Play Salieri

>Play Salieri

Why did Mozart mock the guy afterwards? I know he didn't know he was there but what was the point of doing a mock performance if he didn't necessarily know Salieri held any ill will against him.

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He did respect Salieri he was just trying to get a laugh out of the degenerates around him.

>He did respect Salieri he was just trying to get a laugh out of the degenerates around him.
No, he didn't respect Salieri. You're right about trying to get a laugh though.

Salieri had a job that would have solved Mozart's financial difficulties, and arguably prevented his demise. Salieri had the power to make or break Mozart and as a consequence Mozart was always polite to him. But Mozart considered himself Salieri's superior. Even recomposing that piece of Salieri's that the emperor played for him. But at the party Salieri's identity is hidden and Mozart doesn't know it's him in order to be polite to him. So he is subject to mockery.

He literally says it right after, it wasn't Mozart it was god mocking him. pay attention

Welp, if I cannot post new threads there's no reason to be here. Goodbye and fuck you Hiro.

So what this movie was about accepting that some people are superior to you, but swallowing your pride nonetheless; supporting their efforts?

What are you talking about?

God has a strange sense of humor and acts in strange ways

No, it's being a cunt and torpedoing someone superior to you early helps.

mobile posters on some networks like t-mobile are permabanned

t. t-mobile user

This movie was about understanding that there is always someone better than you no matter how hard you work, so it's best not to bother as you're just going to get hurt trying, so you might as well just kill yourself.

Salieri doesnt accept shit though. Thats literally the point of his actions in the second half. The theme is that whether you support someone or not someone will always be better than you
Just some banter. But he clearly thinks himself the superior composer to Salieri, this was hinted at earlier when he taunts the simplicity of Salieris little march for the emperor.
pretty much this.

Motzart could pick up on the vibes that Salieri didn't much care for him

He also thought Salieri was kind of trash

Still they could have gotten along alright if Salieri had been open to admitting his fascination with Motzart's work, only that sort of flies in the face of everything Salieri stood for in the movie.

Salieri stood for hard work, dedication, chastity, (of course irl Salieri had like 11 kids but that's not the point) faith, etc while Motzart was living a rock star lifestyle and banging opera singers while still composing music that was 100x better than anything Salieri could ever hope to create.

>Emperor can't play harpsichord
>Salieri composes an easy march for him to play
>Mozart shows his skills
>Salieri work is considered simplicity just because this genius emperor wanted to impress a kid that wrotes an opera at the age of 5
Poor Salieri didn't deserve this.

Also this thread lacks of constanze tits

Well in the end (or should I say the beginning), Salieri accepts that by creating difficulties in Mozart's career he "killed" him (to future generations), and regrets any and all ill actions he took against him. I feel like that would go to prove that the interplay of pride is the film's main theme, juxtaposing Mozart's pride (from his talent) and Salieri's (from his position). The film, against modern philosophy, takes the stance that qaulity in art is objective, and that a less talented artist should do their best to support or atleast not inhibit artist who is greater.

Absolute musickino

Fuck that's so good.

poor moot .. I mean Salieri
What a life, to always be under the foot of such a figure. Even in death, as impoverished as he ended up Mozart always overshadowed everything he did.


Good, phone posters are worthless. I hope he bans the rest of you as well.

God that actress was so hot.