ITT: Underrated capeshit scenes
ITT: Underrated capeshit scenes
garbage scene trying to imitate based Snyder
>marvel vs dc poster
>You're unbearably naive
>Well... I was born yesterday
Is Marvel literally incapable of pulling off a serious scene with a straight face?
It's a comic adaptation, not some arthouse tale about human nature.
>hurr why isn't it a serious film for serious people like myself durr
Every scene in BvS
The whole fucking movie is quips and one liners. If you can't handle the villain's death scene not having a quippy payoff without it "ruining the fun" for you, you may legitimately have autism.
Ultron had access to the internet but had no copy of his brain outside that Russian city?
>af u
But there is nothing wrong with that Visions line you autist.
Well actually he made a copy of himself and now resides on /r9k/
We aren't the ones complaining.
What, because he was a 'robot'? Most retarded theory I've heard all day, why would he go to Sup Forums of all places?
Ya need to lighten up.
Because he's a misanthropist.
>the only scene with any potential in the whole movie
Death to the mouse tbqh
I should start downloading movies in 4k that shit was crisp
>no fun
it's clearly meant to be a dramatic death scene and they still cant resist a little quip.
Quip or not, I think that was reasonable for Vision to say, considering his personality.
Now, things like:
>beep beep
>dick move, Banner
are absolutely and offensively shit.
One of the only like three times Vision was cool, and he was cool just in this movie.
The scene has a different tone than the rest of the film. I will admit that the scene as potential. But sadly the conversation between two powerful beings that are able to understand the chaos of the universe ends with Ultron leaping to attack invalidates the whole conversation.
The problem Marvel and DC movies have is they don't understand character growth. They don't understand that beings and people fail. And sometimes, a being with such a masterful understanding of the universe would accept it's fate.
Funny how ultron was more humane than any of snyder characters.
>prior to the movie they hyped up Ultron as the solution to the villain problem and was going to be serious
>movie comes out
>he's quipbot 5000
but he's ironic quipspouter 9000
literally /ourguy/
>I miss you son
Memes aside this was pretty emotional
>Memes aside this was pretty emotional
jesus christ are you serious?
This guyis right. That's not a quip. It's well within the confines of the characters present and the tone of the scene.
Yes I am. Man of Stell is Kino
Dawn of Justice is shit
except this scene
this scene is sex
forgot image
As long as we're clear in that it's absolute shit, you can call whatever you want bucko
Vision never calls Ultron father is this movie, and Stark creates Ultron?
JUST fuck my comics up, senpai
Had the movie not been so full of quips, that would have actually been a fine a moment for one.
Hellboy 2 is unironically my favorite comic book movie.
>german character
>literally gas
>comics are constantly full of quips even during serious scenes
don't think so friend
>ripping off Chinese comics
Nothing wrong with copying the best.
kino only fag, read the sticky
woah that's so deep
Not everyone has autism. That scene is powerful.
woah that's so ironic
They are children's movies.
Fuck off back to /r9k/ Ultron
but there wasn't even any religious symbolism. How can it be emotional or powerful?
>age of ultron trailer comes out
>visual of captain murrica's shield shattered
>think it's actually pretty kino symbolism of Ultron's potential to break the Avengers
>he turns out to be an incompetent retard
>the shield shattering was JUSTADREAM LOL
What a disappointment.
Name something wrong with this that doesn't boil down to "pfffft he's such a pussy lmao"
I don't get that scene.