Is this kino?
Is this kino?
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What happened to ayoade and berry ? Kinda dropped off the map recently
Wish poms would go back o doing kino comedy like this and Harry and paul
no, but it's a great show
It's a great show
ayoade has been doing all sorts, presenting, panel shows, directing and writing.
and he's going to be on the new series of the crystal maze.
toast of london for your berry fix.
Crimson copper-smelling blood, his blood. Blood. Blood. Blood... And bits of sick.
Ayoade's been doing Travel Man.
I really enjoyed this thread, op.
Well, I SAY enjoy...
You were... BUDDIES, weren't you?
My arse is grass, and Wonton's got a dig?
I've tried watching it three times now and never got past the second episode. Thing is, I enjoyed what I saw - I found bits hilarious. I just never felt the urge to watch more. Strange.
of course it's kino, it's the perfect comedy
Full song
Matt Berry has a legit music career
Shakespeare was a horror writer. Shakespeare dealt in the realms of the fantastic, as does Garth. They're both imaginers. They're both... ferry men. They both explore worlds. That's what they do.
I have no truck with snobbery; to me, it's all the same: literature, porno, dog racing...
>written by bob mortimer
based bob
Of course it is.
I portended that by the year 2040, the world might see its first female mechanic. And who knows, she might even do a decent job. Still, I wish her the very best.
Look out, he's got a stick.
He also gives guitar lessons
My books always say something. Even if it's just something simple, like 'Don't genetically engineer crabs to be as big as men'
I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards. OK? What I was asking in that scene is: what if politicians continue to pay doctors peanuts, could they literally turn into monkeys? And no-one's asked that before.
thank god I only took a tiny sip
Ayyoade been giving your mom the BBBC
>Hi, I've come to apply for the doctor's job. I can assure you my credentials are top-notch, I've just graduated from Harvard College Yale. I aced every semester, and I got an 'A'.
underrated show
kek, that's so fucking creepy.
I'll never be able to watch this with my family or non-pirate buddies.
I quite literally pissed myself. literally pissed my pants when I watched this stoned once
Isn't it on Seeso or something?
What the shit is that?
Mike stared in disbelief as his hands fell off. From them rose millions of tiny maggots. Maggots? Maggots. Maggots. Maggots. Maggots ...Maggots. All over the floor of the post office, in Leytonstone.
So what is Darth Merengue's Marketplace about?
has there ever been a more genius comedy concept than darkplace?
everything about it is a sheer conceptual masterpiece and works so well on so many different layers
I mean it would be funny enough if it was just some stupid parody but to add in the dialogue and back stories of the author and actors themselves makes it so much better
And bits of sick.
I feel like it came out at the wrong time, the whole 80s aesthetic nostalgia thing didn't take off until later.
If it came out a few years ago I think it would have been much more popular
>I feel muscular and compact, like corned beef.
i love this show
>back stories of the author
>Dr. Rick Dagless, M.D.: 'Dag' is a Vietnam and Falklands War veteran and former warlock.
I don't know if it would have had the legs to carry on though. As a one season thing it's great, but even by the Scottish episode you can see a bit of a dip in quality.
Comedy streaming service
Eh. I love this show but it's essentially just one joke. I'm not sure if it could support another entire series of the same quality.
Plus the concept is a bit convoluted at first. Matthew Holness is playing Garth Marenghi whose playing Dr. Rick Dagless but Marenghi and Dagless are essentially the exact same person. It works better with Ayode and Berry ebcause their doc characters are different from the Darkplace characters.
it's literally on youtube
My aunt lives in Scotland, she says it's quite nice
ita on youtube
Well she's wrong.
>tfw legitimately jam to this
>Marenghi and Dagless are essentially the exact same person.
That's the point though. Marenghi is basically a narcasistic hack who writes in very unsubtle autor surrigate in Dagless.
the extras on the dvd with all the interviews are fantastic.
I had a blazing row with my younger girlfriend. I called her father a thief, which in fact he is
Watch the dvd extras and you'll be more compelled to finish it
bump for top tier comedy
Also it wouldn't really make sense to give it more than a few episodes given the central premise is that this was a show that never made it to air. There's an effort made to make it plausible that this is all real that would completely fall apart if there was a second season.
I could see it working as an anthology type of thing though. Like maybe season 2 is about a completely different creator making a sci-fi movie in the 50s or something.
Was Garth's shitty personality meant as a dig at anyone in particular? In a broad sense he's obviously based on Stephen King, but King is a pretty decent, unpretentious person.
King isnt the only shitty Horror writer.
There were quite a few active at the time this show is "set"
My first thought is maybe a lead singer in a rock band documentary, someone like Rolling Stones or Spinal Tap. To me the first thing I think of is George Lucas
Giggling like a schoolgirl at this thread. I rewatch this shit once a year. They used to show it on the foreign network in my country and I distinctly remember being confused as fuck after the first episode, then watched the second and understood it completely. I don't think they'd ever risk making a show in a show comedy like this again because people simply didn't understand it.
I kinda wish it'd been more popular for more episode, but then I remember how the second season of Look Around You turned out and think it's probably better this died early.
i saw him in a beer shop in south london a couple of months ago. He was with his hot wife
It's unfortunate that all of the actors in the show are now well-known even outside of England, there's no way it can sell itself as genuine anymore if anyone stumbles upon it.
His wife is one of the Foxes, isn't she? And she played the actress who got stabbed by a junkie on the Bill in The IT Crowd.
It has one joke. It's shit.
This series is so difficult to show people. I don't even try to tell people about it anymore
This is Fucking kino.
>unfunny comedy
sure thing buddy
Great show, but..
>reminder that this lead to the career of the most forced 'comedian' ever, Richard Ayoade
Was it worth it? No.
Set in my hometown, haha.
yeah i think so. He's completely different in real life. i didn't talk to him because he probably gets hassled by members of the public all the time, but i was behind him in the queue and heard him chatting to the woman at the counter.
Oh shit yeah George Lucas would actually make perfect sense. Dean is almost like Garth's Rick McCallum.
Look Around You
True Detective
What other shows had one phenomenal season and then went to shit immediately afterwards?
my favorite show and im a gay american
>tfw no Darkplace movie
>I think I'm gonna die.
It really hurts
took me like half the film to realise it was Liz from Darkplace in Sightseers
You alright?
The DVD commentary track was literally the actors in character getting drunk. It was like a second fucking season.
Also the OST was hidden on the DVD itself.
James Herbert was on the list too. I loved The Rats but it was quite clearly taking a jab at him.
She was in the Mighty Boosh too.
And Sanchez is the guy who played Jar Jar, just happy to be working
This, the commentary is fucking amazing