what's next for Fox News?
What's next for Fox News?
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I want all MSM and everyone affiliated with them to be lined up against a wall and shot.
Please leave Lauren Southern alone FOX
my dick in her pussy
Back off, she's mine
too old
I'm getting extremely tired of this political media circus and the suckers that fall for their tricks
After having a coal burning social science dropout on their channel?
Probably defunction, hopefully.
You realize all these "independent" political people like Southern would sell out in a heartbeat for a big cheque.
Styxx is pure though
The political system is collapsing since citizens united, these are the death throws.
jesus she is hideous
Tomi Lahren > Lauren Southern
>You realize all these "independent" political people like Southern would sell out in a heartbeat for a big cheque.
she already did dumbass
if you are vocal about pretty much any rightwing ideology some rich shithead will throw you money
I'm REALLY looking forward to leaked videos of her getting all her holes absolutely devastated by a back of nignogs with monster cocks
I think she could be cute with the right makeup but she has to do this overdone conservative chick makeup and it's awful
she looks like a fake blonde
That's because she is.
fake blonde, fake persona, fake news
I forgot what it was like to be 20
>not pusy
Fucking pleb.
>ever implying brown eyes>green eyes
There's wrong and then there's.....(You)
Bring your gun to work day?
Being a right-wing conservative safe space as usual. Why would that change?
This is the golden age for dumb bimbos on Fox News. For decades they've been employed there as long as they sucked management's dirty old cocks. Now talentless bimbos can work for Fox News and they don't even have to suck cock to do it. What a time to be alive
I wonder what her sex junk looks like
>didn't graduate college
>younger than me even though I just got accepted into a PhD program
Did I fuck up?
any one have the clips where she says "shit on my face" from today's berkeley thing
Based lauren shredding leftists live today was amazing.
fox news gets all the qt's
what's that girl's name who's usually paired with Leland?
then that one young girl with the really dark hair
-American politics
>born 1995
>from the north
makes u think
>watching FOX News
You ARE the problem.
>implying she's not a qt
north korea vs usa? nice. want to see those dog eaters flattened desu
Both of them just feign right wing views for personal profit. Southern lives in a big ass penthouse in downtown Toronto and makes high six figures, and will probably make millions when she get's picked up by fox within the next few years.
there's only one guy that uses the word pusy. and it's his trademark. you must be from reddit if you didn't already know this.
I don't think Lauren makes anywhere near that much, from doing what exactly?
pusy. here i used the word and im not even the based pusyposter
no doubt but that's a shit photo and
>implying she doesn't look like she's pushing her early 30s
>Just googled her
>she's 21
how the fuck does she look so old. Legit thought she was in her mid 30's
> that shirt
I'm physically cringing right now
>no pictures of her ass and legs in those short shorts
what the fuck are you faggots waiting for
how bout a vid?
that's a man baby
Why are jew girls so based?
Mandatory nudism for their hot female commentators.
Jesus Lord
we need more footage from this event
That gap was meant to cuddle cocks.