Mac > Dennis > Charlie > Frank > Dee
Mac > Dennis > Charlie > Frank > Dee
Dennis > Dee > Frank >> Mac >>>>> Charlie
Mac > Charlie > Frank > Dennis > Dee
Reminder that anyone who ranks dennis first is unequivocally reddit
true ranking coming through.
charlie = dennis >mac > frank =d ee
>Frank being that low
>Dee being that low
>Liking Mac the most
Anyone who still watches this show at all is unequivocally Reddit
Charlie>Mac>Frank>Dennis>Rickety Cricket>Dee
Terrible show about miserable people being cunts to each other. I don't understand why people like it so much.
And whaaats the deal with sitcoms people? They don't sit...they don't com...and they AREN'T peopls.
Dennis = Charlie = Frank = Dee = Mac
this guy gets it
This desu.
Charlie is the best.
Is this show Reddit?
I just did a quick search and apparently the 1st ever episode contains the word ''nigger'', what am in for?
anyone notice how they are setting dee up to be the new sociopath now dennis wont be a main character on the show?
curious how it will work, I think it could be ok but the show hasnt been the same since s7.
This but swap Dennis and charlie
It's a shame that Charlie hooked up with the waitress because Dee/Charlie are perfect together.
I thought the past seasons were ridiculous but charlie + the waitress was the biggest shark jump in sitcom history.
Dee + Charlie would actually make sense in the context of the show.
In real life, Charlie dates the Waitress. Mac dates Dee.
I know, but Dee/Charlie are a perfect comedy pairing. Their shared episodes are often quite sweet as well.
Actually now that I think of it, has Charlie only ever been the one to have a heartwarming or truly happy moment? Without someone else suffering, I mean.