>‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split’ Sequel ‘Glass’ is Coming 2019
RIP Marvel 2008-2019
RIP DC 2013-2019
Where will you be when based Shyamalamadingdong saves cinema?
>‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split’ Sequel ‘Glass’ is Coming 2019
RIP Marvel 2008-2019
RIP DC 2013-2019
Where will you be when based Shyamalamadingdong saves cinema?
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disappointed there's no Sixth Sense kid in it
no thanks 2bh
He'll show up at the end, revealing that they're all dead
>implying you all havent been talking shit about m night for years but now you come crawling back lmao
Split was decent, kind of meh actually. But if he uses it to tie in unbreakable and launch a new film or two I'd be more than happy to watch it.
I like shyamilans approach to heroes because it's more relatable and believable than flying around with CGI explosions. It's like the thinking man's comic series. I'm totally into it.
now i unironically want this to happen
fuck you user
At the end, it's revealed that Story from Lady in the Water brought them together with Mark Wahlberg from The Happening, Aang from the Last Airbender, Kitai Rage from After Earth, and Cole Sear from Sixth Sense to form the Shyamavengers to fight off the aliens from Signs
They're saving all of the main character for the cinematic universe Shamalavengers
this needs to happen now
also this
I want Bruce Willis' character in Sixth Sense to be the Unbreakable guy's twin brother
>I want Bruce Willis' character in Sixth Sense to be the Unbreakable guy's twin brother
The kid from sixth sense has ghost powers and Bruce Willis' character is his Shade (like Shadow of Mordor) while he also fights side by side with unbreakable.
I'll watch the shit out of the unbreakable sequel.
Mel Gibson has been getting them together in the name of God
he knew that the aliens would come back
they even need to enlist Glass for their cause
post credits scene in Glass shows Sixth Sense kid in a field
the Horde is dead, but all of them are with him as 24 separate ghost entities
>camera zooms out and we see the crop circles from Signs
>mfw M Night Shamalamadingdong cinematic capekino kinoverse
Split is a boring slog. Like watching paint dry.
So the huffers are just trying to get bored? I thought they were looking for excitement in their lives.
What you said doesn't make sense with the simile I used, which refers to brushed on paint, that takes a while to dry and does not get you "high" like spray paint does
I've always had to wear a respirator when painting rooms otherwise I would get a headache and lightheadedness. Maybe you developed a tolerance?
it's like watching flies fuck*
So, are Unbreakable and Split worth to watch? Been running out of shit to watch recently, and haven't seen these
So we'll see that the Sixth Sense kid is actually a reincarnation of the Avatar that's been in contact with only the Spirit world and now he'll need to train along with Bruce Willis to master the elements?
Unbreakable is slow and boring af. Split was ok
So, unbreakable is kino and split is ok?
All shamalamandingdong movies are connected think about it.
I have always used low voc paints, they have considerably less fumes. Also keeping the air circulated in the room helps as well.
Split was nice. Shamalamadingdong needed a good movie, and tieing it with one of his best movies was a good move. I'm not sure i want a unbreakable sequel where willis goes around all terminator against a spiderMCavoy but i guess it'll be worth a watch. Also alienfu will be in it