>Put a bird on it!
Put a bird on it!
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pls respond
can you put that away? it's making us uncomfortable
I liked the first season but I never kept up with it
all the seasons are good but it stagnates at 5 and 6 I think, the one where it was just character backstories and not skits
7 was good, the most recent
Is there a more comfykino show ever?
Carrie is such a qt3.14
The most comfy show is my name is Earl but this is comfy too.
True, but there's something about Portland that makes it comfy. It's so constantly gloomy/raining/damp that it looks perfect for sleeping in and then drinking a coffee under a blanket watching David Lynch movies
Objects can't be cute, only animals are cute. Objects can only underline the cuteness of someone using the object
>tfw no good nudes of carrie
shes become hotter with each season which is usually the opposite
must be the kale
Who is your favorite character, guys?
blonde carrie is best carrie
i had to give up the show it went too unfunny somewhere, maybe season 6? whatever it was it stopped being good
i think it was around the time they had the flaming lips, although that ep was decent
Cacao to cacao
id give 7 a chance, feels like they realized it wasnt as good and went back to the basics
this is my favorite recurring actor
as for character, I guess I just like normal carrie and fred
>favorite recurring actor
>knot jeff goldblum
>Tales of earthsea
Reminder that Studio Ghibli is a kinomaster and could not be further from the weaboo/otaku epidemic we're seeing today
Is Documentary Now season 2 any good?
This show is one of the few tvkinos in existence. Great pleb filter, too.
my favorite character in the whole show. Reminds me of my dad :,)
I've only watched the Stop Making Sense parody and it was dissapointing. I really loved season one though so I'm hoping the rest of season 2 is of that quality.
The dream of the early 2010s is still alive (not really)
1-3 are excellent stonerkino
4 is alright
5-7 are pure dogshit
>SNL actors
BWOW music was my favorite sketch.
Men for Men is my least favorite. It's not the concept I have a problem with, it's just not as well written.
Whichever season opened with the origin episode for the feminists was the one that killed the show. I got like halfway through that season and it had no laughs and none of the comfiness of the previous seasons.
I liked the episode in that beaver themed town while not exactly hilaryous
Yeah man that was five. That season completely killed the show
What season ended with Kyle MacLachlan coming out of retirement and becoming the mayor again? I think that's the last one I watched.
Who else has jerked off to that one scene?
Any scene with carrie in it?
>all the seasons are good but it stagnates at 5 and 6
Jesus there are already more than 6 seasons of this? I still remember when it was just the Portland 90s music video.
This guy knows
Yes but I meant that scene in the Grover sketch.
It's a good show to catch at 3 am on a summer night, but the denizens of this board won't get it.
I vaguely remember jerking off to the "change the world one party at a time" skit
i jerked it to when theyre in an office and carries blonde
been so long that i forget the comedy but i remember muh dick
Oh yeah that one too.
>tfw half their skits have nothing to do with portland
Its a good show but it relies too much on the PORTLAND IS SO WACKY LMAOOO factor. The only people who act wierd in portland are all the fuckin idiots who move here in droves and act that way to fit in
mad portland fag is having a tear booohooo
Carrie is my jewfu
So, in the skits where they are the couple with swapped genders, why does she portray the guy as completely normal and nice, and he portrays the girl is a disgusting idiot piece of shit?
>the pull out king
>completely normal
Why is every cute wifu Jewish
Remember when it was SNL that had these funny observations about bizarre trends that make you say "Holy fuck I never thought of that but it's true"? I'm glad at least someone is still doing that.
I'd put my bird on her.
Because you grew up in front of a screen and with the amount of jewish women actresses, your subconscious latched onto them as a sexual standard.
fuck man
Put a donk on it!
Put a DRUMPT on it!
Woah she's definitely had some work done. Any experts want to weigh in?
Her mouth is closed and you find that women in undoctored images are more approachable.
not me, my mom was emotionally and physically absent and i had a pakistani maid who raised me and loved me so now i have a shitskin fetish and have fugged way more muslim girls than any white guy i know
im gonna marry an egyptian with light skin soon
enjoy your future (((life))), anonymous!
no way dude, she has less of a chimp face. Look at how her lips protrude in other pics. She had something done.
my kids are gonna be coptic christians who hate muslims and jews
ill be doing swell thanks shlomo ahmed
Oh, that? When curls her lips into a smile it smooths out her philtrum.
Fuck this show and fuck that guy's punchable face
If you want to punch Fred Armisen in the face that means he's doing his job right.
I'm still going to lump it in with that shit because fuck you anime sucks
>hating based Fred Armisen
shes so hot, to me, like shes the only girl ive ever met and experienced tunnel vision with
in reality ive fucked and dated hotter girls, white blonde irish with big tits and ass, but the egyptian just attracts me more. the dark eyes the dark hair the perfect skin the voice mmmm
mother of my children in waiting
how does making hyper religious christian children make the jew happy? because they dont look blonde [maybe]?
you swallowed too many pills and misunderstood why the jq
I loved their sketch about blues rock cable drama theme songs.
Good goy, destroy hundreds of years of your genetics lineage! Your shitskin isn't like the rest!
Knot shop guy, Doily shop guy and Pullout King were all excellent
>capcha: Portland old voth
it was good
they did a hispanic jiro dreams of sushi parody that just cracked me up
this sketch hit way too close to home for me
my aunt and uncle live in portland and they're almost exactly like this
jesus I laughed through this entire thing
>her holding the picture in her teeth at 2:08
Mr. Mayor
I can't watch this show because it triggers me by reminding me of real life people like those on the show who rejected me and I fear. My $0.2.
its dumb but i acted like this about random things like bands until this sketch made me realise im a fucking retard
i didnt listen to coldplay once they went hypernormie with Paradise and shit, I thought I was too cool for them being too cool
gonna just kms lads
Tfw live in Portland, tfw ive been to most of these places where they film, tfw i will never cuddle carrie all night and drink microbrews
holy shit kill yourself
>damnit, usually I'm really good at ranting
Icing on the cake.
>I was a hipster elitist about shit until a mainstream sketch show lampooned hipster elitism
That is some George Lucas Certified Pottery right there.
>good writer
>she's funny
>she's in a kick ass punk band
Seriously find a flaw I dare you
lip fuzz
prime early carrie-kino
Never topped this one
Not Catholic
Dark hair.
Jewish is not a flaw, just think of all the jew connections she must have.
Catholicism is a blight.
Dark hair is best hair.
>didn't you date a girl with a bag once?
>I—I can't call her
>Black man sitting, looking.