Now, when Johnny Depp is becoming box office poison, will WB recast Grindelwald? They could just use another Revealio spell and make him look like someone else.
Now, when Johnny Depp is becoming box office poison, will WB recast Grindelwald...
>oh wow, Collin Farrel was his real form all along
what was even the fucking point of this "reveal?"
like, oh my god, the asshole villain of this movie was actually... an asshole villain! This changes nothing! Wow!
Cumberbatch playing highly intelligent powerful socipath. How innovative.
Handsome charismatic asshole turned into drug addicted, wife beating asshole.
I honestly didn't recognize him as Johnny Depp.
Fuck Jonny Depp for this shit.
Jacob was the best part of the movie anyway.
>bad guy was inside the Ministry of Magic for years and no one noticed
>hundreds of experienced wizards never tried to use an innocuous spell like Revealio on him
>magic amnesia rain affects even people who are inside their homes
>the baker is the only exception for some reason
What a shit movie.
>Will we die...just a little?
What did he mean by this? Seriously, what did he mean by it?
>>the baker is the only exception for some reason
it did affect him though
I don't know. But in my language it is dubbed: "One of us have to die" Completely changes meaning.
Baker had deep connection with that bird after they met.
After taking the rain directly. He was fine inside the subway station.
Rowling is a hack
Pretty sure that's Jude Law under the Depp mask.
And under that is Heat Legend
how was the audience suppose to know who this character was?
80% of fans read books so they will pardon every mistake and stupidness because they already know facts from books.
is fantastic beasts good? HP is one of the few mainstream series I actually like
they show the character from behind in the prologue/intro with the same hairstyle
Has a cute boys in it. Farrel is a delight.
Fogler was also fun.
The story could've... been better though.
>Has a cute boys in it.
pic not fucking related, ugly fish lipped hmong
Well, there's Newt too if Credence ain't to your liking.
Also, sorry for whatever the fuck I wrote there, barely typing after this shit work week.
pretty much.
i thought it was his weird way of saying goodbye. like people say "everytime i saygoodbye, i die a little" but shit i really dont know