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>Under cross-examination he spoke not only about George Soros and overly potent marijuana, but also his taste for zebra meat and canned exotic game hunts, and confirmed that a big bowl of hot Texas chili caused him to forget details about his kids’ lives, which he’d referenced in his deposition.


I don't get the love for this guy.

Punished Alex

He just needs to pop some more super male vitality and start a new family

He's controlled opposition.


Give the kids to their jewish whore mother along with a few hundred thousand in alimony payments.

>His ex will probably force his children to drink tapwater and he'll never be able to speak to his children again because of the fluoride controlling them


How much fucking money is he making with those water filters if the court deems it appropriate for him to pay 40 grand a month?

>claims to be redpilled
>Marries a kikess

Stephen Colbert is a monster for mocking a man in a custody battle. I hope Alex sues him for defamation for sparking a media circus over his family issues.

this website is populated by about 70% idiots, 20% reasonable people who jokingly roleplay as idiots, 10% once-reasonable people who get violently triggered by idiots and are immediately reduced to screeching idiots.

Yeah. I still don't get it. He creeps me the fuck out. I have no idea if he's actually insane or just playing it up as a character and I can't even tell which one would be worse.

The guy is a millionaire, he was born rich too, that helps, plus the money from the stand up comedy back in the 90's

He's most right about things, he just goes to 11 with every one of his conclusions. So it ends up being both fun and informative.

Can you give me the percentages for Reddit.com?

>every time you buy infowars products, some of that money will go to kelly jones new boyfriend tyrone
>alt right is now paying for alex jones wife getting blacked

A man's wife could cheat on him, abuse the kids, and have a criminal record and she'll still always get custody no matter what. The """""justice""""" system is biased entirely in favour of women.

So, he's mostly right until he isn't, and it's up to the viewer to arbitrarily decide at which point he's going too far.

>I have no idea if he's actually insane or just playing it up as a character
He's just right. What he's saying is right, they do mix human and animal genes. Google it

A man wont get custody of his children jajajaja JUSTO

You mean like alex hounded grieving sandy hook families? Get fucked you subhuman weeb shit.

Sorry but if you're gonna say that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax and the families were all actors your gonna open yourself up to shit flinging

So was that video supposed to be supporting him? I thought it was trying to make light of him.

Good. He deserves it for shilling for that kikeloving subhuman Jew puppet Trump.

Do you have a news source that's always right and is never biased? I'll jump right on that, but for now I'm stuck between crazy Alex and crazy CNN. At least with Alex I know when he goes nuts

Oh come on.

Little kids belong with their respective Mothers, what's so hard to understand about this? men are too degenerate, not even memeing

50% numales
40% landwhales
10% otherkin

Sandy hook never happened, the custody battle did.

Isn't it always up to the viewer to decide that? I mean, if you blindly trust the MSM and left wing comedians then you aren't any better than any infowars listeners.

It's post-ironic non-comedy grandpa

Your morals are pathetic. What's right and what's wrong doesn't change just because you don't like the target.

If you really wanna know about the world, go to DrudgeReport

how many emotions does your anime girl folder cover, you silly little man


Jones is better than CNN and all the other autistic shitbags, you know, the ones who get paid by the ones who funded Clinton's campaign.

>like alex hounded grieving sandy hook families?

Got any source or video evidence of that? All I can find is Alex interviewing some people who said it was a hoax.

It's like poetry

But that doesn't really justify Alex Jones. The media being bad is not a good reason to turn to someone even less reliable and more prone to say crazy shit.

Alex Jones was cheating on his wife with this autistic twink anyway.

But Infowars is 90% Drudge articles when it comes to current day politics.

>even less reliable

How can an independent guy be less reliable than the corporate media?

I'm probably too dumb for right-wing memes cause I'm a leftist. They're just beyond me.


Alex isn't even right-wing

>alex jones
please louise

>doesn't really justify Alex Jones
Don't need to justify shit nignog, I like his show, it's fun. Justify why you're arguing on tv about Alex Jones with people you've never met. What are you getting out of this, weirdo?

Why do leftists always thinking about cuckshit?

Here's the thing, Colbert probably doesn't even want to make fun of this, but he has to keep reading the scripts because he sold his soul to the kikes.

I agree. But you seem like a faggot and should probably kill yourself.

Well, I'd say "Alt-Right", but people always tell me that's not a real thing. I have no idea what to call people that support Alex Jones and love calling other cucks.

>Alex isn't even right-wing

>he's right about most things

>I'm a leftists
Kill yourself, anti white faggot

You say while arguing with someone you never met about Alex Jones.
Why does anyone visit this board to begin with?

>he's just a coward

Yeah, that's worse. That's like way worse.

Yeah, it showed back when you guys tried to get Hillary elected. Why ARE you guys so bad at humor and memes?

>Under cross-examination he spoke not only about George Soros and overly potent marijuana, but also his taste for zebra meat and canned exotic game hunts, and confirmed that a big bowl of hot Texas chili caused him to forget details about his kids’ lives, which he’d referenced in his deposition.

Why the fuck would he pull this shit in a custody battle for his kids?

He deserves to lose. His kids shouldn't have to be subjected to this lunacy.

I don't even know what At-Right is so I don't know if Alex fits, is it supposed to be Sup Forums Hitler sympathizers or Trump supporters?

>in the year 2017
>or ever really