
I just watched the entire series. That was some good tv.

When's the movie coming out?

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Dan Harmon has blown all the good will he had in Hollywood. The movie is never coming.

Also Alison Brie has JUSTed.

I'm not familiar with what's happening on this timeline. Give me the rundown.

Harmon still gets work, isn't Rick and Morty his baby? What happened to Annie?

Never. The series ran out if momentum long before it ended and if they did a movie now no one would really care.

First three seasons are elder god tier. Then the rest are literal worse-than-shit tier.

Shame, but it's over now.

Annie got older.

the problem is Community was built off an amazing actually diverse cast but then eventually half the cast split off including Troy which kind of ruins the entire dynamic of the show so they keep shoving in all these new characters that have no good interactions

Agreed. The back-and-forth with the original cast is some of the best television of all time, the latter seasons just don't feel like the same show. Fuck NBC and fuck Donald Glover for pursuing his shitty music career.

Harmon was really crass about the Chevy Chase thing, then he got really shitty on social media and bullied a kid, then his 20-something wife left him, then he acted like an ass all through the election.

He's not ruined, but he's lowered his profile a lot. If he keeps his head down and does well on Rick and Morty he can probably win back some respect, but he's always been kind of a damaged asshole so who knows.


even the season that was on Yahoo? Damn, OP, thats commitment.

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

I would agree with you if he just kept rapping but his soul album is fucking great

>the problem is Community was ... eventually half the cast split off
the problem was that too many people fucked with what made the first two seasons work and then the actors didn't want to be a part of it.

I never really bought her being a teenager at season 1. She's still hella cute regardless of age though.

Oh. He'll bounce back. Everyone does. Look at RDJ.

Yeah and I enjoyed every season. I thought Chang was a bit underused in the last season though.

Love that show, watched it between cramming for final year exams last year, stopped once I reached season 4 though

Need to pick it up again

June cant come soon enough

I would lick Alison Brie.

>new characters that have no good interactions
pleb, elroy and frankie were both good characters

>Annie will never running kick you in the balls

Season four is really the only one that's worse-than-shit tier.

Five is okay, although the older guy from Breaking Bad really didn't seem to fit in to me.

Six was a lot better than five and the finale was great.

Six only had 4 good eps

But which 4?

Dan Harmon left the show in season 4 for coming back in season 5 right? That season was shit the rest was pretty good, but the true gold are season 1 to 3.

I dont remember they catch the true asscrack bandit in the end?

>I dont remember they catch the true asscrack bandit in the end?

In the finale it was implied that Annie was the asscrack bandit