WTF, I want to kill my baby now

WTF, I want to kill my baby now.

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reminder that feminicide will get you 5x more jail time than infanticide (by a woman)

This is not science. Fuck off Bill.

>Who will you sue?
No one? What the fuck are you talking about? When you murder someone, you don't "sue" anyone unless their are complications. Its just plain illegal.

>first two episodes use "science" to support political positions that are completely anti science
>men are women and women are men
>humans aren't humans if i want to kill them


Well he's not a scientist.

Why does that engineer talk about biology and ethics?

He'll be singing a different tune in Hell.

>everyone involved with fertilizing an egg but it didn't become human
I'm pro-choice, but I think the pro-life argument is pretty straight forward about whether or not a fertilized egg ought to be considered a human life. Also, obviously, you imprisons those willfully killing babies, Bill. I seriously hate Bill Nye so much that I may become pro-life just to spite him. I'm a man, so what do I give a shit about women's rights?

>born November 27, 1955 (age 61)
Why does he look like he's about 80?

Literally worse than Hitler.

we haven't gotten to that episode yet

>thinking abortion is about women

Then you can't have laws were people get charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman.... it's one of the most obvious double standards in society today.

Every man's sperm die naturally inside of him, they don't live long. Masturbating and spewing them into a tissue, never masturbating or having sex, or having an abortion all amount to the same thing, dead sperm.

I think we can both agree that women are intimately involved. The fetus, while obviously the crux of the issue, isn't conscious after all.

it's a woman's right to choose whether her baby is a person with rights, shithead
are you a man?

neither are sleeping people or people getting surgery or people in comas
are they not people?

You don't even have to that far back to be pro-life. There are better thresholds than "fertilization": Development of central nervous system, first heart beat etc.

Too bad for us your mom didn't think the same way when she considered aborting you

Masturbating and spewing them into a tissue, never masturbating or having sex, having an abortion or killing a newborn all amount to the same thing, dead sperm.

sperm doesn't become a baby without an egg
how old are you?

the difference is that a sperm by itself will never develop into a human. but if that sperm fertilized an egg then, if nothing interrupted that process, a baby will grow.

why do I have to sue someone? does he not know the difference between criminal law and civil law?

This. You are preventing a process, which results in prevention in life that is no longer theoretical, the gears are already in motion.

how to decide what the correct threshold is? and if you can't know for sure, wouldn't it be better to err on the side of not killing a potential person?

>better thresholds
Those are better thresholds if you're compromising for the sake of legislation, but it seems hypocritical to decide that an unborn fetus has rights only after it has undergone some amount of development. The pharyngeal fetus has the same potential to create human as the zygote.

>Bill Nye saves the world by causing massive extinction

What did he mean by this?

He obviously doesn't. But you should definitely trust him when he talks about other topics like climate science.

Only in the developed world, it means he wants more brown people and fewer whites