Fox McCloud, I'm Star Wolf
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Shit, thought I had missed the new episode. Glad to see it's coming along nicely.
*shines in your path*
there is about a 420% chance that whoever animated that is a furfag
He's not. He just really likes Star Fox.
What is this?
Star Fox Cartoon
Yes he is. His fursona is Fredryk Fox. He has a FA and goes to conventions
When is episode 2? First episode was surprisingly decent
If it's who I think it is, he used to be an anti furfag furfag.
He's obviously a furfag. He liked zootopia
What happened to the patreon for this? Was it shut down or did he get enough money to do starfox full time?
afaik it's pretty much just him hand-animating everything, so it takes a while
He does stream pretty often though, if you want to get a better sense of how it's coming.
im in the library, is this good? is this all there is? i feel like ive seen this somewhere before
give me a quick rundown
It's 10 minutes long man, do you not have headphones?
I thought it was pretty good, but taste is relative.
It's like 70's starfox, what more can you say?
i didnt bring headphones because i didnt want to get distracted lol but here i am
anybody have a paper topic involving european exploitation movies from last century?
They showed his stuff at some con I went to, I forget the name it was in DC. He was there with a guy in a star fox fursuit.
Quit procrastinating and study, you fuck.
this sucks. They make Fox sound like a whiny bitch
I wanna smell fox's butt :3
Better that element of characterization than him being a beige hero #948573