Should they just get rid of Bill Nye and give Karlie Kloss her own show?

Should they just get rid of Bill Nye and give Karlie Kloss her own show?

Other urls found in this thread:

>ywn be in a lesbian relationship with a tall hot model who's really cool and fun

>I will never autoerotic asphyxiate myself while Taylor and Karlie lez out in front of me


Yes! It's her turn
#progressive #feminism #TitleIX #smashpatriarchy

jesus she's fucking gigantic.

i'm 6'3" and she'd probably tower over me in heels.

double dubs confirm

she would throw you around like the fuckdoll you are

>my fetish

>karlie kloss

>command not found: cd..
>command not found: cd..

>Should they just get rid of Bill Nye and give Karlie Kloss her own show?

Karlie kloss or some say klosm

she's a huge bitch

>leather pants on a "science" show
what did she mean by this

what is that supposed to mean

girls are hilarious

It's supposed to show how women explain more their code than men.
The problem is that the right code has a fuckload of unnecessary comments and it's not even a correct piece of code since it returns 5 if both numbers are the same.


The same Karlie Kloss who wrote some inefficient code, put it next to the Quake Fast Inverse Square Root formula, and said that hers was better?


it returns 5 because she is random

That's fucking retarded

literally perfect


She's 188cm tall, 6'3 is about 192cm. So how high are their heels?

dem legs

is there anything she can't do?

Bill Nye the Globalist Guy

>Bill Nye is 6'1
>Karlie is 6'2


This was a self depreciating joke, right?

Taylor is straight. She has had dozens and dozens of boyfriends and she writes songs about them.

looks right

depends on the heels. there are 6 inch heels out there but i don't think she would wear those because she would look ridiculous.

it's deprecating

yourself is not a depreciating asset

Top-tier feet game tьh with you famalamadingdongs

Katie is 6'1.6 PLUS heels.

>Bill bye is 5'11"
>Karlie is 6'0"


that's actually a pretty good idea. Drop the politically correct stuff , have her do actual science stories with a cast of attractive 20 somethings.


that sounds about right

I have friends, what's wrong with this image?

Karlie is 6'1.6

wow her outfit is retarded

I foresee some type of pegging relationship going on there. Look at their chemistry. I bet Nye takes it in the butt for feminism.

she's wearing heels there so it looks worse than it really is

She takes off her shoes later in the episode, and she's still taller than Jimmy.

Is that a BEAKER?! Holy shit do I love fucking SCIENCE!!11!!!1

>Bong rip

cd means "change directory"

She is repeatedly entering the command to change to the directory "code" which does not exist.

Basically, the screen is full of nonsense and error messages from random commands and this is being portrayed as "code".

There is actually not a single beaker in that pic. Just a bunch of flasks and one graduated cylinder.


Hey there's an 'ls' there too and that amazing hello word code!

this is the stuff of suffering

Can you explain?

t. not a programmer

Manlet detected

whoa , she wasn't born knowing how to navigate from a UNIX command line. I'm so much smarter than her.

I'd watch that.

>I have friends
No you don't :^)

The function on the left is infinitely more complex yet implemented in a terse manner.

Karlie is so cute that I just want to die

karlie isn't a scientist she's a software engineer

Post feet faggot that's all that matters

It looks like she doesn't know where the directory she wants is, she starts off trying to cd to "code" which doesn't exist, so she tries to go up but fails (she typed cd.. instead of cd ..), then she manages to get it right and lists the directory with ls, tries to cd to "code" again (which still doesnt exist) so she goes up a directory again.

It looks like she's just dumb and doesn't remember where her folders are. Besides, the actual content of the image is supposed to be the bit at the top which, while it's just a shitty ruby hello world program, is still actual code.

Nice projection, that user didn't imply anything like that. The point that user is making is Karlie is an idiot who tries to trick other idiots into thinking she's smart. She fully deserves to be mocked.

>dem long legs
>strong toe game

is this best fetish

She's not an idiot, just a little disingenuous.

To be fair, her program to actually get women to code is a pretty positive thing.

What is it with you whiteknight faggots? Karlie is a super rich model that has countless fans. She doesn't need you to defend her retardation. The image she posted is pure posturing bullshit.

I guarantee not a single person on here actually knows what is wrong and they keep posting this as if they've exposed her or whatever.

The real code above isn't a simple Hello World thing either. It's code that concatenates two strings. Any retard that knows enough to code fizzbuzz would immediately see that.

She's trying to find a folder. She is repeatedly trying to do the "cd .." command which moves you up in the file directory tree, but instead she's typing "cd.." with no space which isn't a valid command. She's essentially trying (and failing) to do pic related through command line.

b-but how is she tricking people ? She doesn't claim to be an expert and everybody starts with zero knowledge.

I agree. Men and women are equal. Women do not need to stay home and raise the kids, that is what the government is for.


>a one line string concatenating function
>not on the same level as hello world
Even fizzbuzz would have been more impressive.

Imagine being karlie kloss and thinking people respect you because of your brains and your coding skills, but in reality EVERYONE just wants to rawdog your asshole and pussy while you squirt on the bed.

these anons are correct
>all these idiots laughing at her exposed as the real idiots who don't know anything about programming

>Jimmy's face at the end

I wonder if he really felt emasculated

What I don't get about this is that she must know her code will be scrutinised by nasty men who live in basements. But she still just shows a pic that has mistakes even a month long programmer would never make. Is she just dumb or just really confident that anyone who attacks her will be suitably dealt with by her whitenights?

Love how that dress shows how ridiculously small her boobs actually are

I wonder if maybe he was just pretending to be emasculated because it's funny and he's playing a character, he must've been really upset....

There's no mistakes in her actual (visible) code though, she just forgot where a folder was.

What makes this hilarious is that the Male code is actually legendary.

It is the fast inverse square root alogorithm, which was invented by the Doom team and allowed them to display 3D graphics on low end computers.

It lets you calculate x to the power of (minus one divided by two) in linear complexity, by using a magic number and bitwise arithmetic.

It truly is a remarkable algorithm that achieved great things and in such few lines of code.

The fact that none of the women understand even where it came from or what it means is just brilliant

Deleted scene shows her making fun of Fallon being manlet. He then tells her his boobs are bigger than hers. btfo


Maybe I'm wrong but it seems like she's fishing for praise even though she clearly doesn't know what she's doing. If she isn't fishing for praise then why didn't she make a joke or point out this is one of her first times doing coding?

How do you get a degree in software engineering when you're this bad of a coder?

>we will never learn how to change directory with a live koding with klossy prime time show

lol you faggot of course there's no mistakes in the code. It's copied from a tutorial.

the post implied there was mistakes in the code, that was wrong
please leave the goalposts where they were

great input

>degree in software engineering
>command-line directory change

No, the entire point of that meme is to point out how shallow the "smart girl """"coders"""" movement is that's why the product placement note is there. She literally downloaded a tutorial and failed to javigate in a terminal for awhile and then posted it on instagram for her retarded followers to post YAAAAS SLAY QUEEN.

>But she still just shows a pic that has mistakes even a month long programmer would never make.
There are no mistakes in the code and her ability to use a UNIX terminal has nothing to do with programming, you can be a programmer without ever touching one.
The post was wrong, leave the goalposts where they were.

Stop formatting your posts like a retard, each sentence does not need to be separated by a double linebreak.

>all this talk about coding when it could have been all Karlie in leather
This is not the Sup Forums I know

>To be fair, her program to actually get women to code is a pretty positive thing.

how, how is it positive. seriously, i would love to hear it. if women want to code they can, companies will hire them even if they are retarded and incompetent. if no woman on the entire earth wanted to code, men would be there to do it as they always pick up any slack. so why, why is it positive to try and push women into something they clearly aren't interested in for the most part

changing directories isn't programming though

its literally like the first thing you learn if you need to use a terminal

John Carmack is simply above mere mortals.

cd code
cd code
cd code

she's using oh-my-zsh so she could just do ".." but she's a stupid cunt

Ms. Kloss, how do you install gentoo?