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The two soldiers that are just looking at him like "What's this guy's problem?" makes me laugh.
Should I really watch the black and white version?
>le bleak meme ending
If this truly disturbs you, you are a pleb.
Also "The mist thread", now that RLM has done a quick rundown on the movie and autist like me are but a reddit tier hivemind
That is some top notch acting how did this nigger not win an award
So what disturbs you, internet tough guy?
It would affect me if they had been at that for days. Then I would believe they would think of killing themselves.
As it is they were just stupidly impatient. But I feel like the whole movie was like that, too much happens too fast.
post the gif where he tries shoot himself.
Burning through an entire tank of gas and still no end to the mist in sight would probably have me give up too
The best part of this movie is people getting killed my monsters. Only a pretentious fag thinks the whole "muh sociedy collabsing!" is interesting.
Oh wow, the dumb religious lady is being a bitch. What a surprise.
The uppity black policeman thinks he's smarter than everyone. Wow.
Nah, I want to see people get dragged off by tentacles and eaten by spider bees and shit.
The "social commentary" thing is stupid, but people like you are even stupider
Was she a kike?
>RLM does a video
>few hours later, a thread's up
>social commentary movie
>'the characters are supposed to be corny, over the top and stupid'
>dude, it's a 1950s B-Movie, Lmao
I'd have tried to get more gas. Move to another car. Whatever.
This, along with Dreamcatcher, desperately needed updated scripts. It's clear they just copied King's dialogue which would be OK if it were set in the 70/80s when it was written.
I don't mind if it's corny, but why did they have to shoot it like an episode of The Shield (yeah I know the makers of the show worked on it because RLM told me)?
They should have made it more stylized or something. That "in the moment" style of film making only seems to work with actually realistic characters and dialogue.
>tfw when you will never get to have sex with her because she doesn't believe in pre-marital sex
tight budget and less shooting days, the movie was shot in something like 37 days
>tfw no gf
>not muh: the post
Can't remember last time I saw a thread about this movie, but then RLM makes a video about it and boom. Dozens of it.
I'm only here for the shitposting, but goddam, this board is full of plebs.