Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

I'd like you to meet my wife

Other urls found in this thread:


The pretty lady you posted is in fact my wife, not yours.

wow in one post you got your wife stolen OP.

Can't argue with trips.




Is there every going to be a romance scene between Jack and Her?

I noticed the show becoming more and more adult like after he accidently killed that one daughter of aku

Haha, I have no idea what's going on, but for some reason I find it funny. XD

Sup Forums really is so much better than Reddit. lmao

I bet Jack only goes for more mature women, user.

no, because she is, as I said, my wife

>only 4 more episodes before it's gone forever


>Cucked on a Taiwanese knitting forum



The only Waifu for jack is green

she's cute, would sniff her butt/10

>only 4 more episodes before i can finally marathon it

>not marathoning so you can watch the finale with everyone


Why she dress like dat

When she washed away Aku's poz she had no clothes nearby.

cuz was naked and made clothes

>she's wearing clothing
Fake news.

>not watching it a month later and starting a thread 3 months later asking "what did we think?"

Wow boy oh boy do we have a problem up here.
[Spoiler]See how in one post I stole you whole thread, OP?[/spoiler]

>those spoilers

mmmmmm boys

>post yfw you first saw this

Implying it wasn't intentional

>not watching the show at all and making threads about why it sucked for (you)s

good pussi

Wow I never knew that all you had to do to make a girl like you was to brutally slaughter all her sisters that makes sense.

Pretty soon we'll be posting that for Twin Peaks

>I was only pretending
Whatever you say mobile poster.

>spend whole life around people that are only shitty towards you and basically torture the fuck out of you just so you can kill some guy
>suddenly an extremely kind person of the opposite sex actually starts treating you well while you witness the extremely easily seen downsides of Aku's rule

yeah, it's a mystery why she changed sides

what? why?

The /aco/ thread was better.
Also this belongs on Sup Forums and anime belongs on Sup Forums.

last season, only 10 episodes

they brought it back to finish it up for the fans

why do other boards always have better taste in anime than Sup Forums?

Congratulations! You got wife stolen.
Now what's the next step in your master plan?

How did CN get away with this?

>why do other boards always have better taste in anime than Sup Forums?

they don't.

all Sup Forums talks about is the same shit. bebop, outlawstar, gundam wing, big o, etc.


Because Sup Forums is full of pedophiles who have terrible taste in everything.

some classics are considered classics for a reason user

and what I was basing that statement on is the fact that Sup Forums has great anime taste

That's not your beautiful wife

>he says on Sup Forums

Why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?


Sup Forums's taste is shite mate.

also outlaw star is really mediocre and big o becomes shit halfway through.

last episode was shit.
samureddit jack is shit le shit

It was meant as a humorous parallel to how Sup Forums has irredeemably shit pedo taste and is full of newfags who spam "KINO" and "cunny" and "normie" while pretending all of the actual decent posters are new or from Reddit.

but it's actually not though

they like all the main things you should like while ignoring all the cancerous underground things that Sup Forums claims you have to like to actually have good taste in anime

Outlaw Star is pretty consistently good for four or five episodes, but the minute they bring in that dumb fucking furry it is all trash. Every scene with the dumb fucking furry is trash and the anime itself becomes trash after her re-introduction.

you want a good girl but you need the bad poosi

>they like all the main things you should like

so they literally have no taste then.

thanks for confirming.

>not liking a super fit cat girl with big tits
It's okay to be gay, user.

found the Sup Forums

no one likes your slice of life loli sword art online shit, sorry

Pandering fan service by putting a deadly assassin into a pixie outfit. Apparently it worked.

It's not okay to be an autistic bestiophile

Oh shit dawg OP, you dun got your wife stolen from you.

Because they were on toonami?

video game when

now fuck off back to Sup Forums

No you delet this inferior post
