Random episode of new simpsons is on

>random episode of new simpsons is on
>guest starring paul rudd as a therapist (because why not) and kareem abdul jabbar as his friend and assistant (so random and quirky)
>homer is afraid of choking bart (because of the therapy worked) and bart takes advantage of it
>bart bullies the entire town including wiggum,krabappel and willie and they are scared of him because he broke homer (apparently homer is respected in town)
>bart crank texts moe (I. M. A. Wiener) and moe apparently reads his texts aloud to people
>b plot is literally lisa and marge watching a sad movie and overacting wailing

Literally nothing was funny,the whole episode was like a sketch comedy without the sketches.

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Guest starring who and who?

Why don't they just stop?

Mike from Friends and that basketball player your dad watched.

why do you keep giving it ratings you fuck? this show needed to be put out of its misery yesterday.


why are all whites depicted as yellow, but blacks are depicted as blacks?

Dude,I don't live in America and it's a rerun from way back,I don't think they care.

He was the co pilot from Airplane!

To really emphasize the whole 'not human' element.

AV club is shilling hard for the Simpsons,both the writers and the comments. One guy said that this scene belongs in the golden era of simpsons


i care, obv

Well hell,now I feel shitty. I won't watch them anymore and I am doing it for you as much as I am doing it for my mental health.

jesus christ

>can't stop watching this lmao
oh my

I know you - you're Kareem Abdul Jabar!

>bart crank texts moe (I. M. A. Wiener) and moe apparently reads his texts aloud to people

fucking hell

when he is going to Smapchat Moe on his Mapple Myphone?

>This is one of my favourite scenes ever
>This scene almost killed me because I couldn't stop laughing

The simpsons died after episode 4.

You play basketball for the LA Lakers

They made Bart into a sociopath.

>homer hangs himself
>bart won't save him because he is too busy text pranking moe

Also,prank texting? What the fuck. Why does moe read his texts to everyone? IMA WEINER doesn't even sound like a real name... Hey Sup Forums,I am looking for Igobb Lecock!

Sounds funny.

would someone put this show out of its misery already?

My dad was born in '87

You have to be 18 years old to post here.

My dad was 12 when he had me.

You have to be white to post here

We're from Louisiana

>mfw I could be your dad

is your dad also your brother?

Only on my mom's side.

>weight limit: one precious
i kek'd hard and im not ashamed

I love how new Simpsons introduces guest stars like scooby doo villains
>Vladimir Putin?! The president of Russia?!?
It's almost insulting

They've been doing that for decades now, don't get all prissy with me you little whore.

You guys bitch when celebrities play themselves and then bitch when they don't.

Just accept you're not a fan and move on.

i really want to punch who ever is responsible for that crap

>and then bitch when they don't.
name one time

>"Former First Lady and 2017 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton!?"
>"That's right Lisa. I'm here because I read your essay about women in power and it really touched me. Never give up hope, the future is female and girls like you will be running the world, you'll see"
>Hillary flies away and while all off Springfield cheer and applaud

Op you idiot

>I don't live in America

Then you literally don't matter.

To be fair that last line is pretty hilarious

Springfield, Massachusetts confirmed

Lmao Igobb Lecock

Sounds like some dumbass yuropoor name

Honestly can't tell if this is a joke or an actual quote

family guy ruined the simpsons

Simpsons was already shit at season 10, homie.

it was only mediocre/average back then friendo

Go watch the episode that aired the night Family Guy premiered. it was a super bowl episode. it was trash

that's because futurama was being written

That shit is not The Simpsons
it's that stupid flash animation series whose characters happen to be similar by name and design from the real and gold Simpsons series. The original one ended up at season 10. From then on all we have is that stinky shitty ripoff


Is it supposed to be a clockwork orange reference?




Wait so instead of prank calls Bart now prank texts Moe? What the fuck

>homer is afraid of choking bart (because of the therapy worked) and bart takes advantage of it

Kinda surprised modern Simpsons even still acknowledges that aspect of Homer.

but that's wrong, this one does


It does tbqh m night famalam