Which redpill is the biggest / hardest to swallow, Sup Forums?

Which redpill is the biggest / hardest to swallow, Sup Forums?

Women are not equal to men

the moon doesn't exist

The Black Pill.

Yo mama is fat.

We are all degenerate and deserve death.


King George III did nothing wrong

Jews aren't making everything suck. Everything just sucks.

There's no way to change the master plan unfolding in the world and we are the second to last generation living with a modicum of freedom.

Caution yellow

The red pill.

There is something after death. Being physically alive in this world is merely another stage of your existence. You cannot create or destroy matter; Only change it.

Anyone who uses the term "red-pilled" or "blue-pilled" is blue-pilled.

How do you plan to get even more than half a percent of the votes?

No one's in charge and we're all gonna die.

911 was a hologram


Everything since 1789 had been a huge mistake

Also traditionalism is the only way to go.

The World will never get better. We always have to fight about something.

They get treated better than us, they get away with crimes things that would send a man to jail.

If you are out in a night club, the bouncers will kick a man out for falling over, but a girl would be fine.

Women get jobs to fill a diversity quota even if they are not fit for the job.

Menanists unite


The earth is flat

for most people here... that Jesus is a kike and Christianity is a cuck religion

There is nothing special about our "consciousness", it's just there to facilitate social relationships

This. Sometimes freeing, in a sort of cynical, nihilistic way; sometimes - usually - just utterly pants-shittingly terrifying.

Won't stop me from endlessly funposting on my favorite Albanian asparagus-growing forum though :3

>flat earth
>the holocaust is fake
>there are no nuclear bombs, it was all firebombing
>despite this, Nagasaki and Hiroshima are thriving today better than Detroit because of niggers
>smoking doesn't cause cancer, it's nuclear radiation
>don't ask me to explain how if nukes aren't real, fuck you
>aliens are demons
>God, Jesus, Satan. It's real. All of it
>it's the Jews

>for most people here

Christfags are a minority at Sup Forums

All of this doesn't matter.

Nothing you do will be remembered and everything you accomplish will be dust.

The universe does not care.

>simple plebian memery

If you're unattractive you're stuck to a life of servitude and appeasement.

He is a wild card. The real redpill is realizing that it is a very real possibility he is using us to get into office, and whether he'll follow through with what he says is anyone's guess. He's still got my vote and I hope he's the right choice, but he is a God of manipulation

>Which redpill is the biggest / hardest to swallow, Sup Forums?
le monke


>he thinks space is real

Top kek m8

You need to investigate NASA, it's all bullshit

If you have children, they will likely turn into libotomites.

The world's problems are not caused by the Jews are any single organization but rather a complex web of inter-related forces each pursuing their own agenda.

(((I wonder who could be behind this post?)))

that no matter how hard you try to do good, be successful, matter to someone, you will still be a piece of shit.

that you arent that smart the world hasnt really changed much we just have easier access to information via technology.

The world is much more insidious and dangerous than during the 1830s and the industrial revolution with all the harmful chemicals in the air and our food and the plastics etc

All the appararent social progress and techonological advancement has pussified the western world into nations of apathetic labour slaves who toil for insipid luxuries and lifestyles sold to them via vast information network designed to manipulate them into accepting shit and will defend said shit.

Everything you love that is entertainment/culture will be tarnished if it ever becomes popular because all art once it reaches mainstream success becomes derivative and watered down in order to sell it further to the idiot masses, anything that doesnt become successful wont recieve the funding to allow the producers to fully develop it leaving it as an unfinished idea that at best gets stolen by someone else who then makes it successful. There is no middle ground of an ongoing IP or music that doesnt become corrupted by money and turned into shit.

No one truely loves you except maybe your parents. Everyone uses everyone for something because human beings are capricious, decieving, incencere and selfish regardless of gender.

Love is just a chemical reaction driving us to mate, for men they are driven further to protect their mate via the innate instinct to secure their offsprings future. Women are driven by love to protect their offspring so men generally love their partners and women generally love their children unconditionally. Further these chemicals drive all women to look for the best men to serve as mates because pregnancy makes them vulnerable and unable to fend for themselves which translates into the modern 80:20 phenomenon.
Men want to fuck constantly and with as many women as possible initially because women are only fertile once a month.

Debt was the biggest one. Made me feel like everything is just going to be washed away eventually.

High tier dose:
>People Are just literally insane and stupid
>No Lives Matter

Mid Tier(Typical /pol):
>Flat Earth
>Racial Differences are real

Low Tier:
>All Blacks are NiggerNogs or All blacks are anything
>Hurr Back to tumblr
>Zealot Catholic as a shitposting hobby.


But user, you're in space right now.

The Hardest to swallow you say?

Depends on how far down the rabbit hole you're at right now... clearly I have swallowed many red pills.

The hardest one that I had to swallow (couple years ago):

The God of this universe is an Evil Imposter (called a Demiurge) and the real god is dead and gone insane and the Universe is controlled by Evil Forces

...who will destroy it eventually
...for their masters to consume

That doesnt mean that there isnt a Real God out there which is all about eternity and awesomeness and dont have rules for its clubhouse.

But it is outside of this place.

How is that for a giant fat red horse pill to swallow?

That everything anyone has ever done here in the true name of goodness... doesn't even matter. Only holds back the oblivion a little longer.

You believe not?
Dont worry, eventually you'll find the proper info.

>menanists unite

You dont swallow the redpill, it's a suppository.

>God, Jesus, Satan. It's real. All of it

The existence of lots of empty space and really big balls of burning gas is not a good excuse to roll over and resign one's self to mediocrity and nihilism. Neither is the transient nature of human existence. The fact that we can make value judgements at all has to stand for something. Shit we do here matters if you want it to. Otherwise i guess you can always just kill yourself.

You really call that anything other than Autism?
>Implying Gods
>Implying red-pilled

The (Capitalist) left wing red pill, the acknowledgment that right wing economics are harmful to the working class.

We can do our best to pollute the entire universe with our shitty species, though. I don't care how we get to the stars or how long it takes, I just want humanity to be everywhere like a virus.

violence and racial tensions are a cultural problem within the united states.
Canada is an example of a multicultural multi ethnic society with guns that does not suffer from a massive problem of crime and violence as much as the united states due to our adherence to British laws, organization culture.

That thing where Canadians are said to be nice?
we just stole that from the British

>Be 15 look for work
>no work
>be 25 looking for work still
>no work
>be xx looking for work still
>no work

That Islam is the one true religion and the ultimate solution to degeneracy

Many on this board still haven't swallowed it yet

take your meds

Study quantum immortality and then tell me that.

that's a blue pill, Ahmed

>"swallowing" islam

Another Big Red Pill to swallow:

Money is Debt
Debt is Money

Money is created at banks when they issue loans and mortgages. Because of the 93% fractional reserve ratio.

They can issue more than 10 times the amount of money to others than they have on hand. Then they ask the Federal Reserve to Print more money to cover it.

The initial money the bank had was issued as a Bond in the first place, which is a debt.

So the money you have is all Owed to someone else, in fact almost 14 times over.

bismillah brother

The best strategy is not to hate the jew, but instead to learn about finance and follow his steps.

I'd rather the whole of humanity ceases to exist than it becomes muslim.

Canada strikes me as far more cautious as to who can just come in and start fucking around. Imigrants literally have a choice to just never work and collect welfare for the remainder of their life while it compounds based on their unsupported children.
>Subsidized housing
>Rental Assistance
>Social Security for unemployable reasons (which can be as petty as anxiety, or fatigue)

Clinton is a better choice than you. thats a fact.

then you are aping the Jew and are the Jew and are a loser

I told you... when you get to the proper level you'll find the info and realize the same thing.

Until you get anywhere close to that it sounds all gooked up.

Thats the way red pills work. Until you're ready to take it, it sounds like crazy shit.

If I told that info to real actual Black Ops dudes their ears would perk up and they'd wanna know what else I knew.

Anything that tries to have you believe in something other than your own logic is shit-tier.

That not all hispanics are brown

This can be solved easily.

Replace fiat money that can be pulled out of thin air with gold/silver/some other rare material. The paper money must be backed by a physical, measurable thing like gold, not just people's trust like right now.

Eating meat is morally indefensible
There is no way to reconcile being a good person with eating animals. You just have to accept that you're a bad person and a hypocrite

Well Some are Niggers.

I'm gonna throw up

That no one here actually reads or does any kind of in depth studying on any of the topics here.

That all the opinions here are just chopped up, regurgitated opinions held by edgy loner teens and weeby autists.

That you shouldn't just take shit at face value, but instead THINK for yourself and form your own opinions.

While that may be true, it is not Solved Easily.

Lot of mouths at that trough, alot of them know hitmen and can give them a little gravy.

Like hillary...

The redpill didn't change me at all. I've always been depressed, now I actually have something real to be depressed about.

Adding the word 'quantum' to something doesn't make it sound smart, it makes you look like a gullible, pseudo-intellectual spastic

This day in age college is a meme. You are better off creating something that will sell or marketing yourself to people who sell things. Why hire the college graduate whos still green when there are untold numbers of unemployed 30+year olds with all the experience.

>has to stand for something

No it fucking doesn't. The mere fact you believe this hogwash is grasping at existential straws that reality never crafted. You find value in something because you WANT it to have value.

An asteroid won't care and neither will time.

As far as suicide, that's silly. As a human, or any organism for that matter, I have certain aspects of life I can find enjoyable. It may all boils down to chemical cues but because I am nothing more than what I am, I am content.

Understanding nothing you do actually matters and being unsatisfied with your insignificance are not inclusive.

Eat the animals that eat all the other things that you need?

Sounds like a damn good idea.

Good enough they invented A-1 Steak Sauce.

What motivation could he have other then change, it's not money

how so?

All human beings suffer from severe mental illness because we live in a world where our daily existence is not threatened, money and consumerism is a toxin to the human mind.
Sedentary lives fixated on information striving for some sort of meaning amongst a society so far flung most of us dont give a shit about each other has left humanity as an isolated race living like insects in a hive of disposability.

Basically everything Ted Kazinski said was right.

Our advanced society isnt so advanced its designed to turn the average human being into a complacent drone where the status quo is determined by the rich royal elite
The only thing that ever drives people to revolt is lack of food or extreme direct oppression. ie threatens survival

I guess I'm not afraid of many things that vegans must somehow be afraid of.
>Not afraid to murder.
>Not afraid of hypothetical afterlife
>Not afraid of meat-related diseases.
>Not afraid of natural consequences]
>Not afraid of having animals suffer for my strength and development
>Not afraid of torture.
Vegans are just quite literally limited by their imagination and false sense of compassion. They are paralyed by fear so to speak.

But son thats the name of the theory. I didnt just add "quantum" to immortality ya fucking dingo

Everyone is depressed, some people handle it better than others

>ideology that lets you be able to blame everyone else for your problems
>harder to swallow

How is this supposed to make me feel? I love steak and fucking hate strawberries...

All is one.
There is no seperate "you" or "I".
All conflict created in the world could easily solved if man recognized himself as he truly is.

Dare you to say that to a muslim

have taken my daily dose for years

It's not a theory, it's a thought experiment, and it has no math or physics to back it up.

I don't know, that's why I'm not saying for sure either way. Just that the possibility exists that he's pulling one over on us

That we (the Sami people) wasn't the first people in Scandinavia.
>We thought we wuz the Indians of Scandinavia
Feels bad man

That Ayn Rand is actually right

>Flat Earth
>Flat Earth
>Flat Earth
>Flat Earth
Retard detected

Shill detected

I didn't know that, it makes sense though.
Not that it makes me feel any better.

My biggest red pill was the rejection of nihilism.
Make the most out of your life and live through your children, don't ever waste a second because you get one chance. Make it happen, or don't, having full control over ones self is end-game.