Sup Forums btfo.
Sup Forums btfo
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dude icecream sex lmao
Watch the shit before you judge it. Name makes it seem like some stupid anti-white show but it makes fun of SJW's.
yall nazis bout to get real ashy huh
You're So Vain is ironic because the song is actually about the person who is being called vain for thinking the song is about them. I suppose what I should take from them referencing this song is that the show actually is about white people, then.
Warren Beatty was a mountain of a man.
>Jewish media uses shekels and Jewish critics to praise their propaganda
Sup Forums BTFO indeed
It's a satire. It makes fun of both "sides".
so why not call it dear lefties?
What would be the joke in that?
I have NPD. Fuckin' everything is about me.
>dear white people
>bet you think this is about you
Does this mean the show is a satire?
Anyway, I always hated overly ironic-meta humor type shit. It doesn't make the creators look like geniuses, it makes them look like disingenuous hacks
>dude we're being retarded on purpose lmao
>62% want to see
>Does this mean the show is a satire?
The alt-right meltdown over this was ridiculous, and I'm as conservative as it gets. Bill Nye and Amy Schumer deserve all the hate that they get, but it was obvious from the very beginning that this show was satire (it's based on a movie that came out not long ago, for crying out loud I think it's streaming on Amazon)
In this case, it truly was alt-right babies complaining about nothing, and making conservatives look stupid in the process. If they wanted to boycott Netflix, they should have waited for Bill Nye's show, not this.
>It's a white guilt episode
Really surprising score totally didn't see that one coming
>racist title to get attention
But if I turned it around and made a show called HEY AFRO-AMERICANS you'd twist into a pretzel in rage.
kek is that really racist to you?
Want to find out?
i hate that phrase so fucking much you are not "insert american" you are just american
you dont see whites in burgerland run around hurr durr please call me norwegian american!
No, African Americans are incapable of racism because they are not in a position of power.
So blacks genociding whites in South Africa is racism, Mr. Liberal?
What are you talking about, you see tons of Americans screaming "muh heritage"
>dude I had one Irish ancestor
>I'm totally Irish even though I've never been Ireland, don't speak language, and know anything about the culture
>someone makes a show dear black people with the same incisive humour
>RT score probably 12%
how do we fix the unsophisticated public, Sup Forums?
>are fictional things racism
you see it a lot in groups that had massive amounts of immigration, i suppose German-american being an exception
this is implying Italian/Irish are white
They're not white so it doesn't count
Have any of you actually watched the show? They hang shit on SJWs and muh privilege as much as they push it.
>better than fargo and the leftovers
>name a show after a group of people
>bet you think this show is about you XDDD
holy shit liberals are a fucking joke
Dear Basketball Americans: Bet You Think This Is About Sports
>implying Sup Forums won't watch this and constanly make threads about it
Ghostbusters 2016 got 80% iirc
Is Sup Forums the most targeted Sup Forums board for viral marketing?
But no guys, this isn't a racist show made by racists
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums mock niggers and other shitskins 24/7
>now whine about a show poking fun at both sides and now scream "muh racism"
Why are you fags so thin skinned
Was there anyone even convinced by the bait posted by OP itt?
Is so blatantly samefag/OP.
>How to hang a DARKIE, produced by the KKK
Has more to do with the double standards and hypocrisy of racism from the left
>All racism is bad*
>*unless it's aimed at whites
>starts off a letter addressing white people
>turns white peoples heads
>surprised wasn't addressed to me in the end
>haha white people stupid
fucking kek
Whites had it coming
imagine the shitstorm that would occur if you printed this off a couple of hundred times and put it up around a university or something.
>implying getting an army of lefties to back you up to do whatever you want with their money isn't a position of power
What the fuck is happening to you america? Why is it open season to openly hate whites? wtf is wrong with your country? jfc
The left is dying, this crap is just their death throes
It's a Netflix show, user.
That's practically the equivalent of a Sony movie in terms of quality.
RT is a sucker for political shit, so their score doesn't mean anything.
Major keks to be had, you might even get sabbted.
Wait for the King to arrive and ruin their disgusting knee-jerking.
Im not american nor do i go to uni anymore.
All hail the king of Sup Forums
>mfw this is probably banned in my country for being racist just like all the shit American MTV does now
>bet you think this show is about you
oh wow, how could they ever possibly think that
so self-centered and narcissistic lol
yeah, makes fun of SJW for not being properly SJW.
>le title is ironic xdddd
This show is already reddit
Open-minded Sup Forumslack here, to be fair the title of the show comes from the name of a radio show the main character has, and is about the racial tensions that resulted because of said show. The outrage we're seeing in real life is directly addressed in the show, and shows both sides of the argument being retarded. I'm all for a show called Dear Black People (even though I know that will never get made, which is its own separate problem) so I don't really have a problem with a show being called Dear White People.
That being said, I'm one episode in and it is indeed Reddit-tier
what country
fuck white people, lmao so glad they will be outbred so we wont have to risk slavery, colinization, world wars again
Hey "insert noun"
Given I'm addressing you alone out of a group I bet ya think this is about to you
>it's another off-topic Sup Forums and Sup Forums-baiting thread
I wish boths sides would fucking die already.
Watch out guys, it's a radical centrist!
Because most lefties are middle-upper class white people that think they know the problems of minorities, and that they have the capabilities to fix it. Not realising they benefit from the same system that keeps everybody else down.
Oh look, another shit-flinging chimp pretending it's more evolved. What a surprise.
That's racist.
What a time to be alive
Jesus Christ, could you get more reddit?
A true progressive woman would go to Africa to have her genitalia removed like they do around there, oh oh oh.
But in all seriousness, is it even out?
Somebody give that to Spike Lee.
nigga watch the show
it's a satire about that
bitch gets bleached in ep 1 and gets called for hypocrisy