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The North Koreans have spoken
is that real? lmao
Who /enjoys a fleshlight in the cold moonlight with a sad clown skyping via satellite/ here?
You're a fucking idiot
>tfw im the sad clown
Was this song supposed to be a joke?
>You can have sex on a bed or in a tent
>whether or not you have their consent
Too fucking far Raimi
Am I the only one here who does a voice for my baginer?
>all this fucking degeneracy
I for one can wait for Slaanesh comes into existence.
I still don't understand how a musical number about Holocaust was appropriate in a movie about Spiderman.
>If your wife is getting bored
>it might be time to grab some toys
>or just book a flight to taiwan
>so you can fuck some ladyboys
How was this allowed on tv?
>that's exactly the right message
You think science is some kind of joke?
>my vagina has a voice
>not a literal voice
>a metaphorical voice
I thought it was perfect, really nailed the white identity of Peter Parker
>implying sexuality isn't on a spectrum
>implying people shouldn't have the right to say they're an attack helicopter
There was literally nothing wrong with this moment, if you have a problem with free and open expression then congrautions, you're a nazi.
.t berkeley
I cringed so hard when Bill started dancing, it literally killed any respect I once had for him from my childhood. Like, I can't even see how someone could enjoy this song without being forced to by the producers.
actually a good thing they are coming out, makes it that much easier to clear those freaks out and straighten out the gene pool.
what was the point in this song? was it about sexuality, like being bi or gay? or was it about gender and being trans or otherkin or whatever?
what if I identify myself as a child molester?
what the fuck was he thinking in this very moment?
>Now i can afford that pool i've been wanting.
>But at what cost?
You're just age fluid. No big deal
i kek everytime
>My sex junk
>Is so
>Oh oh oh
>Butt stuff
>Ya Bill Nye
>The Weimer guy
is this kino
Very courageous, my company will give you a million dollars to show we aren't childdiddler-ists, also we will vote for you with or seat in the panel for the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm personally going to pay my lawyer to help you adopt a child you can molest. and if we can't because it's illegal we will help you illegally do it and protest until it's legal.
what were they fucking thinking..............
>talk about peoples right to choose
>want to ban guns, and gasoline
>want to force people to get vaccines and abortions
What if I have a problem with self-congratulating expression?
nu/pol/ disgusts me
You can't underestimate how retarded the alt-right is. I mean just look at the threads that have been popping up recently.
Why would anybody have a problem with that? It doesn't affect you, just carry on living your life as normal. It makes feel better, literally no downside to it other than triggering the alt-right
tfw featherless biped
>things that don't affect others ≠ things that do
would kiss her benis
These people need to stop appropriating my culture.
>muh guns kill people, muslims don't
Was there a scientific basis behind this statement?
>62k dislikes on the video
Oh Billy boy it must be eating you up inside that your indoctrination techniques just aren't working.
>hugs the women
>shakes the man's hand
high lel
Sup Forums and other trolls don't count son
>62k dislikes
>video posted by Sup Forumstard, reposted by other Sup Forumstards around r/leredpill, Sup Forums and 8ch
That's exactly the right message OP!
>4/10 on IMDB
>he turns a little knob
>there's a very brief, faint noise and then the song goes back to normal as if Bill hadn't done anything
>he dances as if he just dropped the bass
>The difference between professional reviewers and average viewer scum
paid "critics" don't either
>Based on 5 critics
The original one, not the one by Mark. Why would Mark's viewers dislike his videos?
>that gif
In the episode about alternative medicine, why did they include a segment that focuses on race?
How much are you getting paid by Bill Nye you degenerate fucks?
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
It can go both ways idiot.
That's fine if you want to express yourself the way you want, but it doesn't mean I don't have to respect it or like it.
% of votes are 1s, doesn't even approach a normal distribution
>sex how i want eh?
Le ebil racist trolls can't stop people from liking a video. So why are only 1% of the ratings likes?
ableist trash
this was legitimately the most cringe-worthy piece of media ive seen in a while. the audience wasnt laughing, her singing was just ridiculous, and choreography was awful as well. they completely missed the mark on the "lol so bad its funny" thing i think they were aiming for.
>why are liberals so unfunny?
>scientists believe in evolution and that we're all just animals
>animals all have their own packs and almost always kill any animal of the same species that is not part of the pack
>it's somehow unacceptable for humans to do the same according to (((scientists)))
Why the double standards?
>that bulge
Is that a puffy vulva or actually a boy?
You can't underestimate how retarded the left is. I mean just look at the shit "comedy" shows that have been popping up in the past decade.
This is one of the shows writers:
Its a good show
Just this episode sucked
So that's why Sup Forums had to dox the girl. They wanted to impress this other girl.
>that fat chick in the background standing up so desperately for the teacher's cock and sitting down extremely fast as her dreams of getting dick are shattered because of her ugly face
You need to include the dramatic pause before that.
>it's a good show
To be honest, this is the best response she could have made.
I don't think anyone else wants to review it desu
Yes. She's a comedian not a musician.
I sexually identify as the senate. Ever since I was a chancellor, I've dreamed of soaring over Alderaan, firing hot superlasers at pitiful rebels. People say to me that being the senate is "impossible," and "he's too dangerous to be kept alive," but I don't care, I have unlimited power. I'm having my stormtroopers install 15,000 turbolaser batteries and 768 tractor beam emplacements on my fully armed and operation battle station. From now on, I want you guys to call me "Emperor Sheev" and respect my right to zap people with force lightning. If you can't accept me, you're a jedi traitor and need to check your midichlorian privilege.
Thank you for being so understanding.
in the movie its made especially clear that the man doesnt like the fatty
its pretty funny
I want my sex with adolescent girls
it's my goddamn right
I don't know why you guys are making such a big fuss about it, if I was aging and couldn't get any good work because everyone sees me as a very popular character I played a while ago, I'd do far more than shit on that popular character's name for a little bit of money
Did not expect Schulmadchen report posting today.
What film?
No seriously, wtf is this?
Western Asians are the worst degenerate subhuman trash
no idea which one tho there is like 10 different ones
>I was reading Something Awful in high school. I owe him. And anything you dislike is influenced by him.
lol explains everything. We never did our duty and now we are reaping the outcome.
What about people with only one leg?
I feel very cheated
Think about how depressing Bill Nye must be. You're only known as Bill Nye the Science Guy thanks to a kids show. That's your claim to fame and now you exist to push some agenda about how women are men.
I found it on youtube but look at the comments there
One guy is saying "this is the apocalypse thanks Merkel" and the rest is Arabic speaking people asking for sex and dropping their mobile numbers in the youtube comments??
Damn she looks cute