Best show and why?
And when did they became shit?
Best show and why?
And when did they became shit?
ATHF was the most consistently good show
Rick and Morty unironically
It's been shit from the beginning, there have only been a handful of shows that were worth watching.
Frisky Dingo > Archer
World Peace.
It became shit when it was cancelled.
does anyone watch their online streams?
they make me feel less alone ;(
The one off they just did about the astronauts on the alien world who go to extraordinary lengths to get high. Dont remember the name
Mopz is GOAT
my fucking man
I'm trying to work, or at least intern at Adult Swim. Wish me luck, guys, I have a lot of fun ideas.
i hear you have to have a minimum threshold of awkwardness to work there
They don't won't al right ideas.
Just do the female version of Eric Andre.
Xavier was their best show, followed by ATHF.
The best shows were ATHF, Venture Bros (technically not canceled, but lucky to get a season every 2.5 years), Space Ghost, Harvey Birdman, and Home Movies. Those first 5 years were golden, and while some jems came later, most of it was either bizarre, bad, or a vehicle to get famous people on the network (Tim and Eric was used to get comedy celebs on the network that normally wouldn't come on).
Push shit like ATHF and people who are not PC. Many of the worlds Matt+Treys and Dave Willis's are being ignored for nepotism or affirmative action.
Trying to go through the ATHF studio
The Venture Bros because The Venture Bros. They're showing season 5 of Samurai Jack so they havn't gone to shit yet.
*want alt right
Fucking aneurysm moment.
Add Metalocalypse and you got a fine era of [as].
The anime/action block on saturday nights is actually there best thing going right now. There are even rumblings that they are going to fund another season of FLCL and Big O
Good thing I'm not Alt Right.
I think shit like MDE and Eric Andre are fucking dumb and I hate them.
I'm interested in making mature, western animation. I want to pursue something other than blatant comedy in animation. I want to make the Cowboy Beebop of american cartoons, y'know? Samurai Jack is a step in the right direction, but I have some really great show concepts I want to make.
Shoot an idea. Maybe it's worth having out here.
please unJUST Big O
That came during the silver era, which was also good, but also where shit like Tim and Eric and The Drinky Crow Show. Everything went to shit around 2010-12, when the channel became heavily live action.
This. Tim and Eric had some good stuff in the beginning
Robot Chicken use to be alright. But then the network became Green's hour.
Then his stuff has become less talked about as Andre and R&M dominate the network.
Moral Orel
>another season of Big O
....oh fuck
Robot Chicken is funny when your 15. It doesn't hold up as you get older. The show that didn't deserve to get canceled was ATHF. The creators didn't want to end it, it didn't really ever drop in quality (other than the beginning of the 5th season without the teens), and was cheap to produce.
The execs are just searching for the worst shit to put out. Some live action work like that Hell show.
But I would have preferred if they did Hellbenders instead.
Sealab 2021
They likely passed on hell benders due to A. Egorapter being a bitch to work with when he briefly worked at fox (putting a stigma on online animators) and B. Hellbenders is basically a fusion of bevis and butthead and ren and stimpy.
I doubt they care about B because they let Mr Pickles air.
But explain A. I've never knew Ego worked at Fox. Makes sense he'd be a nightmare, guy seemed awful on The Tester.
Venture bros was good, havent seen it since they moved though.
Every other original adult swim show is stoner shit
Venture Bros is the best show. The channel isn't completely shit, VB, Squidbillies, and Mike Tyson Mysteries are still getting new episodes
Too bad any continuation of flcl would JUST the shit out of the show. Fucking normies don't understand Diebuster is the real flcl followup, because they don't know GAINAX outside flcl and TTGL
Venture Bros, ATHF, Superjail, Boondocks