Why do light-skinned people create everything and dark-skinned people suck? Thoughts about this scientific observation?

Why do light-skinned people create everything and dark-skinned people suck? Thoughts about this scientific observation?

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There's no explanation?

God color coding his children.

Mark of Cain?

>maintainer race

just kill yourself, my man

In Africa you can live without hunting, farming, reading or clothing.
In Europe the weather alone will kill you if you do not invent and work your ass off.


People with lighter skin lived in harsher conditions, so they had to evolve to be more intelligent.

>creator race

Light skin is an adaptation to harsh cold climates where humans have to fight off the elements and adapt
Dark skinned people live in warm climates where they don't have to take much effort to guarantee self-perservation
Skin color is only a symptom, not a cause

Those are Dravidians.

>Dark skinned people live in warm climates where they don't have to take much effort to guarantee self-perservation
Yeah except those who live in the fucking desert.

Natives of this planet are primitive Adamic light skinned man was the later addition - refugees from solar system wars. The original "gods" were reptile men according to African tribal traditions. White skinned beings came later.

If not aryan, what would we blue eyed blonde men be?

The high caste Indian is a subgroup of Aryan, just like Persians.

Germanics are also Aryan.

literally 4/5 of my "aryan" friends are extremely narcissistic and fill the typical dumb blonde role. when will this meme end?

But the "aryan" man in the picture is so dark

When your people are righteous and with god they become white and delightsome.

Christian or just non-muslim arabs are as maintainer as it gets
>see lebanon

Explain Eskimos

On that note, the part of the blessing that God gave the Ishmael the father of the Arabs inthe OldTestament/Torah was:
He'll be a wild donkey of a man. He'll be against everyone, and everyone will be against him. He will live in conflict with all of his relatives."
Note that the blessing basically extends to his offspring, like with Isaac.

th-thanks yhwh

dark people created light people

>we wuz indians and shieet
what about just germanic?

Melanin makes you more animalistic and gives you a higher sex drive.

>James Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928) is an American molecular biologist, geneticist and zoologist, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA in 1953 with Francis Crick. Watson, Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material".[5]

>While speaking at a conference in 2000, Watson had suggested a link between skin color and sex drive, hypothesizing that dark-skinned people have stronger libidos.[82][83] His lecture argued that extracts of melanin – which gives skin its color – had been found to boost subjects' sex drive. "That's why you have Latin lovers," he said, according to people who attended the lecture. "You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English Patient."[84]

If white people won't stop being so beta you will be out-muh dicked by the brown horde.

nice rhetorical device, they didn't "create" anything, we branched off and went through more difficult evolutionary conditions

idk their cool I guess, they just sort of do their own thing from what I've seen

t. Pajeet

>literally no available resources
>ethnicity didn't die off

if there was ever a group of niggers in the arctic they would have died off within the first generation.

oh schlomo~

Ehh India kinda proves this wrong. North has more of white skinned people and it's a festering shithole.

Southies are darker but are generally better off with some of the state's and cities having eastern European levels of HDI

That big ass monkey nose is the mark of Cain.


There are no people living in the desert and blacks never crossed the sahara

Brown people created complex math systems, developed many metallurgical processes, improved sailing, surgeru and some of the food conservation methods for the harshest enviroments. Also ridiculous ammounts of art, medicine, astrology, work with pigments, color t.v. etc.
White people developed the best farming, herding, ways to tax people and kill each other, improved on the construction of buildings, sewage, roads and societal control. Also lots of art, communications, land and air vehicles, etc.

What did blacks ever create?

From my perspective they have a rightful claim on the invention of peanut butter

>eastern european levels of HDI

a lot of the greek mathematicians and scientists were north african and sorta dark, so, your premise is defective

also, there's tons better looking asian chicks -- you had one job, OP

I lived in greenland doing some extremely overpaid, extremelly creepy house-sitting/guard job for three years.
Living a whole life in those conditions without commiting suicide like every other house-sitter before me, means you're a fucking hardass.

>a lot of the greek mathematicians and scientists were north african and sorta dark

I always thought that light-skinned people evolved in a community that was dependent on figuring out how to live in a society and how to cooperate. These needs led to a more intelligent group. Whereas, dark-skinned people were more likely to be more tribal, being more dependent on physical abilities, such as endurance.

Black skin comes from never mastering nature white skin comes from mastering nature... It's easy

White people are just niggers who got smart and moved inside out of the elements

george clooney barely looks white. he could easily be in the second category and i wouldn't bat an eyelash.

A lot of Greek scientists and mathematicians were Greek actually

You're going to need to move Arab to Inhabitant due to their constant IQ-destroying inbreeding.

They actually created the designated shitting street

Germanic people are a branch off of the larger Aryan race that originated in northern (pre-poo) India. Ironically enough, Slavs are another branch off of this group as well.

Also, blonde hair and blue eyes are not definitive Aryan traits. They were developed only in Scandinavia thousands of years after the larger race had already diverged. Saying that all Aryans are Northern Europeans is sort of a myth perpetuated by Hitler.

This works for basically all caucasian and mongloid sub races but a couple of South Indian ethnicities. It is quite amazing how well it works.

i think the ice age they were in 10k years ago isnt exactly moving out of the elements

Wow, you're really onto something OP! It's almost as though the SLC24A5 gene has something to do with something because stuff and reasons! Now you have the hypothesis, you just have to confirm it. We'll wait here patiently. Surely you and/or modern science will deliver.

Guys shills!
Stop replying to this garbage.
It is clogging the forum.

The word Aryan is Sanskrit you dumb faggot. Look it up. It comes from India. Here's a shocking plot twist; People who come from India or who have a language develop there over thousands of years (like Sanskrit) tend to be dark skinned thanks to evolutionary adaptation to the region's climate. 18th century Europeans had an assumption of white superiority so when they heard of the Aryan ruling class in ancient India they assumed they must be white Europeans. People like Hitler merely inherited this myth and embraced it. Coz they were fucktards. Or, y'know, prove to me using the historical record that a group of whites quickly moved to and conquered the subcontinent and ruled it before somehow vanishing or breeding into the local populace. Show your work; DNA evidence etc.

Asians are maintainers. IQ wise they may be above whites, but their genetic predisposition towards collectivism means they can't into innovation. They simply refine what others create.

I1 and R1b Europeans are the only true creator groups as evidenced by any statistic involving discoveries in science and the arts.

>Asians are maintainers. IQ wise they may be above whites, but their genetic predisposition towards collectivism means they can't into innovation. They simply refine what others create
>Talking about people who had civilizations thousands of years before white people stopped sleeping in their own dung piles

because different races were born in different locations in the world and some locations had more resources leading to faster development.

I got you bro. The reason is that people who had to survive in cold climates with winter also had to evolve greater intelligence, impulse control, ability to cooperate etc.

Colder climate also means less sun, so the people in these areas also developed lighter skin to more effectively take in sun light.

wew lad look how big asia is

Whites evolved to adapt and better themselves because of it, shitskins did not.

It's actually more like the other way around. Peoples from areas rich in natural resources didn't have to develop technologies to support their population growth.

>What makes skin darker is melanin
>Darker skin has more melanin, lighter skin has less
>Melanin isn't free, it takes resources and nutrients to form all that melanin
>Thus, more melanin obviously means less something else

It's not rocket science, where's my biology nobel?

That's dumb. The same thing could be used to say that pygmies are smarter than Europeans.
It's the climate, and the need for lighter skin and greater intelligence both to survive in colder climates.

>can live in large population groups without fear of breakdown of violence