>Meanwhile, as D-Fens’ ex-wife, Beth, Barbara Hershey offers a startlingly realistic portrayal of an abused woman. Early on, she gives us every clue we’d need to know that D-Fens isn’t the hero: He doesn’t pay child support, she’s taken out a restraining order against him, and he won’t take no for an answer. Of course, not everyone reads those cues as I might. If you dare dwell for a few minutes on men’s rights activism (MRA) movie message boards, you’ll find that this film is seen by many as an “MRA anthem,” though some are conflicted because they’ve picked up on D-Fens really being the “baddie.”
>Falling Down offers a stark choice: Viewers can choose to ignore Beth’s warnings and get caught up in D-Fens’ Everyman crusade, or they can believe the woman. But Schumacher and Douglas make D-Fens so charismatic that it’s a given that Beth’s warnings will be ignored by many. In real life, sociopathic abusers often get passes, especially when they’re clean white men with charisma. Women, in this story, bear the brunt of D-Fens’ anger while acting as the Cassandras, trying to warn people — and the audience — who refuse to listen.
D-Fens was just a symptom of a diseased system. The whole point of the movie was that any working stiff could end up like him.
Adam Price
>Women, in this story, bear the brunt of D-Fens’ anger while acting as the Cassandras, trying to warn people — and the audience — who refuse to listen.
>get the shit beaten out of you buy your partner >"aww sorry babe it'll never happen again I love you" >get shit beaten out of you again >"aww sorry babe" >rinse and repeat
Why should I care, again?
Alexander Jackson
If you get too thin that's what it looks like when you extend it firm.
Samuel Cooper
>At the end of the film, D-Fens chases his daughter and ex-wife down the Venice Pier with a gun. Detective Prendergast, played by Robert Duvall, follows close behind, cautious. D-Fens is a dangerous man who’s already killed at least one person, but the cop doesn’t take out his weapon. If this had been real life, and had he been black, D-Fens likely would have been shot dead by police, but Schumacher gives us one last scene to try to understand who this man is, an olive branch of compassion that’s rarely afforded to nonwhite people.
Gas the liberals, ideology war now.
Zachary Johnson
Hyperextension. Good for olympic lifts.
Brody Campbell
More like movies Sup Forums babbies will never understand.
Blake Thomas
>using hypothetical situations while not addressing the actual portrayal of black people in the story you're talking about
Film "critics," ladies and gentlemen.
Connor Reed
Blake James
Do you know how much my country give to your country every year ?
Daniel Moore
Stop reposting this 3DPD. Thanks.
David Morris
Is this better?
Bentley Diaz
>and he had been black >implying cops don't kill white people all the time
Nathan Sullivan
Much better. Thank you.
Angel Robinson
Women only think they understand freedom.
Jacob Clark
>movie that came out almost 40 years ago about a guy who goes apeshit with a gun >people are now trying to turn it into a big drama who the fuck cares? seriously who gives a fuck