Post local job listing from your country

post local job listing from your country

loads of low skill jobs require you to know how to speak some Indian language or chink. It's getting pretty bad.

I know you're trying to make a point about the Chinese, but what's the deal with fucking part-time jobs? Where did all the full-time jobs go?

>need experience to get job
>need job to get experience

Maybe you should get an education or some skills so youre not competing with unskilled new immigrants.

>where did all the full time jobs go

The same place where they went in Greece. The place I used to work was nearly all part-time while working 40hr+ weeks with no benefits. It's the reason why college teachers went on strike recently because businesses are cheapskates and want to maximize profits while burning hardworking Canadians. It's sickening.

please reply to me in mandarin

I don't speak Mandarin.

you cant read either

That's right I cannot read Mandarin either. But what does that have to do with my post?

you could volunteer, but you obviously won't because you're an entitled piece of shit.

>fuck the working class and young people lmao

>doing unpaid labor for the privilege of working for Mr. Shekelberg
you are the goodest goy

Well how does complaining help? Unless you stop all immigration there's always going to be shit like in op post. It's a slave job... it's like complaining that doing hard physical labour for cash is taken by Mexicans in the US.

>Doing something as a sacrifice to have a better future instead of doing nothing and staying in the same spot

How the fuck are you supposed to become so good at something a guy will give you money to do it over anybody else

>fish & chips

noise, i thought you guys didn't have them.

>must be able to communicate in chinese
Is this fucking real?

Stopping all foreign immigration and housing speculation seems like a good start to me.

I wouldst doubt it, some places where I live say that you must to be able to communicate in Arabic.

he's from LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS he knows all about that

Of course we have them. We have the same Queen you dolt.

but you speak american english and share american culture.

There are many jobs here where it's helpful if you speak Spanish, but very few where it's required.

Immigration isn't the problem, labor laws are. And Chinese millionaires buying up the entirety of Vancouver.

Why are people surprised? It's a small business run by first generation immigrants... Would you really want to work somewhere where they only speak Chinese or Arabic?

I hate these threads so much because they find one bad job posting and start drawing conclusions over the entire job market and country.

we speak canadian english

>Would you really want to work somewhere where they only speak Chinese or Arabic?
No I want them to speak English.

>Why are people surprised? It's a small business run by first generation immigrants... Would you really want to work somewhere where they only speak Chinese or Arabic?
Why the fuck would you let someone immigrate without knowing the official language of the country?

Try telling them that with your fists then.

>when you have no official language so it isn't an issue

Violence wouldn't solve that issue.

Better start learning that chinese boy

Is this a joke, or do they take in like 5 permanent residents per year?

Asking nicely might then

Yeah, I'm speaking from experience. Letting people in without forcing them to undergo an English proficiency is a huge, huge mistake.

We speak Canadian English

The entire state of North Dakota has a population of ~750,000.

I'm just kind of confused because the Chinese immigrants here have assimilated quite well, but most also came a long time ago.

thats the amount of people in his country.

>Letting people in without forcing them to undergo an English proficiency is a huge, huge mistake.
We do exactly that

Huh. Maybe this was a diversity visa thing and all Burmese moved there or something.

You're not from the West coast, I take it.

Since the population is so tiny and nobody ever moves there, all it takes is a couple thousand people moving there to be the largest foreign-born minority.

Damn it feels good to be a mexican state


If you want chinese speakers, post an ad in chinese ffs.

No, Kansas. We have a decent number of Coolie descendants here.

is this real?

those countries are surprising.
>Alaska - pinoys


>i thought you guys didn't have them
real big in atlantic Canada and coastal BC pham

Nah, it should be simple. Just take the current citizenship test in English, and that should be enough. I can't hold others to a standard my hillbilly relatives can't meet.
On second thought, maybe I don't want a bunch of angry, unemployed addicts coming here as immigrants.

What did you think they did with all of that halibut and rockfish?