Other urls found in this thread:
Pardon, but you're not permitted to invite colleagues.
Doctor Pavelsmith, I presume?
Pardon me sir, but I'm afraid you unable to bring friends.
I am not acquainted with these gentlemen
You're a formidable fellow.
You're an abnormally tall gentleman.
If I remove your tophat will you cease to be?
It would be most excruciating.
The pain would be most exquisite!
Verily, the agony brought on would be quite formidable.
You're quite the brute, I can see.
For you
They anticipate one of our own in the wreckage my dear fellow
In comparison to yourself.
You are a bloke of grand stature
Crashing this carriage
With no survivors
For ye ol'
What is the next move in your grand stratagem?
I remember the last time we had this htread
Was last year
Could have waited another entire year to post this desu
Come now, my dear doctor. Presently, the circumstances do not permit us to be fearful.
Such emotions will be experienced at a subsequent time.
Mayhaps he is pondering why a person would impale a gentleman before throwing him out of the wagon.
Those brutes toil for the fiendish mercenary, the gentleman who if you were so ignorant to be absent of quinine around thee, would almost certainly acquiesce malaria.
>sips earl grey
for you, sir
Pray tell, was being apprehended by Scotland Yard part of your grand machination?
Place them on board. I shall telegram head office.
I regret to inform you goodsir that you may not bring companions aboard
These ne'er-do-wells are most certainly no acquaintances of mine
mmm hmmm nootka
>These actions cannot be proceeding in this manner, for I am surely in charge.
Doctor Pavelsmithington? Allow me to introduce myself. I work for Scotland Yard.
The itinerary that was sent by myself to my benefactors has within its items; myself (henceforth referred to as Central Intelligence Agency), the crew that was assigned me (who shall for obvious reasons remain unnamed), and the good Dr. Pavelbrooks here. But, I am sorry to say, but one of you was listed among the passengers.
He who communicates most rapidly shall be allowed to remain aboard my whirligig
Have we ignited the incandescent flames kept alit by whale oil?
You shall have to experience the blaze in the realm of dreams!
You shall not have any morsel of doubt that resides inside of you my brother! The conflagration pains itself to reach the very heavens above us at this very moment!
>I have bequeathed upon you a small treasury
Keked heartedly, woke up the dogs.
I wish I was a native english speaker, I can't make up shit like this
Janitors won't delete this thread, it's wearing a clever disguise!
Of course! The flames shall engulf the heavens and be visible to all those who stand beneath!
The deepest fires of hell consume the heavens
The flames rise higher than Big Ben and hotter than the fiery breath of St. George's dragon!
>was apprehension parcel to your machinations?
We desired to know what Doctor Pavelworth informed you.
Nothing, truly. For I had said nothing.
Release me, you dastardly fiend! Such brutish behaviour is most unbecoming of a gentleman!
>Do you presently possess a sense of authority?
Quite an abundance of stubborn fidelity for a mere mercenary!
Give up the information that I seek concerning Banesworth! Why would such a fearsome man conceal his face with a mechanical veil, what is it that he is hiding?
And you feel that through this you have thereupon been bestowed some manner of authority over me?
If I were to lift that façade from your visage, would you perish?
>>Do you presently possess a sense of authority?
>And you feel that through this you have thereupon been bestowed some manner of authority over me? are hellspawn from the fonts of hades!
Or perhaps he is trying to deduce the reasoning of removing a gentleman's top hat before forcing him to vacate a moving carriage.
Such devotion is peculiar from a paid marksman
>Fret not, for no compensation is required on account of the aforementioned.
>And on what grounds should I desire their company?
>They endeavoured to seize thy trophy. They are in the employ of the Landsknecht, the Man in the Iron Mask.
Be so good as to appraise me on the attributes of the fellow known colloquially as Banesfield! Specifically regarding his mask, and why indeed he is not seen without it!
Has science gone to far?
Perhaps he is pondering why a you would fire upon a gentleman, before proceeding to expel him from an airship.
this meme has passed beyond the realm of the living
You're an old guy
Verily, for I have escaped the embrace of Hades so that I may engage in this memery.
A disguise you say? Perchance a mask?
These hooded gentlemen we're attempting to snatch the good Doctor Pavelthorpe, my good man. We've deduced that they are employed by that dastardly sell-sword, the devilish fiend...
Quite so, old bean.
Board the hooded gentlemen into the whirligig, I shall send a telegram to my superiors post-haste!
there would come forth a deluge of suffering
Upon the ruination of Gotham City, your timey demise will be hereby granted by mine own authority.
>I must say that our identies hold no value when compared to the importance of our purpose
I'm necessary prime evil.
It makes no never-mind who we are. For not a soul was concerned until I placed upon my face the mask.
Baneposting is literally kino.
give me thus account of the mask-ed man, why for does he obscure his countenance?
Nothing! I am entirely devoid of any kind of meaningful information which I am presently suspected of imparting and so, I say once more, I know nothing!
Ah! You have returned to share in the demise of your township I see.
>Feline Vixen, you have erred gravely in pursuing these actions
>Not as gravely as you, i lament
>Let us dispose of ballroom formalities, Sir Wayne
shit meme and thread
Rid us of this man of ill temper and heated cranium forthwith!
Many summers ago, my compatriots and myself had been residing in Burma, finding employment in service of the local administration. They were attempting to persuade nearby tribal chieftains to pledge their loyalty to them by appeasing them with precious gems. Alas, their caravans fell under assault to the north of Rangoon by a marauding bandit.
Verily, we searched for the gems, but in twelve fortnights we had not found nary a single stone, nor any soul who had bartered with the scoundrel. One day, I saw a young street urchin idly playing with a ruby the size of a large citrus.
So we went looking for the stones. But in six months, we never met anyone who had traded with him. One day I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing the stones away.
By what vicissitude of fate led to your being here at this location, sir?
rush this fever-riddled chap through these doors to the infirmary!
>You were right Bane, we did fly too far.
Your fortunes and connections have been of utility to us, until this moment.
I have granted you a not inconsiderable quantity of exchange medium.
And this gives you the ability to command my personage?
I'm Scotland Yard.
Doctor Pavelsworth? Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Pinkerton
That fiend! Whenever and wherever that syllable passes through my lobes I am engulfed with hellish fury. I have devoted many of my own winters to her majesty's service in clandestine fashion left to scouring the colonies in search of the mercenary who, as the gentleman with malaria said, adorns a mask (knowledge I was hitherto ignorant of).
Ah but an interrogation of his cronies would suffice. Perhaps their fear of an existence confined in chains (or worse, a life brought to heel by the hangman!) will lead them towards confession, as if I held the keys to our maker's mercy while their soul was bound to hellfire.
Bane in shackles, leading him to be presented before her majesty herself. The prospect teases my imagination like no other. The name William Wilson resounding loudly in the halls of Westminster, lords and ladies pining for my presence. Undoubtedly a handsome reward awaits and capturing this brute will be quite the feather in my cap. With haste I shall make my way back to England! Heaven forbid that his deviousness has taken me for a fool and a much larger ship awaits to strip my sails bare.
>Men! Take these bastards into the hull, we shall depart for London at once.
Perhaps this is a General where gentleman come together to post a meme which has deceased already?
If the meme is in fact deceased, then present me with its corpse!
Farewell, you Ill-tempered, scorched skull baboon!
>The name William Wilson resounding loudly in the halls of Westminster
I am dying
Most exquisite recollection, old bean.
Compiling this whole thread now, with nothing left out!
Doctor Pavelthorpe? Allow me to introduce myself. I am Scotland Yard.
He was accompanied.
Pardon, but you're not permitted to invite colleagues.
These ne'er-do-wells are most certainly no acquaintances of mine.
Fret not, for no compensation is required on account of the aforementioned.
And on what grounds should I desire their company?
These hooded gentlemen were attempting to abduct the good Doctor Pavelthorpe. We've deduced that they are employed by that dastardly sell-sword, the devilish fiend...
Quite so, old bean.
Tally-ho and board these hooded goons into the whirligig, I shall send a telegram to my superiors post-haste!
The itinerary that was sent by myself to my benefactors has within its items; myself (henceforth referred to as Scotland Yard), the crew that was assigned me (who shall for obvious reasons remain unnamed), and the good Dr. Pavelthorpe here. But, I am sorry to say, that but one of you was listed in the program!
The most rapid of you to yap will be compensated with asylum upon my airship!
Who waged you to acquire custody of the good Doctor Pavelthorpe?
He has not experienced flight in an appropriate manner!
(Continued on pastebin)
None thought me worth a thought untill i affixed this visage.
that's not what he meant, silly user
Quite an extraordinary thread if I do say so myself.