13 reasons why hate or love

I fucking hate this show. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a teenager killed herself because she couldn't live a perfect life? No.

why do you watch it then?

It has some strong parts

>clay reminiscing about the party and how he could have done it differently, and breaking down over it
>the hot tub rape scene hits you in the gut
>justin and his mother
>doesn't shy away from showing you the suicide
>girl is a real qt

Other than that it's a pretty dumb show. Lots of the characters are laughably unbelievable, the acting is hit or miss, and it doesn't have much in terms of a unifying theme. It's all over the place.

I guess it's as good as you'd expect a show marketed for teenagers and produced by Selena Gomez to be

>clay reminiscing about the party and how he could have done it differently, and breaking down over it

fuck off, terrible scene
this guys problem is that he couldnt be MORE of a ridiculous white knight

okay then virgin

Why does Clay's mom want to fuck her son? She's so obvious about it.

And Clay's too beta to even fuck her too

If the bitch hadn't gone apeshit and forced him out he would have went to pound town. The fuck are you talking about

Honestly this show sounds like a bunch of kids whining over things that aren't worth killing yourself over.

too typical coming from a guy who's most likely as ugly as clay himself

the only redeeming part about this show is the suicide scene and the mothers acting right after,
the rape + justin's character somewhat as well


terrible show

It is

That's netflix for you , learn your lesson hopefully


>too typical coming from a guy who's most likely as ugly as clay himself

You're the one who is clearly insecure about how closely you relate to him. It's laughably transparent.

>see bryce rape her first friend
>go to bryce's party to get raped
lmao what?

I fucking hate this play. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a teenager killed herself because she couldn't live a perfect life? No.

It really is one of his shittier plays.

ironic since R+J is his worst

Pretend I said Hamlet and "himself" then

Romeo and Juliet is fucking dogshit anyway.

Women like getting raped, this is a fact

Hamlet was 30, and fell upon some genuinely shitty circumstances.

I fucking hate this book. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a teenager killed herself because she couldn't live a perfect life? No.

>Dindu nothin tier

>kind of did something but mostly Hannah's fault tier
Justin (2nd time)

>Pretty shitty but maximum drama queen if you actually consider this a reason to kys tier
Justin (1st time)

>Could damage someone for a while tier

But yeah this show is pretty bad. Everyone's a shit-tier person, but not even in an interesting way. It's just a series of played-out high school archetypes.

I fucking hate this book. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a woman killed herself because she couldn't live a perfect life? No.

This show sucks because of his shitty argument trying to make edgy kids to like it "2sad2keepliving" and shit, it's really awful how shows like this create an annoying fan base that actually defend the main character from people who doesn't like the show.

It's a "life is terrible and im so sad" episode one after another, in other words, this show is fucking cancer .

I fucking hate this movie. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a dictator killed himself because he couldn't live a perfect life? No.

Tolstoy is a poor mans Bely

I fucking hate this book. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a man killed himself because he couldn't live a perfect life? No.

it was alright, although it was clearly made by people who have no idea what post-2000 high school is like.
Also, why was this Clay fag so disrespectful to his parents? If I or any of the kids I knew in high school talked back to their parents like that and so often we'd get our asses kicked

I fucking hate this writer. It's pointless are really supposed to care that an author killed himself because he couldn't live a perfect life? No.

you telling me Ryan didn't do anything?

I fucking hate this religion. It's pointless are really supposed to care that God killed himself for our sins? No.

I fucking hate this artist. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a musician killed himself because he couldn't live a perfect life? No.

that suicide scene was fucking gnarly

literally everything would have been fine if she had just told clay how she felt and been forward with him instead of being a moaning bitch


lmao what? dude literally wrote "best ass" and she thought of it as a reason to kill herself

I fucking hate this actor. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a comedian killed himself because he couldn't live a perfect life? No.

He sold her out for jessica

yeah, no shit. nirvana was terrible

No. He would do something if Hannah didn't already share it. But she did and after she starts sperging out about Ryan publishing her most "private thoughts" when she already shared them.

Maybe he's not entirely dindu nothin since he did steal her poem but the intentions clearly weren't as "self-serving" as Hannah said they were.

Which is literally the single major point made by the movie. She didn't tell him because despite the "communication lessons" in her school, she never actually learned to communicate as she lives in a fucked up society. Just watch the fucking show, every step towards honesty, intimacy and trust was suffocated and backfired. Her environment conditioned her that it's best to just shut the fuck up, hide things and act. Just look at the people who are portrayed as successful/popular in the series: They are either pretending to be someone they aren't or straight-up psychopaths. Sure, she made some pretty stupid decisions here and there, but that's not the point. The point is that she still grew up in a terrible, soulless environment, even if she didn't kill herself.

not really, he and jessica were together to begin with, she just broke up with him and he wrote Hannah best ass to piss her off and in it with the ''cool kids''

>>Dindu nothin tier

He should have AT LEAST call her parents. Literally didn't do anything like he was supposed to.

Just the one kid actually

Nobody cared about ophelia killing herself.

>mfw Tyler at the last episode

swap sheri and zac with porter and ryan then this list makes sense

also alex and jessica should be in the only a little bit bad tier

she got raped. not exactly yr everyday first world problem

>the only witness to two rapes(one the victim was unconscious making her testimony invalid and the other she was the only one present)
>kills herself so they have no way of prosecuting the rapist

I fucking hate this country. It's pointless are really supposed to care that a nation killed itself because he couldn't handle the white guilt? No.

There are no objective reasons for killing oneself you fucking edgelord. Arguably 99.9% of suicides (not counting euthanasia) are born out of mental issues. That throws away any "rationality" of the act of out the window.

There has to be someone from viral marketing making these threads, there's no other way to explain why we have 4 threads at a time going over this mediocre show.

there were some curious decisions made in making this show.

Just watched the first episode and am already raging how she uses the nerd guy to get the chad and that she stalks him and he stalks her but its okay because she wants to fuck. I'm assuming that shes gonna bitch about the nerd guy stalking her that's the only reason why. I feel the self centered gyno centric bullshit coming through in this one.

How do I become an asshole that will break women down while not actually looking like a scummy bad guy for it?

whats better:
long hair hannah or short hair hannah?

>tfw I can unironically relate to Hannah's high school experience
I-is this what being a beta male means?
Throughout highschool I kind of went through the same shit, I was even molested and that fucked me up for a while.
Instead of killing myself though I depend on drugs to try and forget everything, anyone else on here feel the same?

holy shit dude, sorry to hear that

if anyone thinks you're a 'beta' for having issues because you were bullied and molested at a highly developmental period, they're both 1. wrong and 2. an asshole

if you're open to it, getting in touch with a good psychotherapist could be really rewarding

>tfw keep going to parties even when they're hosted by people I know to be rapists.

That one guy shot himself

What the fuck was with the ending? Do they intend to make more seasons even though there's no more material left? We don't even know what made Alex shoot himself, but then again they also sorta imply that Tyler shot Alex? Even though Tyler didn't have much beef with him? What happened there?

Why don't we see Bryce getting taken down? I know I'm probably asking too much of a high school drama, but those last two episodes were honestly about to be the best of the entire show until the writers just gave up and ended shit without any real resolution. How could they not even film Alex's shooting?

Is Tyler gonna be the next one to make tapes? Is he gonna try to kill everyone else and stage it all as suicides? There are so many plot holes now.

Tyler was the kid who was hiding a gun before his deposition, right?
Season 2 starts with him doing a school shooting and then the tapes roll out.

Hmm, very interesting. What else happened? Did you try to say no? Did you do anything you regret? If you don't give me a name, then you might just have to move on.

I felt like the main character was a giant hypocrite. She wasn't exactly a kind person either.
I didn't finish the show though so idk. I know worst stuff happens to her later on.
I just think this entire show is an emo teen fantasy where they finally get revenge on people who upset them by killing themselves and blaming it on them. I'm too old for this shit, I was interested but blaming mostly innocent people for your death... well fuck you too.

this is the true winner of the costume contest

either this or chubby daenerys

Hannah does admit by the end how stupid she is. She includes Clay on the tapes specifically to apologize to him and say how she only would have made his life worse. Hannah is incredibly frustrating and could have been written better but I did feel bad for her by the end, even if she basically let Bryce rape her by not immediately bolting from the tub the moment he came in.

>watching past the first 15 minutes

as a male, society is against you and doesn't give a shit

best of luck, my friend

8 episodes in and so far nothing worth killing yourself over has happened.

long hair hannah is the qtest but the show gets better with short hair hannah

its like the only person in that school that isnt a complete piece of garbage is tony

I've seen a lot worse, especially for teen shows. I'd give it a 7/10.

Nothing is worth killing yourself over. No matter what happened nothing would have justified her suicide.

I gave it a try and couldn't make it past halfway through the first episode. I don't care if the greatest mystery or whatever unravels through the rest of the season. The script and acting was so turbo cringe I wanted to punch my TV.

Did anyone else think Clay and Tony were going to hook up? I mean obviously Tony's got a thing for Clay, why else would he be protecting him and stuff? Tony would probably be the top and Clay would be the bottom.

>why else would he be protecting him and stuff?
uh, because hannah asked him to, ya fuckin homo?

Marcus fucking tried to finger rape her in a restauraunt. That's damaging tier.

Also Porter clearly mishandled that situation. He should have pressed harder or reported her or omething. You don't tell a teen girl who got raped to "just get over it, lel".

And how is Sheri knocking over a stop sign Hannah's fault?

I'd also move Zach and Ryan to pretty shitty. I mean seriously who goes through someone else's "compilment box" and throws away their compliments? What a dick move. Also publishin such a revealing poem IN HER HANDWRITING which people could recognize? Dick move. Maybe if he had typed it up it wouldn't be that bad, but the fact that he stole it and published it without her permission is pretty shit thing to do to someone.

He also lied to the cool kids and said he fucked Hannah, which increased her reputation as being a slut.

Author of the book is involved with the TV show and will be writing material for season 2.

Yeah, but he had been doing it even before Hannah moved to town. Remember they talked about the one time in 7th grade when Clay got his head put in the toilet and Clay said Tony shouldn't help him because he needed to learn how to fight his own battles.

Alex and Clay would have made an adorable couple. That scene where he wants Alex to stay with him while they mourn Jeff is really touching and kinda cute.

Jeff was gay right? Or at least Bi? I refuse to believe a straight guy looks like that.

what? I swear they just crowded him and said "aye bruh u gettin that?" he never actually said anything . regardless slight school drama isn't anywhere near a trigger to make a girl want to kill herself.

Jeff was pretty bro too.

He didn't deny it, so they thought he fucked her. And then because of that, they let Alex hang out with them.

thank you! Clay was rude as fuck and his parents are nice as hell.

these violent delights have violent ends, dolores


So far Tony is the only tolerable character because he's barely in it
Also did anyone else expect that fucking Joy Division song to play at some point? I didn't expect it to be in the first episode, but it's so cliche

Jeff was the only decent one.

Jeff is good as well.

>nobody ever uses "Atmosphere" or "New Dawn Fades"

Are there any good young adult books in the first place? Not really

Hannah's mom is a huge cunt. you can have some decency towards people showing you support.

They can be quite enjoyable, but you have to appreciate it for what it is. It's intended audience is a teen, not an older adult, so you just have to keep that in mind, and you can enjoy it.

>have oneitis
>rumor spreads that she went to third base with chad
>still your oneitis
>goes on a valentine's date with chad nr 2 and gets groped
>still your oneitis
>go to the same party
>after awkward small talk start making out and undressing each other
>never been this happy, start imagining life together
>suddenly she starts crying and tells you to fuck off

Tell me, Sup Forums, what would you do?

She'd still be the one

You want Jeff to be bi so you can have sex with him