Some pics I added Nazi stuff to to give me extra boners

Some pics I added Nazi stuff to to give me extra boners.



Does anyone know if any of these women are actually nazis? Or just attention whores as per usual?

Don't have kids


do you have some that are actually attractive or just whores ?

Mostly just whores. For those of us who like the look of a Nazi vaginas.

These are real pictures, but I added the armband and the tattoos in Photoshop. I gave the gals a silver lining.


>Mostly just whores. For those of us who like the look of a Nazi vaginas.

whats attractives about nazi girls isnt the vagina you autist its the fury in her eyes, the family prospect and the purity. like whats the point of a naked whore with a photoshoped swastika ?

I like the vaginas too, though.

If you don't like the pictures, stop look at them. Others of us are allowed to enjoy.


Sorry, I had like 4 hours' sleep.

Hey Corky!

Pretend these are photos your Nazi wife sent privately to you.

whew, found the autism thread


>muh dick

I think the people want more.

Version 2 :-)

Dont do it you can tell shes a skeleton and will still your peepee


>strangely aroused

Holy shit...

This is the most autistic thread on Sup Forums to date.

'Eyy, thanks! I needed more! But if autism means something bad, why did you contribute?

Nothin' strange about it ;-)

Ain't it grand?

DO they have children like Hitler would have wanted?

Don't know, don't care. It's fap material. Leave if you don't like it, dude, honestly.

is worth it.

>not looking at the pixels

Bumpin' 'cause I'm all out.