
Why havn't you embraced anarcho-syndicalism yet?

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I'm not a retarded leaf.

Leaf, please read all of this.

Great canned response.

/Pure Anarchist/ poster here

>Necessary Town Halls
>No more leeches
>Freedom, Peace, Harmony
>Way more importance in families

Trump is part of the problem. Coercive government is the problem.

Don't tell these statists that.

They're to busy fantasizing about slobbering on Trump's knob.


I don't need to read that to know that Syndicalism is coercive in itself. Pure Anarchy is the ideal

I'm already more than familiar with mises literature. I used to be an anarch-capitalist and I've also take multiple university level classes in economics in both macro and microeconomics.

I'm just feeling alittle disillusioned with the whole show at this point.

Why isn't there an anarchist militia in Syria?

Not an argument.

Alright give me a point to argue then. You can't just throw an article at someone to read, that isn't how politcal debate happens.

I'm waiting. Pick a point of contention.

Or are you just shitposting stephen quotes?

I am national-syndicalism

It's an idea for people who think livestock should run the farm

Fascists would equate humans to livestock


Actually, there are anarchist groups operating with the Kurds.

Whats the point though? All sorts of groups are involved in that shit show.

If niggers and muslims are involved, i'm not in it.

Who runs the farm now?

>muh language acquistion device
Don't fucking call me Chomsky.


It's up to you to start your own commune. Realistically speaking communes only have up to around 50 people and tend to be short lived.

>8 hours labour

wagecuck alert

You're right it's time for the 4 hour work day.

Thats Anarcho-capitalism for me


The Capitalist-Socialist spectrum is a lie senpai

Go ahead, put an argument out there.

Or are you afraid to debate politics on a political board?

Much better. Frankly given modern technology and the coming advances we could probably have even less.

I don't think of myself as a syndicalist/communist given their love of work. Laziness is good. Read Russell.

Fascists would be correct.

Most human beings are barely above the intelligence of simians. I refuse to let retards who can barely follow a bus schedule dictate the amount of goods produced.

because, does consent exist?

no, it really isn't

private ownership of the means of production is the only way to not violate others consent

I have tho

Pick one

Isn't that the thingy where unions control everything? oh yeah sounds great.

anarcho-syndicalists are a front group for the communists, which want to control everything and make bob avakian god emperor of mankind.

Oh I didn't think you'd actually read it. Do you think anything in the article is wrong or fallacious? If you want me to pick something of contention, then the claim that anarcho-syndicalism has no mechanism for allocating resources, the Auban question, the falsehood of the labor theory of value, the fact that cooperatives are not exclusive to anarcho-syndicalism.

""""""""""""""""""""""""""Anarcho"""""""""""""""""""""""""" collectivist ideologies

There is only the Anarchy-Monarchy spectrum. Either someone rules you or someone doesn't. If you pay taxes the government owns you

Why aren't you a queer anarchist?


Wait.. Isn't man a social animal? Aren't advanced societies based on competition and co-operation?

The proper response is

Come on man, even Reddit isn't that dumb.

kek you should check out r/anarchism and r/socialism

Reddit is bad at everything they do.

Never been there.

Don't really want to now.

>is Anarchist
>but pays taxes

I cant I try to but I cant

then capitalism is anarchy

and I am an anarcho capitalist

National Syndicalism is the way to go.

Why haven't you accepted Anarcho-Primitivism yet?

That's just socialism.

>There are Anarcho-Capitalists posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

I think that alot of the criticisms are valid in the article frankly.

Capitalism is well suited for high density groups. Anarchism functions well in low density groups.

I'm a pragmatist that doesn't believe in any world revolution stuff. But I am sure that humans were not meant to live like this. I think that it would be perfectly possible to create small communes that function fine within a larger capitalist network.

Literally not an argument

cause i want to go to space

>I think that it would be perfectly possible to create small communes that function fine within a larger capitalist network.
Assuming that it's voluntary I doubt anyone would have a problem with this.

It was close to fascism.


because i prefer being /comfy/ than living in a shitbrick hut

Those are two very different things.

Believe it or not, actual political debate requires more than frog posting.

lol go to the amazon rainforest if you want that m8

I mean Sup Forums wouldn't exist under primitivism, how shit would life be?


>Believe it or not, actual political debate requires more than frog posting.

I don't like the flag faggot leaf.

Fuck off communist idealist asshole with you disgusting propaganda threads.

Seems kinda hypocritical to advocate for a return to a non-technological society on the internet.

I don't know if this is ad hominem or not though.

>Why haven't you accepted Anarcho-Primitivism yet?
It's nice to have anti-biotics.

There's that word again.

>Seems kinda hypocritical to advocate for a return to a non-technological society on the internet.

So you can't use existing societal platforms to spread an alternative message? Fuck off.

pls stop

>I don't know if this is ad hominem or not though.
It's a tu quoque fallacy, but Anarcho-primitivism is retarded so I'll let it pass.


>Fuck off

I also said that I wasn't sure if it was ad hominem or not. You have to acknowledge that this issue was bound to come up when you introduced the topic.

You shoudn't get so upset at what is probably one of the most common criticisms of your movement.

Anyways, I have nothing against your neo-primitivist ways. I still don't see how in today's world it would be any different than hermitism. You should check /out/ if you're serious about being homeless, they have some seasoned vagabonds.

>Most human beings are barely above the intelligence of simians

Jesus man. That is a really mean thing to say. You should probably learn alittle humility.

>I refuse to let retards who can barely follow a bus schedule dictate the amount of goods produced.

According to capitalism they do exactly that with their money.

Ted, they let you have internet in prison? Why haven't you responded to my fan letters I've sent you?

You're confusing anarcho-syndicalism with anarcho-primitivism.

They are two very, very different things.