Starting it right now, what am I in for?
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A sci-fi movie starring Bruce Willis.
Just fun.
Silly fun. It's okay, bit uneven but mostly pretty good. Great looking film that's for sure.
GOAT sci fi that couldn't be made today..
Maybe I could watch this today, would I like it if I didn't like Leon?
Leon was much darker and more serious. This is a goofy action comedy.
I was incredibly drunk while watching it.
there's a really good song in it
that blue alien opera singer gave me nightmares
Besson is a hack and you are cinematically literate enough to understand it.
No, you won't like it.
She was Besson's wife.
During production he dropped her and fucked Multipass-woman for years :^)
Luc Besson has a great relationship stories, including pedo vibes, you should research it.
fun and criss rock/tucker.
i think it's tucker but you can never be sure.
okay, cool.
Well I guess I could also finally watch Fright Night, Popeye, or Conan the Barbarian.
40 minutes in, it's aesthetic and interesting as fuck.
It's also refreshing to see a movie that isn't such a boring tryhard like everything modern.
An unironic 10/10
A literally perfect waifu
Ma favourite movie of all time
Plus Gary Oldman
The power of zany French sci-fi with the best of the Anglo.
>I hate Redditors, too simple-minded. I'll tell you what I do like though: an user, a dyed-in-the-wool user. Immoral, foul, autistic and vigourous. Now a serious shitposter, when he reposted that content, would've immediately asked about the little data package hidden under the EXIF in the image properties.
A top notch first half in the glorious style of Heavy Metal magazine.
Then an emasculated 2nd half wherein formerly badass character/s suddenly turn emmo. And sinister buildup is forgotten.
10/10 1st half
6/10 2nd half
Overall worth it.
Time is not important. Only life is important
I'm laughing like an autist midway.
Fuck this is a 10/10.
Make sure to check out Mousehunt once you've finished.
>genetically perfect
>has no tits
Are you classified as a shitposter?
I'm gonna join you, OP.
MouseHunt is legitimately an 11/10 film.
Negative, i am a meme popsicle.
A-a-are you a big guy?
>"pure evil"
>perfect woman looks like a little boy in a bad wig
>tfw you will never have DJ Ruby Rhod go on a vacation with you and you both pull mad space honies.
It's actually the textbook definition of a space opera, it's realistic enough, but still confident in its own aesthetic.
The best action film to ever have the hero and villain never meet or even be made aware the other exists
remake when?
>I don't want one position, I want all positions!
that's what she said lol
nowadays, is horrible.
you had to watch it in its time: it used to be the shit.
your a faggot
What a terrible opinion to have. Your subjective opinion is objectively wrong.
Chris Tucker is actually fucking rad in this movie.
in what conceivable way is it horrible? The acting is great, set design was incredibly progressive for its time.
OP here, just finished and holy shit what a great watch.
I think it's a legitimate 9/10 or even a 10/10.
>le contrarian for a you
here is your (you)
They used to advertise the first HD TVs with the scene where she jumps down and you see the city below her.
CGI didn't age well
It never does. less is more when it comes to it.
she kinda made my dick hard
CGI was fine. It matched the tone. It wasnt trying to be super realistic, it didnt stand out too much.
I wonder how it would feel with those tentacles in your butt hahaha
It hasn't really aged well.
wait I fucked that up
>fell asleep 29 minutes in
Should I even continue?
I agree. And it wasn't overdone either.
Prime Milla must be the closest thing mankind has been from perfection.
Not that I do not enjoy MILFlla, but it's not the same.
No, you should stop breathing
I was tired nigga what the fuck
you need to make it to the opera scene
I huge disappointment because you aren't experiencing it in a theater where it was meant to be experienced
Post yfw the remake stars a sassy fat black chick instead of Mila
>a nice girl butt right in the center
>CGI didn't age well
jesus christ dude
This desu senpai
Does anyone remember the hotel scene where she says "ROO BEE ROD" and she like puts her hands up and shakes her hips or something? In any copy I've seen it always pans to Corbin Dallas just as she says it.
I swear I've fucking seen it, I don't remember if it was in the theatrical release, some rip I've downloaded, one of those shitty adjusted for your television 4:3 aspect ratio copies that aired on old network television, or if it was a deleted scene. It bugs the fuck out of me because I know it exists but its impossible to find
I want to have sex with Milla Jovovich.
I want to have sex with Milla Jovovich 22 years ago.
Sometimes theatre cuts are slightly different from the eventual home release.
A remake would be aweful. Full of reddit tier quips, a transgendered "perfect" woman and Dallas would be a gay cuck. Also NO GARY OLDMAN!
yeah i remember, but she didnt put her hands up, just kept them on her hips. Haven't seen it recently, but remember the scene being in the vhs that I watched a million times as a kid.
>Besson is a hack
back this statement up so i can laugh at you
Fuck, maybe that was it. I wonder if I had a VHS of it back then or something.
it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a
found it
This movie is fucking shit.
>dated as fuck
>all characters are annoying as fuck besides Bruce
>retarted plot
>2 hours and seven minutes
Only reason to watch this movie is for the tail.
Watch pic related instead.
yeah I swear I remember it showed her when she said it
A weird but really great movie.
Why can't big movies like this be colourful and fun any more?
Black Tim Curry?
You won't enjoy it, because you don't even have the focus to watch a movie without stopping to read Sup Forums.
Have fun texting through the movie, manchild.
Total Recall is unironically a masterpiece.
A shining beacon of color, humor and action in the perpetual darkness of 90s sci-fi kino.
It's perfect.
Kek. Saved.
Does this movie still hold the record for the largest indoor explosion ever filmed?
Nope, thats the clip where they flash to Corbin's face instead. I've seen it a number of times.
back when chris rock used to be funny