>the rock is now literally a captain america tier super hero with mid tier super strength
I'm not saying I don't like it, but still. Interesting choice to make. I feel like the series is almost trying to capitalise on the super hero hype and essentially become an Avengers type film. Heaps of elements were similar.
Bentley Foster
Jason Green
Best cinematic universe.
Ethan Rogers
What the fuck are the last 2+ movies gonna be about
Ian Gonzalez
>2 ips >this was posted 90+ minutes since the last post
William Martinez
Update your thread. 4 IPs
Lucas Gray
The one thing no one would ever suspect: street racing.
Ian Morgan
Dom becomes a cuck but it's ok cause he's just kidding. Meanwhile they have a car-chase in space
Nathan Garcia
How does this make you feel?
Brody Harris
I went to go see this with my normie friends. Paul kept these films grounded to somewhat realistic levels of action. Like you said it feels like I'm watching a pseudo super hero film. I don't know where they can go from here. Throwback to the Korean guy back in the squad or time skip to put the baby in a car.
Benjamin Lewis
time travel, you go so fast that you get to an alternate dimension there's alot of poaaibilities actually.
Chase Sullivan
Why didn't cipher get killed painfully?
Kill the whore off and get a new villain for the next film. Don't make me rage at her the whole movie and then not give me any pay off at the end.
Grayson Hall
becuase in three movies they'll have Charlize Theron in their team. Just like Statham killed Han and now they're drinking Coronas like buddies
Christian Ramirez
dom has to drive around the world faster than the speed of light to reverse time and save letty after she is killed by white supremacists.
David Edwards
I love all the references to Paul Walker through the movie, but it gets to a point it is ridiculous
>ohmygod, Dom has betrayed us and he has a mass destruction weapon and the world's gonna end >Brian would know what to do >No, we agreed to let them out of this. >ok, WW3 then
Eli Wilson
>the hacker known as anonymous
Joseph Torres
If I were writing the movie, I'd put that in too. Comedy gold.
Isaac Taylor
Holy Shit!
James Campbell
Fucking, China, man
Hudson Foster
Didn't they already say that the movie after the next one will take place space?
Cameron Foster
No it's literally in the film already...
Liam Scott
Heaps? Fuck off foreigner.
Jaxon Kelly
I know. I'm calling it a bold, stylistic choice.
Juan Ward
My problem with the movie is that they literally forgot about their fallen friends, I mean FAMILY, and became bff with their killers. They also literally forgot about H the moment she died
Angel Wright
>it's a Hobbes casually punches a dent in a metal door and rips a concrete sink out of a wall episode
Ayden Foster
>It's a Dom deadlifts a car for 10 minutes
Zachary Clark
Samuel Robinson
they also didn't get invited in the dinner final scene. sad brian.
Parker Campbell
>tfw you wish they either ended at 5 or 6
Man I enjoy these films for mindless action and cars but 5/6 had some real nice ending which would have been great places to leave things
Grayson Gonzalez
underrated post
John Green
I only saw the first one 16 years ago when it first came out. Thinking of marathoning them today. Is it worth my time?
Aaron Ross
How is the rock super human now, no troll haven;t seen it yet
Kayden Lopez
why do you feel the need to post such things, nobody cares about you. kys.
Caleb Morris
you cared enough to reply
Kayden Clark
yes, go for it. they are fun
Colton Carter
FatF is one of those franchises I neither like nor dislike. I just do not care about it.
Luke Jones
I just wanted to make sure you remember to kys
Anthony Gutierrez
thanks for the (You), friend
Jack Myers
they've been car-based super heroes since like Fast 6.
Owen Lee
Cypher is still alive, so are the Shaw brothers. Statham and Evans go after Furiosa, something something, enter Kurt Russel "well gang, I got ONE MORE job for you all." and there you have it.