Has Star Wars killed her career?
Felicity Jones
one could only hope
She is so cute and innocent. I want to slap her face hard and spit in her mouth.
God really is merciful
don't be so vulgar user
then what?
deserves it for doing capeshit
She probably made more from Rogue One than from every other film she's ever been in combined. So, no, Star Wars didn't kill her career. Star Wars defined it.
>She will never give you strong sons
that's too romantic... fucking gentlemans
Then I facefuck her hard until she starts crying. I wipe those tears off with my dick and force her to rim me.
this is a sexual offensive pic of Felicity, please delete it
>that feel when no green-eyed gf
Like Crazy is legit a comfy movie.
The Theory of Everything is pretty good too.
TFW you'll never see Felicity Jones indie kino again.
>tfw no bunnyfu
why live?
keep going
Did she ever have a career before?
Then I put her into full nelson and fuck her virgin ass hard until it is a dark, swollen, gaping mess.
What an absolute qt
>tfw people say your girlfriend kinda looks like Felicity Jones
>she is also a qt bunnyfu
This is nice.
I push her face down into a toilet and finish deep inside her pussy, impregnating her.
Hence I create something beautiful through my vile acts. A true kinoisseur till the very end.
post your gf or stop spreading lies
>british women
>even once
>doodoo green
Get fucked, synpais.
She was a successful actress before Rogue One ("The Theory of Everything" won academy awards), but Rogue One was definitely her Hollywood breakthrough. She's a rich and famous actor now, not just a successful one.
If anything it boosted her reputation.
She's a pretty good actor, honestly, as were many of the cast of Rogue One. It's a shame the script was such a piece of shit.
She can charge $150 for autographs at Star Wars conventions now. Not many people can make that much money writing their name.
Theory of everything was fucking terrible.
How much does she charge for a dirty panty?
did she even have a career before?
How much does she charge for a handy?
Yes. Why do people keep asking this? She was successful before Star Wars, now she's wildly successful.
Oh come the fuck on. It was at least a 6/10. Get the fuck out of here with your unrealistic standards.
Oh come the fuck on. It was at least a 6/10. Get the fuck out of here with your pompous, unrealistic standards.
more of this pls
I need to know this information as well
>not terrible
IGN pls
I have an urge to rub my penile gland all over her bunny mouth
Everything is hyperbole for you faggots. If it's not "amazing" it's "terrible." No in between. Fucking Amerifats.
did you link the wrong post?
yeah i did, meant for: my bad
>implying you wouldn't spill spaghetti as soon as she was in front of you
she's really cute and all but I dont think I'd be able to stay with a woman who literally can't keep her mouth shut
I heard she's going to be the mommy mouse in the live action Secret of NIMH reboot.
>live action Secret of NIMH reboot
that sounds like it's going to suck.
Sounds more like you fell for bait.
But rebellions are built on hope.