how come this movie hasn't been beaten yet?
How come this movie hasn't been beaten yet?
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21 jumpstreet is a funnier in every way
They captured lightning in a bottle with this movie. There will never be a better movie of this kind
21 isn't even the best one of the two
I liked this movie when it came out. I still think Jonah Hill's imaginary scenarios in the store were good.
>10 years old
holy fuck
because it's the most true to life representation of a 2000s high school dynamic on film and manages to be both relateable and hilarious
this, the opening convenient store scene was quality
so were looking for an african jew
reddit pls go
Because Rogen and Goldberg created it from a place of honesty. You can tell Hill's character is what Rogen was like in high school. Awkward and annoying.
In every other movie Rogen makes, he gives himself a hot girlfriend and has to be the coolest funniest character in the room at any given time, which makes this the only one of their movies where the main characters are believably human.
kino vulgarity
I gotta catch a glimpse of these warlocks.
Wasn't it written or at least more or less thought up while they were in high school?
Also goddamn Becca was infinitely hotter than Emma Stone.
Other than the myspace reference, the movie isn't dated at all. Apatow's Knocked Up the year before has decade old songs and references Spiderman 3 before its even released.
>all these kids are now grown adults
what the fuck Superbad just came out, it's still kind of a new movie!
I just realized that Jonah Hill is a reincarnated, more successful but less talented version of Chris Penn.
gets it right in all aspects, from the importance placed on just securing alcohol for one night to fucking a 7/10 girl you thought was a 10 at the time
>well it was either that or Muhammad
the myspace reference still kind of works because its still technically a thing and the guy who says it is an out of touch dork.
Absolutely. That's the main reason why I love this movie - it's captures that so perfectly.
The myspace reference was dated even when the movie released. That was the point of the joke, retard.
I didn't realize him and Sean Penn were brothers. Kinda funny how one was pretty cool and the other is a complete faggot
>Spiderman 3
He didn't mention the controversial 15-minute scene of Peter ranting against the brown masses who were out to destroy the white race, did he?
Raimi was clearly unstable.
Yeah, Chris Penn seemed like a total bro and he really deserved a better career, especially compared to his asshole brother.
>tfw the wrong brother died
>Emma Stone Superbad era
We have to go back
It's the perfect movie for people who were in high school from 2000-2009.
Emma Stone in that and Zombieland was my high school crush
>Reddit's essential comedies
Dicks? Like a man dick?
While the comedy aspect is debatable, one of the things that sets Superbad apart is that it has good aesthetic tone and it's a great bittersweet coming of age story. I also think it's quite a bit funnier too.
favorite line, cera's delivery is perfect