What is the best Alien movie?
What is the best Alien movie?
dumb question, tbqh
Alpha as fuck.
siggy reminds me of my aunt.
Alien 4
would anyone cash a check that had W~______ as the signature?
a pretty lazy, low T handcock to be honest
Aliens, it had the best story.
What makes the Alien director's cut better than the original?
I enjoyed both 3 and 4. AMA
which one do you like better?
Probably Resurrection. I liked the story and atmosphere in 3 but they fucked up the CGI on the xenomorph pretty badly.
Why do you think Resurrection is hated so much?
I would say because it was quite a departure from the other 3 films in style and mood. Plus the way they cloned or reanimated Ripley was a bit of a stretch and may be perceived as lazy writing.
I can't give you a good reason why I liked it, Jean-Pierre Jeunet made some other good movie and it seemed like a fun interpretation to me.
only because of ron perlman
Do you like Prometheus?
How would you rank all the movies?
Yep loved it and can't wait for Covenant.
I'm going with:
Pls no hate
>throws a bait
>Pls no hate
>Alien (director's cut) is first
what? its has 2 additional scenes - one great, one retarded
>TFW the prologoue is better than the actual film.
Nothing, DC should be burned.