on their emotions, not logic. This would be very detrimental to our business.
I'm sure alienating and insulting half of your potential customers will be a winning strategy for your business, lel

It might be legal. Would anyone really want to work for people like that? They sound like people on Twitter. Imagine working in a twat containment facility.

Make them work hard, that usually stops liberals. At my last site orientation the guy said basically the only thing not protected is clothing. You'd just have to dress implicit I guess. Wear red laced Docs and peel the insignias off your Hugo suit. Hope they know some history

I would assume it's illegal in the US b/c freedom to associate

>promotion policies, training, compensation and disciplinary action. State laws often extend protection to additional categories or employers.

Under Federal law, employers generally cannot discriminate against employees on the basis of:

National origin[1]
Disability (physical or mental, including HIV status)[4][5]
Age (for workers over 40)[6]
Military service or affiliation[7]
Bankruptcy or bad debts[8]
Genetic information[9]
Citizenship status (for citizens, permanent residents, temporary residents, refugees, and asylees)[10]

Says nothing about political affiliation, so it's all good. Of course, unless they are registered democrats (and you care enough to pay someone to find out) there's no way of telling, now is there.

>le printed paper on window or fence meme

Seriously though, a lot of the far-right social conservatives in the US base their beliefs on the bible.

>Abortion is bad because God said it was wrong
>It's wrong to be gay

Jesus would have accepted gay people. His main point was to hate the sin, not the sinners.

>Not using emotions is a good thing

>Jesus would have accepted gay people.


lel nazi knows more about anti-discrimination than regular republicans

Private businesses are not owned by the bureaucrats, so they can hire whoever the fuck they want.

In fact, liberals want to destroy these business practices. So NONE of these companies should hire them.

No. You can't discriminate simply based on political alignment, only if you know for a fact that someone will disrupt the workplace. Someone who is a flaming liberal and brings politics into everything can justifiably not be hired, but someone just being liberal is not a justifiable reason to not hire them. Not to mention that all this really does is guarantee that liberals will lie about their beliefs.

THAT SAID, liberals would probably defend this if it was saying "We won't hire conservatives"

Yes. I was hoping OP would provide source. Looks great.
You gain conservative support, and new customers from the controversy
See chic-fil-a
not protected

Do we need to bring out all the shit liberals/democrats do?

Not all sins are equal. Jesus would not have accepted homos.

>I'm sure alienating and insulting half of your potential customers

Unlike Germany, most Americans, especially in the South, loathe Liberals with a passion.

If he's located anywhere in the South, I guarantee it'll only help his business

P.S. that's how you keep from cucking yourself, hans.

No, they can't. They can't OPENLY discriminate, but posting a sign that says "We don't hire your kind" is very obvious discrimination and this business would be absolutely destroyed in court if they ever got sued over this kind of sign.

>No. You can't discriminate simply based on political alignment
yes. yes you can, you fucking retard

I don't disagree. If you work in the entertainment industry, you can't let ppl know you're conservative (like if you're a camera operator for the film industry, etc) but a hollywood studio could never post an actual sign like this.

And then their boss fires them? Have you ever had a job, user?

>They can't OPENLY discriminate, but posting a sign that says "We don't hire your kind" is very obvious discrimination and this business would be absolutely destroyed in court if they ever got sued over this kind of sign.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. In business, a private business is allowed to choose who they wish to hire. Like a previous user said, the only time he'd be "destroyed" in court was if he was a public sector business.

how does it come that most scientists, rich people, entrepreneurs and in generell people with power and money are liberals ?

>after seeing liberal run business do this same thing numerous times over the past 10 months people still don't realize that its not illegal

thank you for laying it out for them

also this whole thing is most likely fake, conservatives wouldnt be dumb enough to hang a sign about it they would just weed the faggots out in the interview process

>Disability (physical or mental, including HIV status)[4][5]
It's illegal.

Is that why you'd rather jail entrepreneurial drug dealers than degenerates passed out on MY TAX FUNDED SIDEWALKS? God. You're the reason this countries going to hell in a hand basket

You're dumb,political beliefs aren't protected

You have the freedom as a manager to hire whoever the hell you want based on whatever the hell you want.

But if one of your employees became a liberal it would be illegal to fire them because of that.

Can you bring some shit out?
I need to redpill my "friends".

>Jesus would have accepted gay people
Jesus would have cured fags

No, that's not how it works. Anti-discrimination laws apply to ALL businesses. It doesn't matter whether you're public or private, if you are, as a matter of policy, not hiring liberals, conservatives, whites, blacks, women, men, southerners, northerners, spics, asians, or anyone else, you can be sued for discrimination.

Your lack of understanding is hilariously obvious.

>But if one of your employees became a liberal it would be illegal to fire them because of that.

i imagine the accompanying drop in work ethic would give you grounds for firing anyway...

>Sup Forums the store

Some states do allow you to discriminate based on political affiliation.

Just depends on the state.

depends on your state. political affiliation isn't a nationally protected class, but some states do protect it.

not here. OP is American, no?

Yes it is, says nothing about political stances, Schlomo.

Except small businesses are exempt.
If I have 5 employees and only want to hire white males- nobody can stop me.

Just invite them over and play kaczynskis works text to speech instead of music


No stop posting signs and then taking pictures of them for victim points

>Most Americans loathe liberals
What rubbish, most Americans voted for a nigger TWICE and will soon vote for Shillary.

Shit like BLM survives because Burgerland is Liberal ground zero.

I thought Germany and Sweden were?

>Cant REASONABLY discriminate against any kind of disability.

Someone in a wheelchair isn't going to get picked as a bridge painter. But they can do office/clerical work, no problems. Might need a ramp if there's a few steps in the office but that's a reasonable request.

I think these guys are on the right side of the law. In their opinion, the opinions of a certain group of people are incompatible with the work that they do and therefore these people are not right for the job.


Home > Laws, Regulations & Guidance > Types of Discrimination
Discrimination by Type

Learn about the various types of discrimination prohibited by the laws enforced by EEOC. We also provide links to the relevant laws, regulations and policy guidance, and also fact sheets, Q&As, best practices, and other information.

Equal Pay/Compensation
Genetic Information
National Origin
Sexual Harassment

As a liberal, a sign like that just proves that the disinterest is mutual. I wouldn't want to work for anyone that felt I wasn't worthwhile because of my political leanings, much less anyone who made a sign about it. This is the kind of thing they'd get sued over, but all I can do is ask myself: why would I *want* to work there? It's not a cultural fit.

Luckily mostly everyone in my industry is a liberal.

>Luckily mostly everyone in my industry is a liberal.

unemployment is not an "industry"

Shut up Australia, go shitpost somewhere else

Lol enjoy having some buttblasted fat chick with a face tattoo starting a Facebook crusade against your business for promoting hate

>we're so much more conservative than America you guize

Fuckin' Roasted

Not here

I like you

I got a new job last summer and was there for about a month and a half. I would ask the business owner all the time how I was doing, and if there was stuff I could do better. I often felt like I wasn't working hard enough because it was a pretty easy job and he was paying $15 an hour.

Anyway, I saw him my last Monday and asked how I was doing, and he said great. I asked if I could do extra that day because I was bored and he said I could mop up some areas. "I already did before I came over here" I said. He laughed and told me to go get food, and gave me money for it.

The next day he called me into his office SCREAMING. He told me to get out and he never wanted to see me again. I calmly asked if I had messed something up, or if he could tell me what happened. He said since we were in a Right-To-Work state that he wasn't going to tell me anything.

I went back to my area and was grabbing my stuff when he came in and yelled for me to move faster to get out.

A friend later told me that the black guys at work started calling me a Republican, and that was the reason I got fired.

Fucking damnit I'm not even Republican. I'm Libertarian and can't even remember ever bringing up politics at work.

She either has no proof or she pulls out her phone in a job interview? Who does that say more about? The owner or the bulldyke

I want to say, yes and no. Yes, in that you can hire and fire whoever you please, but no, in that not only is the act discriminatory, but the employer left clear evidence of their reasoning.

A Democrat using the Right-to-Work laws to their benefit. What?

All leftists need to be purged, to be quite honest with you.

Wtf i hate jobs now!

Fuck jobs

Wrong. "Discrimination" isn't illegal. Some groups are protected, not all. I get discriminated against all the time because I'm a dropout and have a shitty work history... And I drink before interviews. Boo Hoo

I would say america is probably more centrist than anything else. Now whether it's center,right or center, left is up for debate right now.

if you would rather hire the less qualified person because of politics, you are just as emotional and stupid as affirmative action

Yep. its not worth working to feed the hungry Jews.

any bullshit like that should be illegal
I mean, seriously, close-minded religious fundamentalists pretending like they are the intelligent and logical ones is just criminal trolling
I've sat around with people like this
they are totally fucked up in the head
and nasty like a brain-damaged third grader
they are the sort to stab you in the parking lot
because you see through their lies and bullshit and this makes them nasty

it is probably legal since lying is legal

I was being facetious you drunk baltshit

Quints of truth? Or is it trips of truth quints of lies? I cant remember

What do you expect from from people less than 16 years old?

Either way there's only 4 zeros you fucking mongoloid

Except all sins ARE equal. The punishment for any and all sin is equally hell. The only difference is how the sin weighs in on your conscience and how that will affect your repentance. I.e. Stealing or lusting after something will be easier to repent for than commiting a perceived "major" sin like murder or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

It's not here, unless the job is with the government or contractor for the government


Do you "illegal" dummies think a conservative, for profit, private think-tank would have to consider a rabid libtard for any position?
Would a rabid libtard have your best interests at heart?
You people are dumb this morning. And it's not a guessing game. We have laws that you can read, precedence, all types of shit to answer your questions

>paper posted on window to what looks like an office

What business is this? Where?

I'll bet anything its a "hey rabbi.." Situation

Trips of truth!

Wait are you another BCer?

That's what I like about here. Maybe the only thing (except the natural beauty) Our laws basically say it's illegal to fire anyone based on their political views. One can be waaaaysist or anti left and no matter how many landwhales decide to call your boss you can't be fired. If you are fired you can sue and you'll win getting your job back as well

>liberal ground zero
>not Sweden

Well, it's their business, so.. do whatever the fuck you want with it..

But to answer your question, most likely no.

>any bullshit like that should be illegal
State loving cunt. And not the good kind.