>Muh Fish
Muh Fish
>charging 50,000 Japcash for some fish and rice
More like Jewro: Dreams of Shekels
Yea, fuck anyone that shows passion and dedication. Lets keep it strictly ironic and cynical.
where do you think you are?
>hurr durr how does currency conversion work
>muh vandalism
Supply and demand. There is only one Jiro, but a whole lot of demand for his sushi.
Fuck yeah, new season of Tales From the Crypt
it's a really fantastic documentary but i didn't find the food appealing at all. it's literally just raw fish with some rice and some sprinkles of sauce mashed into a little ball. and you need at least 10 years to learn how to do that properly?? get the fuck out...
japanese are too fucking autistic about sushi.
sushi is way too fucking overrated
jiro is a real asshole. he ruined his son's life just to preserve his legacy
uh... 500 dollars is still an insane amount for a meal.
conversion? you think he's gonna accept dollars? tojos wouldnt know what to do with a greenback if it slapped them in the face
Exactly. And lets keep it that way, we don't want any one making us feel inferior and pointless. Its hard to keep this delusion of superiority to the rest of the world going.
pretty normal for a high-quality gourmet meal
sushi really is such a con
its raw fish and rice. how exactly do you improve the taste of raw fish....? it's nonsense.
>ruined his son's life
by making him a chef in a world class restaurant? lmao
also it not unusual for fathers to ruin their sons lives tbqh
only americans with no understanding of cultures besides their own believe sushi should cost $500
Food is about a lot more than just the flavors of the stuff you put in your mouth.
You don't need 10 years to learn how to make sushi.But a high end restaurant can use 10 years perfecting every part of something though. Getting the right ingredients, preparing it right, getting the whole experience just right so your brain really expects something amazing even before you smell the food.
>world class restaurant
>place is in the middle of nowhere and all meals must be finished while a creepy old dude watches you
Yeah, I bet he thanks his father every day.
Yea, fuck anyone that shows passion and dedication. Lets keep it strictly ironic and cynical.
funny that I'm not American then lmao
>old chink makes sushi and is a dick about it
Its more about buying the best quality fish knowing what cuts are good, the ratio, also the rice has vinegar and wasabi.
Even in Tokyo the quality and taste varies by shop. Sometimes is reflected in the price, but sometimes shops just have better connections and are able to buy better fish.
so it takes 10 years to figure out how to buy a good fish and how to make rice with vinegar and wasabi? lol
what a crock of shit
lmao sure thing burger
Its a triple michelin restaurant, not a fucking hot dog stand you retarded faggot
>muh genocide
>it's nonsense.
Try some more sushi before you shit on it. There is an huge range to how good it is.
>middle of nowhere
It's in a subway station in the busiest city of all time
You literally could not ask for more visibility than that
Are you implying a 3 Michelin star restaurant isn't world class or that you have to be in a specific type of location to be a world class restaurant, you fucking pillock?
When you watch Chef's Table you realize all these michelin starred chefs are autistic weirdos
>it's literally just raw fish with some rice and some sprinkles of sauce mashed into a little ball
Get a load of this guy
>being this much of a brain- and tastelet
Not many normal people can obsess over something that hard.
this is a good feelocumentary. 10/10
>oooh! dis sushi so good! you rearry gorna ruv it, goyim... I mean, American!
sushi is pleb food for retards
>part with the montage of the dishes
It's fucking RAW
Jiro Nightmares of Ass-Rape
>man who makes 100k+ a day not cooking fish talking about how hard work is the most rewarding thing in life
>just raw fish and some rice
>too autistic about a integral part of their native culture
Culture is for retards.
>Make loads of dosh a day
>Do not pay the """trainees""" that have been working for you 5 years
Jiroberg Onostein
Frankly I'm not jealous of Hiro, though I would like his money. Fish arrangement isn't a skill I particularly feel like I'm missing out on.
This hiro guy is a real jerk
the guy is destroying private property. fuck him. wish i could catch him wrecking my folks' shop just so i could hippity hoppity end his fucking life. like, just buy an easel.
that shit was so tense
just because he worked hard doesn't mean I have to like or care about his art.
Fucking Jack
Stohp bullying Jiro-san.
that's not jack.
if jack had ever used a knife in that fashion he wouldn't have hands anymore.
Didn't this movie spend half its duration on "Mr. Brainwash" or whatever the fuck that talentless hack calls himself?
Are you seriously shitting on this? This film was fucking incredible
Picking out good fish is a skill that takes a long time to do, especially when every fish has radically different peak flavor times.
It isn't just muh freshest possible for every kind of fish. Things like mackeral need so aging. Eel is finicky as hell.
Delicious copypasta
It's such a shortsighted attitude to think that. Jiros son has been trained as one of the worlds best sushi chefs... that type of prestige can land you a job anywhere in the world. He has no debts and will inherit a small fortune when Jiro passes. It might not have been initially a life of adventure, but jiros son is in a much better position than 95% of Japanese men his age. Considering jiro came from total poverty, he has done very well for his family.
>being this pleb
You have to go back.
>liking sushi
hello r*ddit
Sushi is extremely accessible,pleb.