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some good effects and atmosphere but terrible story that goes nowhere.
Loved it. The relationships between some characters were kinda meh and unnecesarry but the effects were great and i actually liked the story.
reminded me of this musicvideo
It was fine but they killed their own movie by hyping it so much.
stop shilling your movie's trash
Is it gorey at all? Or is it more of a psychological thing?
better than most low budget horrors by a mile.
however they blatantly borrowed too much from other movies and should have pushed their own mythos harder.
The end picks up and then drops again nothing is explained.
Glad too see these 80s monster mashes still get made and u can do alot worse it's just even for a b movie this is average
Planet terror always remained one of my favorites of these grindhouse flicks
Op should go watch james Gunn's slither
It's cool practical effects with a tiny bit of Lovecraft and that chinese chick from scott pilgrim. Not much psychological horror.
amateurish garbage
From the trailer it gave off a "prince of darkness" vibe. How similar is it to that?
> worse than something that is by definition the worst
Story was awful. The acting is bad. The people in this movie try pretty hard to be characters from other movies that have been done better before them. It's probably the same small pool of people recommending this movie over and over again here because it's was over-advertised and turned out to be completely average.
The way this movie was pushed it was like it couldn't be described without namedropping Lovecraft. And it even fails in that aspect because it's not psychological horror.
>namedropping Lovecraft
Lovecraft has become a catch all term for "Otherworldly horror"
man i love slither but i fucking hate elizabeth banks. not even sure why i hate her.
The lads and I enjoyed it. Gotta get the shotgun. Not very deep though, but still a nice surprise when I had heard nothing about it before.
Too much of a pussy to watch horror movies, spoiler my shit up OP
Its Pink Floyd tier movie
Did u just insult Pink Floyd by accsoiation? Kys
I'm pretty sure triangles existed before Pink Floyd.
It's garbage, not worth the time.
its good horror movie very scary, good monster design
I really enjoyed it
is this about chutulu
stob shillig! >:D
Failed shillcore
The Car Seat Headrest of Sup Forums
Its pretty much the greatest we'll ever get to a good Lovecraftian movie.
Who would waste their marketing budget to shill on Sup Forums?
it was pretty bad, practical effects aren't even good. Awkward monster movements and cuts. VOD quality horror movies aren't good. Give them a bigger budget I think it would've looked better.
>muh fx
found the pleb
The monsters looked like ass and the poor editing meant all horror was taken out of nearly every encounter.
The one with the hole in the head was really well done though. I'll give the movie that.
yes, the movie is really a character piece
I thought the crabwalking one was good, too. And the others were at least passable, considering the budget.
It's pretty gory
I really don't know, its ok I guess. I got about as much from the trailer as I did form the film.
It kind of falls apart as it goes on.
Effects were nice though.
I feel like AM1200 did what this movie set out to do better, and it's a short film which doesn't speak too kindly about this one.
Fantastic first act. Had me completely hooked.
Loses steam around the last half hour when it becomes one long monologue by Not-Frank from Not-Hellraiser.