>“I really like all the Warner Bros. movies,” Pratt said. “I think they’re really cool and I’m not a real tough critic on those movies. But one of the flaws might have been they were introducing too many characters in Suicide Squad. They spent 10 minutes telling us why should we care about these characters, rather than creating trilogies for each character and convincing us to care about the characters.”
I really like all the 20th Century Fox movies, I think they’re really cool and I’m not a real tough critic on those movies. But one of the flaws might have been they were introducing too many characters in Star Wars. They spent 10 minutes telling us why should we care about these characters, rather than creating trilogies for each character and convincing us to care about the characters.
-- Your brain on Marvel
John Young
>create a trilogy for each character
he's fucking with them
Andrew Edwards
Yeah why didn't they make a Han Solo trilogy and another one for Kenobi before cramming them together in A New Hope, those fucking hacks
The movie was shit for other reasons, marlel's model is absolute cancer and they have never made a single good movie
Caleb Foster
I really like all the Marvel movies, I think they’re really cool and I’m not a real tough critic on those movies. But one of the flaws might have been they were introducing too many characters in Guardians of the Galaxy. They spent 10 minutes telling us why should we care about these characters, rather than creating trilogies for each character and convincing us to care about the characters.
-- Marvel commenting on Marvel
Justin Flores
This is basically what everyone's been saying since Justice League was announced. I don't know why Chris Pratt agreeing with it is some sort of revelation.
Justin Ortiz
This kek
I mean he stars in the movies where they have the same amount of characters and all of them have like 10 minutes of character development before being thrown into the shit
Blake Powell
>trilogies He's making fun of Marvel, you know that right?
Joshua Anderson
The big difference is that Guardians at least worked them in as organically as possible. Suicide Squad gave everyone huge cartoony splash-pages with all of their info printed on the screen. That's just lazy.
Jace Fisher
If you ask me Justice League is a breath of fresh air. I know all these characters already, I am really glad they are getting to the fucking point and gathering them together quickly instead of introducing them slowly one movie at a time.
Noah Clark
I liked that. It was stylish. Remind me, which one got an Oscar? GotG or SS?
Charles Ross
>creating trilogies for each character
I'll never understand why people think you need to do this for ensemble movies. It's like they never saw something like Ocean's Eleven or Magnificent Seven.
Jace Nguyen
Chris Pratt is one of the smartest people I know. I really doubt he actually thinks that.
Luke Bennett
Oh I know but I've seen articles say that after Avengers like for Justice League.
Needing three movies to make people care about a character actually shows lack of talent. There are like 5 movies with Captain America and if they killed him off tomorrow no one would give a fuck
It affected me more seeing the biologist guy not being able to explore the Galapagos islands in Master and Commander than the blue guy dying in GotG2
Matthew Butler
I dunno about trilogies and shit but it's been pretty obvious Warner Bros has been trying to catch up with Marvel on the whole cinematic universe shit and they're taking a lot of shortcuts.
Camden Bennett
>trilogies keke pratt confirmed for dc bro
Luis Price
That's actually a pretty fucken good joke.
Isaac Collins
This was actually my legitimate complaint with GotG. Too many fucking villains.
Oliver Davis
In the age of CGI, Oscars for makeup are meaningless. That's why they have them scroll across the bottom of the screen while the real awards are being handed out.
Eli Flores
He's 100% right. We should have gotten a Harley and Joker movie first and that way they wouldn't have cut out so much Joker scenes.
I understand why the grenade scene was cut since they did reshoots but come on, all other Joker scenes did not deserve to be cut out!
Easton Miller
you're retarded
Easton Russell
i love pratt more every time he opens his mouth
Adrian Lee
And it was still better than Rogue One.
James Johnson
>trilogies for each character
Lucas Hall
>too many characters in Suicide Squad. >muh small brains gots overloaded :(
Liam Smith
Except after that the characters hardly showed who they were after, and they did get somewhat organic introductions as well
So basically they got two intros each and then nothing of worth after that
Gabriel Turner
It was a joke A damn good one too
Liam Campbell
2 movies for each character should be the rule.
Remember Man of Steel? That was a great first movie for Superman BUT he needed 1 extra one before BvS was made.
Christopher Ward
>There are like 5 movies with Captain America and if they killed him off tomorrow no one would give a fuck That's because with comic book deaths it is assumed or even outright stated that the character will return from death. Comic book deaths are among the most inconsequential spoilers possible so it really makes you wonder how these films manage to keep so many people so excited.
I mean, they literally did kill off Superman at the end of BvS, yet even at the time of that movie's release they were already fucking promoting Justice League in which Superman is alive and well.
Isaac Bennett
>ther than creating trilogies for each character and convincing us to care about the characters MCU BTFO
Andrew Ortiz
I really really like him as a person but it's just a shame that all the movies that he stars in, there just hasn't been one that has gotten me 100% invested in his role.
GotG 2 was pretty good with his father plot and that got some emotion, but otherwise he tends to just do comedic roles (because Hollywood keeps recasting him in this field because that's what the normies know him for).
I haven't seen Passengers yet so I will give that a try.
Ian Ramirez
>comic book deaths it is assumed or even outright stated that the character will return from death. Remember the last time they were very bold and killed off characters with no return? Yeah... didn't go well with comic fanboys
Sebastian Powell
Holy shit, is it just me or are these costumes faggy even by comic standards?
Blake Cruz
Passengers was pretty good. If you're looking for a serious Pratt role that's definitely the movie you want to see.
A lot of people got mad at it for pretty dumb reasons but I liked it.
Nicholas Richardson
I thought GotG2 wasn't in theaters until May. How is it that people have seen it already?
Anthony Sullivan
I don't know about you guys, but Chris Pratt could get it. He's just so charming goddammit
Jose Hughes
I don't know what "get it" means but I probably agree.
Jace Clark
>Pratt confirmed for DChad Just dump that quipster Iron Man Cinematic Universe and go play Booster Gold, you were born for the role. Fincher is two steps away from doing capeshit so it seems, call him and make capekino great again you fuckers
Dylan Wright
There are actors that are in both the Marvel and DC universes, you know. Affleck was both Daredevil and Batman.
Jacob Fisher
Never at the same time, right?
Alexander Perry
I only see leto and not the jocker It's good they cut him out
Isaac Butler
Pratt is /our guy/
Benjamin Harris
I'm sure there will be a first.
Cameron Miller
He's conservative as fuck, he'd deck you in your faggot face if you tried to do anything faggy with him, and rightfully so
Ethan Perez
>He's conservative as fuck There is not a single MCU actor that this statement applies to.
Landon Williams
>“It’s like hardwood,” he said. “They grew it really slowly so it’s strong. They didn’t create The Avengers first. They did Iron Man. And they tested it to make sure it worked. Then they did [Iron Man II] and [Iron Man III], then they did Cap, and then they did Thor. And they created a thirst for these characters, and that’s when they put them in The Avengers.”
>“It’s really fucking hard to do,” Pratt said, “And it’s kind of a miracle that anyone’s got it right. You know? So. I think it comes down to Kevin [Feige], his filmmakers, and ultimately, me, playing Star-Lord.”
I'm honestly not sure if he is serious.
Jacob Campbell
In one of the DVD bonuses for Passengers he said something like "This is Chris Pratt filming Fifty Shades of Gray 2." youtube.com/watch?v=-Bk25mB-AR0
Easton Taylor
>what is this some kind of suicide squad >only two of them die
Nolan Lewis
>both of them die deaths so stupid they essentially committed suicide Beautiful... it's like poetry.
Owen Reyes
>Remember in the first "Guardians of the Galaxy," how my character said, "...There is one other name you may know me by... 'Starlord.'" and the other guy said, "Who?" Hahaha! Funny to think that just a couple years ago people didn't know who Starlord was and now I got stalkers and everything! Not to brag! But seriously I got weirdos all over the place hiding in the shadows wanting to do me harm. I just couldn't be luckier. #Gratitude >I want to thank God. And Tony Robbins. But not in that order. And most of all, express my gratitude to the throngs of fans. Without you we are simply hollow shells of humans, replete with insecurity and desperate for attention. But with you? We are much, much, much, much more.
What did he mean by this?
Alexander Morgan
>Magnificent Seven Another film Pratt is in, by the way.
Adam Kelly
Wyatt Rivera
completely different scenario.
star wars IS their story, where suicide squad takes characters that already have a history and just lumps them all together for a big mission. hence all the time they had to spend telling us who they were and why we should care about them.
Mason Russell
Seems similar to the justice league cartoon. And seeing how JL was better than every single CapeShit movie of the last ten years , it might be the superior way of doing it
Noah Robinson
>A fucking DANCE OFF Simulator Movie was alright
Jose Moore
I'd hope that's not one of the reasons they hate it, we literally have that shit in arcades already. Right now, that is a thing that exists in the real world.
Andrew Brown
The reason people get ticked off by that is a >hurr durr GOTG reference
Cameron Scott
I hated Reservoir Dogs because they had the ooga chaka meme song. Fucking Hollywood shoehorning GOTG references into everything.
Andrew Wright
Who the fuck made that poster, and where's Jean's left arm? Kek
Caleb Sullivan
>They spent 10 minutes telling us why should we care about these characters
thing that didn't happen.
we barely know anything about Rocket and Groot and Starlord in the first film
we just watched them scramble together into a team and it's just fun
Suicide Squad has a lot of flashbacks that tries to make you care about the team member
Grayson Robinson
I stopped watching and deleted the movie while the characters were being introduced. I hate all capeshit though, so that wasn't really surprising.
Luis Allen
I thought Chris Pratt would be annoying outside his films but he's always saying nice, wholesome things that I agree with. Good guy
Hunter Myers
Why'd you watch it in the first place? For me that part was so badass that I was immensely disappointed that the film turned out to just be a bunch of disconnected scenes and this stupid Enchantress shit.
Gabriel Thomas
The last thing we need is more trilogies. The last few capeshit movies haven't been very good, he admits this wasn't very good. Why would more improve that?
I'm tired of capeshit. I'm tired of know the next big movies for years to come will be capeshit. I'm tired of big studios blowing their wads on this shit.
David Nelson
you don't need to give characters their own franchise to make them relatable
The problem with suicide squad was the re-editing
Noah Rogers
Apparently he's pretty religious which is nice to see in this era where everyone is an edgy atheist.
Jayden Cook
I think that's just the collar on her coat.
Adrian Brown
>tfw liked pratt more when he was chubby why did he want lose weight
Benjamin Parker
Holy fucking kek.
Elijah Ward
>same word appears twice in the same sentence
I'm sorry, I just had to point this out. It's FUCKING DISTRACTING
Mason Robinson
he should check out The Dirty Dozen
within 40 minutes we know who each of The Dozen are - Bronson plays the tough one, Sutherland is the kooky one, Savalas plays the psycho, etc - and then you have the mission which is the heart of the movie
it works and you don't need deep character development
Christian Cox
>the end of BvS to be fair, it was implied that he was coming back almost immediately after.
Michael Sanders
I really want to see the slipknot trilogy. Would've made Suicide Squad even better.
Adam Sanchez
>when the gray hair guy cracks up
top kek
Angel Walker
nnno it's the same shit scenario every character needs a trilogy not even just a fucking movie
a fucking. trilogy.
Austin Thompson
Because I want to understand what's so great about superhero movies. I liked the old spiderman movies as a kid, but I don't get why everyone seems to enjoy this cinematic universe garbage nowadays.
Jaxon Davis
memelord at it again
Jackson Wright
This. Sbpb
Henry Harris
Not really.
Matthew Edwards
Yea the new star wars isn't part of a new trilogy
Joseph Wood
>see chris pratt got a star on the walk of fame >wonder who the fuck he is >check his acting credits
haahaha. they'll give those stars to anyone these days.
Jason Martin
Absolutely no. We had 5 Superman movies where all movie he saves someshit all the time , we had 5 Batman movies in which he kills (both directly, indirectly and half-assed) and where he is not, wrecking cars, where he has crazy stupid fine gf yet their relationships are off-screen, works with Gordon, had Robin I know you will say "yay, but that's different versions" and you will be right, but on the basis they are similar. So Batman V Superman is clashing of basic Superman and basic Batman, both of which are seen through different point of views. This is what makes BvS Ultimate cut meta-kíno, it like Watchmen without satire, but still with irony (all Snyder movies have irony). This why DCEU is secretly great.
Evan Cook
Nolan Lee
I think Tom Holland is pretty much redpilled, considering the fact that he watched Raimi trilogy, and long before he was considered to be next Spider-Man.
Nathaniel Gomez
Why would anyone care what this Hillary voter thinks?
Caleb Cox
He had to lose weight so that he could play Star Lord.
It was funny watching Parks and Rec seeing him as a goofy fat dude, then when he comes back he's suddenly swole as fuck.
Austin Carter
I think what hes trying to say is that DC's characters are more complex than marvels. Think about it, you can jump into any marvel movie without much setup as they haven't given any of them much baggage at all.
Here though the characters are treated as more complex with more backstory hinted at than is given.
So really its a difference in the treatment of the characters overall, in marvel they're just archetypes that get built up over the course of the movie.
Blake Gray
The marketing leading up to the release of the movie should have focused on individual characters. Each one should have had 10 minute shorts released on YouTube to show their character, or how they were caught.
Hunter Cook
He's actually right though. One of the reasons why the avengers did so well (first one) was that each character in it had a really strong established fanbase already.
Mason Rogers
Perfectly fair, and he's not trashing it.
The final editing cut was by an advertising agency, which is why it ended up how it is. An actually competent editor would've put the "flashback" parts throughout the movie instead of shoving it all at the start.
Nolan Bailey
Well, poor choice of movie then. What you really want to watch is Watchmen. Fucking fantastic film. Which, of course, did not do too well because it was actually good the whole way through so honestly I'm just as baffled as you.
Nathan Bell
>I liked that. It was stylish. >I liked the cut that an advertising company edited together Knew this board was filled with mouthbreathing retards
Dylan Howard
We know Dc and Marvel characters will prevail. Superman died but he will return. There is no tension about achieving the final goal. Ironically, when there is a meaningful death, we start asking for a comeback or a prequel solo movie.
Liam Diaz
That's a cool idea, even if it wouldn't work because you know people are going to go in without having watched those shorts and say they shouldn't have to watch the shorts to appreciate the film.
Is there anything that actually did something like that? Closest I can think of is Star Wars, where if you didn't watch Clone Wars before ep 3 you'd have no fucking clue who General Grievous is.
Caleb Cook
Karl Urban is still slated to play Black Manta and now stars in Thor 3
David Brown
Wasn't it zero dark 30 or something like that. Also he use to be fit back in the strangers with candy days
Jace Morales
Well, there you go. Wasn't he Dredd too? Now there's an actor who knows his capekino.