Kim Kardashian looses 100,000 followers over unphotoshoped bikini pics.
Kim Kardashian looses 100,000 followers over unphotoshoped bikini pics.
kek this bitch is such a joke
Literally what.the.fuck.
How can anyone even begin to have a sensation to fuck that vile creature in her back?
>mfw she is in cottage territory now
I doubt it, that ass makes my dick so hard I feel like my jeans are gonna explode open. I don't care it is far, just wanna hurt my face in that gloious brap
idk mang, i think a donkey would have a problem fucking all that plastic
you're a virgin though, so it's expected from you
calm down jamal
She lost followers? Its suprisingly good for an unphotoshopped ass. How old is she?
Then you got the whole size and shape that is really good.
>insert pablo face here
wait you tellin me hollywood uses photoshop on their models?
no... it can't be
fucking niggers
Honestly, I'd fuck that
But that ass is so fucking hot imo
>sucky butt check skin whilst she has great soft like leg skin
I fucked a hooker in Brazil who had a fake ass, that shit is disgusting senpai
I'd still fuck her. But you know, I'd settle for a lot at this point.
It's almost like huge bulbous assbags will sag just as much as the rest of the body and look even worse as a result
>Then you got the whole size and shape that is really good.
>bulbous, clearly fake plastic cottage cheese ass
>really good
Jamal please
>its surprisingly good
niggers 2bh
>sucky butt check
oops I meant saggy
>Kim Kardahsian will never be your sexbot
That ass is disgusting. Instead of being round and firm its just a sagging blop of fat.
>falling for the ass jew
I'd pay to see this
that was a man
>surprisingly good
>2 sandbag silicons hanging down a saggin body
I have never been attracted to Kim Kardashian.
>tens of millions of dollars
>drinks $50 vodka that high schoolers drink to impress one another
That is a god damn trap. Look at "her" browridge. Even this beastly nigress doesn't have a brow like that
>get ass implants to attract BBCs
>ten years later they start sagging
She looks so fucking stupid. Like two beachballs shoved in there.
She had fat removed from other parts of her body and injected into her butt
>lose .01% of her followers
so what
>>get ass implants to attract BBCs
British Broadcasting Corporations? She was luring media attention in the US
probably half of them are bots that are bought and paid for
Me neither. Glad I'm not alone.
Ass implants tend to go bad
>tfw I still have no idea who Kim Kardashian actually is
I mean is she an actress or a model or what? Is she just fat Paris Hilton? Why is she such a big deal?
>It's okay to photoshop pics for magazines
>It's not okay to photoshop pics for twitter
It's the fucked up proportion gap from her ass and legs. If you crop the legs out it looks somewhat decent.
She got recorded fucking an NBA star and suddenly got a TV show about her family becoming famous in the process.
It's just another case of mass human retardation who will flock toward someone after considerable media coverage.
She's famous for being rich and famous.
She broke into the spotlight when a sex tape of her with a rapper "leaked"
She surely has to get shit trapped in those cheeks
Internet kiddies really have no fucking clue. Almost everything they fawn over is fake. They do not understand reality.
a lot of people don't. she's all plastic, man. she's nigger bait