What happened to all those celebrities who said they'll leave the US if Drumpf won...

what happened to all those celebrities who said they'll leave the US if Drumpf won? why are they still on my shows complaining about him

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Because they realized other countries have immigration laws.


Silly goy I was only pretending I would leave the country if Drumpf won. I have now realized that it is important for me to stay and #Resist and use my celebrity status to do and say even more retarded things to drive more people further right

They noticed his agenda has stalled and the US is becoming more liberal because of him.

They found out our milk is in bags.

They are with all the rednecks that said they leave under Obama.

They realized he's just a another jew puppet so they became happy and stayed

They watched him destroy every single socio economic class but the 1% and they decided to stay.

Did you really think they would leave?

That never happened.

Oops LOL

I'm sure Mexico would take them but for some reason they don't want to move to mexico hmmmmmmmm. Maybe because it is full of Mexicans?

>I'll leave if he wins! I swear it! You better vote Hillary!
>Uh... ya know what, I figure staying here and making his presidency as hard as possible is the best thing to do after all. Can't let him get too comfortable in the white house! :^)

Why are Americant's such crybabies?

>CBC news
>doesn't link article


>and say even more retarded things
Trump is doing a great job of that all on his own.
>drive more people further right
Nice meme there. If anything, all the bullshit the GOP is pulling now is destroying your autistic party from the inside. Trump already put most establishment Republicans on suicide watch. Now sit back and witness how midterms swing even some Trumpfags left.



Thats actually the most interesting point of debate I have actually heard.

>being this asspained

>b-b-but some obscure republicans said it t-too

This stuff really isn't hard to find dude


They did. Just like Trump doesn't golf all the time.

The left won't be counter culture again for at least 30 years, you lost kike


yeah but they aren't prominent like all the celebs that said the same thing for Trump. You are so buttblasted, that you are desperate to find anything.

Is Trump the greatest President thats ever lived already? He's only been in office a few months.

Talk about eye-opening.

Name them. Only ones I can think of are that Handler bitch and chipmunk face.

Why would republicans go to a socialist country? Why does the article just say "republicans" instead of specific people like those who said they'd go to Canada if trump won? Is it, dare I say? Fake news?!?!

>lowest approval rating in decades
>unpopular EOs
>Bernie, a progressive, most popular politician in the US, even according to Fox
>barely held onto that most recent "red" state
>never won a popular vote
You are living in a delusional world buddy. Trump marked the end of establishment conservative politics. You won't get a chance at the general for the next 100 years if this faggot keeps it up.

>f-f-fake news!
>r-r-republicans are the party of logic and reason, h-honest!

How many secession petitions were there per Obama win?

>counter culture meme
Large cultural swings take longer than one or two elections bud, the political makeup of this country didn't magically change just because the candidates were unpopular.

I'm more interested in that brittish woman who bet like half a million pounds on hillary's victory, any news on that?

Worse is we'll probably end up with Sanders later. He's the Donald Trump of the Left.

they were just words.

Show me proof rednecks didn't leave. Go on I'll wait. Meanwhile, I'll post example after example of said celebrities who didn't either.

>he's the Trump of the left
Nice false equivalence. He is objectively a better politician and leader. He has decades of experience and his campaign was never once paid for by big lobbyists groups. He's not running though, he's too old. But to compare the two of them is fucking absurd.

They are fundamentally different people.

Keep it up my bretheren! FUCK brompf and FUCK white people!

Didn't address the question. Used a photo he had saved of people who didn't like the president to somehow rationalize the "protesters" against trump who aren't actually protesters but rather antifa who are anti America and want to bring forth literal anarchy. Also, you bastardized me into the "republican" category for not agreeing with you, even though I'm not. You really are a piece of work.

>this meme that Sanders is "worse" than Trump
Just stop.

He's probably someone who only voted for Trump because Bernie lost the nomination, despite Trump and Bernie being 2 completely different people.

Awww, did I trigger you, snowflake?

Oh wow, is this the power of the alt-right?

That picture KEK

>can't debate
>entire campaign is based on bullshit promises blaming X group for all your woes
>completely unreachable economic and foreign policy ambitions
>would be completely BTFO at every opportunity by congress
>would cry like a bitch about it

They're exactly the fucking same. Sanders "decades of experience" is nothing but folding his arms and sticking his nose in the air instead of working to resolve issues.

IDK OP, what happened when you said you'd stop being a loser and apply yourself? People say shit when they're emotional all the time, not worth fretting over.

>"protesters" in quotes
Here is a point you underage faggots ignore constantly; there have been protests nationwide. The majority of which, have been peaceful ornhave had minimal arrests when put against the rate and frequency of all recent protests. Antifa does not and has never, represented all liberal protest groups. They show up and cause problems, just like neo-nazi fags and anarchists. You always fail to mention how the largest organized protest literally ever, had 3 arrests...

People are angry and establishment super lobbyists and corporatist wealth empires that govern policy. If you don't even understand why these are things to protest, I don't really see how you could call yourself intelligent.

Literally none of that greentext is true about Bernie so you just sound like a salty fag.

Bernie literally would have had a great chance to win a general election against Trump. Even Trumpfags love Bernie.

>did I trigger you
>if I say HES the triggered one than he'll stop arguing to avoid thinking he's the people he doesn't like
Someone responding to something you said about them means their triggered?Why don't you address what I said instead of stale lefty memes? Maybe it's because you don't have any arguments based on anything other than pure ideology or emotion? Go ahead just respond with name calling you daft little goober.

because they are cucks that although they have lots of money, have no meaning in their lives.

>Trumptard doesn't see the irony when people will only respond to him in memes.

You sound pretty triggered, snowflake.

Shut the fuck up you little alt-right baby. Your daddy is gonna get impeached and I'm gonna laugh at it everys econd of the way.

>completely unreachable economic and foreign policy ambitions
You mean a modern New Deal that invests in infrastructure and social programs? Yeah, that would be a disaster.


I have no problem with the peaceful protest but you can't deny the violence antifa/BLM has brought to the climate. >only 3 arrest
Maybe because the police are instructed not to intervene? If you watch the several videos it's clear that if there aren't arrest being made there should.

>Blame the hardest workers for working hardest
Besides, many trump supporters are against the elite globalist and "swamp"

>Is Trump the greatest President thats ever lived already?
No but he's generating the most embarrassingly delusional sycophants in decades. It's uncanny how he appeals so specifically to the lowest common denominator.

Notice how they always want to move to Canada or other white countries. Not Mexico or Syria.

>Besides, many trump supporters are against the elite globalist and "swamp"

Which is why they elected the guy who's filling his cabinet with known elite globalists and wall street billionaires?

>can't debate
Have you ever heard him fucking talk circles around Hillary and stay focused on issues for hours?
>entire campaign is based on bullshit promises blaming X group for all your woes
You mean, inequality of wealth caused by uneven tax policies that punish and continue to punish middle class workers? Yes, Trumpcare just makes sense amirite?
>completely unreachable economic and foreign policy ambitions
You mean economic policies we have already done in the past and help contribute to the most successful periods of our economic history?
>would be completely BTFO at every opportunity by congress
He had more bipartisan support than both Donald and Hillary.
>would cry like a bitch about it
This just straight up never happened.

Sorry that I didn't tow the line for s corporatist pig and actually understand how mixed economies work, retard.